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View Poll Results: r. card was used, post-racist soc., new racism
I think so. 3 23.08%
I don't think so. 4 30.77%
Obama’s campaign did NOT use the race card. Otherwise agree. 0 0%
We are not a post-racist society. Otherwise agree. 2 15.38%
Racism will not be re-kindled. Otherwise agree. 0 0%
Disagree, but coming administration will greatly fuel racism. 3 23.08%
President-Elect Obama will heal our racial divides. 1 7.69%
Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-09-2008, 05:35 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post
1399 The poll show the younger generation rocked the vote! The polls also said the younger generation realized it was up to them to make sure they had a future. As one young man said, we younger people realized early in the game our parent generation wasn't about change, so we took the lead!

My kids drag me to the polls, they all voted Obama, I wrote in! I was overwhelmed by just how many young people were there from our small town, it was a good thing. This Election was the first time I ever saw all three of my kids get so involved, they watch the debates and ever other thing that had to do with this Election. It the end they decided, they all switch from Republicans to Democrat in support of Obama, I support their choice!

By the way my daughter has a button that reads...

Another REDNECK "ELITIST" For Obama...
What sort of change though? "Change" has become sadly another one of those sound bites that is never really defined. What sort of changes did our nation need, that it never had before, that Obama can bring...one that Clinton, Bush, Carter, Reagan and others did not?
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:25 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post
I voted for Barack Obama.

I've previously voted Republican since 1976.

I resent the implication that I voted for Obama out of some pansy-liberal "white guilt."

But of course these right wingers will continue to live in their fantasy world and refuse to look at the REAL reasons Bush Republicanism was soundly trounced and repudiated.
If we don't look at those real reasons, the Republicans will be trounced again, again and again-- regardless of who they send up.
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:58 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I hate to say this because of what others might think, but I feel like most black people voted for Obama because he is black...for no other reason to say "Finally! We got a black person in the white house"...that some how this means something....but it reminds me of the mindset that we had here in LA when they acquitted Simpson. It seemed to me that a lot of people did not care if he was guilty or not...him getting freedom represented something to a lot of black people.

I'd love to have a black president...honestly I don't care what race or sex one is....I care more about what that president will represent domestically and abroad. When we care more about sound bites and skin color and not domestic and foreign policy for a leader we have truly lost our way as a nation IMO.
Is that why the black community voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, every other Dem in the last few decades, and would have voted for Hilary should she have won the nomination?

The black community was going to vote Dem no matter what...having a black candidate was just an unexpected privelege for most.
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Old 11-10-2008, 12:07 AM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Is that why the black community voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, every other Dem in the last few decades, and would have voted for Hilary should she have won the nomination?

The black community was going to vote Dem no matter what...having a black candidate was just an unexpected privelege for most.

Some folks tend to forget about that.

I dare say there was more than 1 Black person who voted for Sen. McCain.

I say again, had President elect Obama ran as a Republican, he would be Sen. Obama today, if this election rode on the "Black vote."
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Old 11-10-2008, 12:53 AM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Is that why the black community voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, every other Dem in the last few decades, and would have voted for Hilary should she have won the nomination?

The black community was going to vote Dem no matter what...having a black candidate was just an unexpected privelege for most.
I think the stats this time are MORE black people voted for Obama. I don't think they necessarily would have voted for Hillary en masse, but Im not necessarily talking about voting but the result AFTER the fact

Hillary lost the black vote during the primaries....

Someone posted stats on this board that more black people voted for Obama that have ever voted Democrat before
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Old 11-10-2008, 12:55 AM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Some folks tend to forget about that.

I dare say there was more than 1 Black person who voted for Sen. McCain.

I say again, had President elect Obama ran as a Republican, he would be Sen. Obama today, if this election rode on the "Black vote."
Someone posted stats recently showing a much larger percentage than before voting democrat. Would that have happened with Clinton? I don't know. I admit I could be wrong.
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  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 11-10-2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
So President Obama is a "non-Christian"?

What is he then?
You misunderstand. I was rhetorically asking what the average non-Christian would make of the vote, within the context of a voting block nearly unanimously supporting the punishment of initiative and achievement.

