Originally Posted by Jeanie
You know what?
What the world is wrong with getting a little indigent about what you see going on in your country?
I trust in God, I know God is in control-duh!
But havent we learned ANYTHING from history???
I know I am going to quote this wrong but--did someone say-Bad things happen when Good men do NOTHING? (perhaps someone can give me the correct quote)
Here in Ca. we got very passionate about Prop 8- and it is passing!
I dont want what happened in Canada to happen here!! Hello!
You can be indignant about all you like about what you see happening.
Fact is you have to look at things objectively.
A lot of this mess started under the Republicans.
If things were so great under Bush, people would have voted en mass for McCain.
Will Obama be better?
I don't think so.
What is this reference to Canada?
We have had Liberals/Conservatives in power for the past 15 years.
In that 15 years they have had 'Balanced Budgets" & in the past 10 years have paid 80 - 90 Billion on the Government Deficit.
Sound socialist or Republican to you?
Yes we have Gay marriage--so do you.
It is a world wide phenomenon indicative of the end time more than a particular President.
Remember I said that this board was "Bi-Polar?"
Is God coming back?
Are things going to go to pot first?
Yes, most likely.
Will Christians face hardships & yes persecution?
So, if that is happening, there is not "much" we can do about it.
We can sit and mope or we can try to build a Church with people redeemed for God, knowing that this whole Earth is under God's Judgment!
Act 1:6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying,
Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
Act 1:7 And he said unto them, I
t is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.