I have the Holy Ghost and biblical convictions against racism. I wonder if OTHER people, specifically non-Christian whites, will succumb to this new temptation to revert to an older world view.
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Old 11-10-2008, 01:08 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
The greatest fear of many whites is to be accused of racism. This is a rational fear, because it can be a career-ender, even if the accusation is groundless. Since most people do not understand the difference between racism (a sin) and prejudice (a sometimes erroneous judgment call), many have what is called "white guilt." It is the irrational feeling that an individual middle class white person is somehow personally responsible for the lower standard of living of a minority.

Voting for a "black" man is the ultimate absolution for people with such feelings. It is a near-religious experience, and temporarily soothes their conscience. However, such people are easily manipulated by peer pressure and other devices, so it won't be long before they are convinced that voting was a good start, but as of yet they haven't given nearly enough.

I could be wrong. We shall see.
Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post

People, that is the (WHITES FOLKS) only voted Obama in due to color or some guilt! He was voted in because he stood for the change they (WHITES FOLKS) wanted!!

So I guess the (BLACK FOLKS) who voted McCain did it out slave mentality, not because he stood for what they wanted!!!

As someone who's part black and French, married to a black man find this type of thinking beyond words!!!
There is a subtle distinction that you missed. I did not say that the phenomenon of white guilt toward the black race is the only reason whites voted for Obama. Most of Obama's supporters were energized and motivated by his hope and change message, and a pungent distaste for the Bush administration and its policies.

However, it would be sheer folly to deny the effect of the continual undercurrent of conditioning that Americans experience in virtually every arena of their lives. Conditioning to conform. Conditioning to abstain from judging. Conditioning to acquiesce to demands from special interest groups.

This conditioning contributed IMMENSELY to the complete lack of negative press about president-elect Obama. Only now are those responsible for informing the public becoming curious about what sort of person he is, and what he is likely to do. There is not much of a record that can be used to extrapolate.

Do you believe that Bush lied us into war and countless irresponsible deaths?

I am currently experiencing a personal rennaissance toward a place where I feel no responsibility whatsoever for the condition of "other people" no matter what their color. There are countless stories of people taking initiative to improve their lot in life and succeeding at the American Dream. This country has the fewest obstacles in the world for those who wish to ascend to the next income level / class of society.

None of my ancestors were in this country during the time of slavery. Those who clamor for reparations are frauds conjuring a false pity - a pity of the uninvolved living for the acts of those long dead upon others long dead. It's over, and I'm over it.
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Old 11-10-2008, 04:14 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

The Tampa Bay Tribune did a story this week and they interviewed my older brother as part of it. Here is an excerpt:

Kenneth Stewart, pastor of Tampa's Tabernacle of Hope, didn't vote for Obama and doesn't agree with all his policies. Even still, the father of three girls was struck when he saw Obama come out on stage with his wife and two daughters Tuesday night.

"That could be my family," the Pentecostal preacher thought to himself.

Stewart, the son of an Army drill sergeant (I'm guessing they didn't want to say church missionary so they went back to his former self ), doesn't usually show his emotions. At that moment, he did.

"I told my wife that there are country clubs we still can't join in this country, but now an African-American will be residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave."

There's much to like about the president-elect, though, and Stewart said he would give him the support he needs in these difficult times.

"People think because we have a black president, all of a sudden, overnight, things are going to change," Stewart said. "Until we stop making self-destructive choices, nothing is going to change."
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Old 11-10-2008, 08:49 PM
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Re: Are we now proven to be a post-racist society?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Someone posted stats recently showing a much larger percentage than before voting democrat. Would that have happened with Clinton? I don't know. I admit I could be wrong.

I think that whoever the Democrats put forward would have carried "the Black vote" like the Democrats always do.

Had Clinton earned the nod, she would have been supported.

Had Sen. Obama earned the nod as a Republican, he would be Sen. Obama, not President elect Obama.

This fact defies the notion that the majority of the Black voters who voted Democrat this time voted for Sen. Obama simply because of his race.
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