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Old 09-25-2008, 05:18 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: Dangerous?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I guess the counter argument is that the guy wants some closure.

the problem is how do you safely let the guy in the house?

How do you set up a meeting with the guy that doesnt risk being some kind of set up?
Ask him to call the police and they can escort or lead him to what he left in the house if that is the case. Other than that I would tell him that closure happens right now, this very second. Never come to this door again unless you are invited.

If I were the husband, I would park my car around the block and just wait for this guy. I would be carrying a couple of baseballs in my hand and a bat. See how he likes a 90mph fastball from 10 feet....oops
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Old 09-25-2008, 05:24 PM
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Re: Dangerous?

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Ask him to call the police and they can escort or lead him to what he left in the house if that is the case. Other than that I would tell him that closure happens right now, this very second. Never come to this door again unless you are invited.

If I were the husband, I would park my car around the block and just wait for this guy. I would be carrying a couple of baseballs in my hand and a bat. See how he likes a 90mph fastball from 10 feet....oops
I'm with you. only I would be wondering if he can catch a bullet with his teeth.

second ferd rule, strange man with violent history has no access to my family.
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:47 PM
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Re: Dangerous?

Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Call the police and also invest in a gun!!!!
Do you have an alarm system? Might be a worthwhile investment right now.
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:15 PM
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Re: Dangerous?

The last thing you should allow yourself to feel is like you are being mean to the old man who killed his wife and who's son killed his family.

If God sent that man to you to win to the Lord, he'd have sent him when your husband was home and you would not have fear.

Glad you have a gun. Take every precaution... lots of good advice being given.
You'll be in my prayers.
Mrs. LPW

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Old 09-26-2008, 02:28 AM
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Re: Dangerous?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Esther, please be careful. Notify the police, get the name of the policman you talk to...and make sure your house is locked at all times...I would anoint my house with oil and pray over it and the same thing outside..
Love you and will ask prayer for you and yours.
Sis. Alvear, this is such great advice.

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Old 09-26-2008, 06:35 AM
bethola bethola is offline
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Re: Dangerous?

My early morning thoughts on this are that he is an elderly man who may be suffering from dementia. He's "stuck" on the idea of getting in the house, for whatever reason.

That being said, don't let him in the house and keep your doors locked. He has a violent past. Every time he comes to the door...call law enforcement. It may be that they can get him the "assistance" he needs.

Beth in KY
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Old 09-26-2008, 07:59 AM
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Re: Dangerous?

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I had an interesting situation about 45 minutes ago.

Some of you may remember the house we just bought the previous owner killed his wife and two children and then he was killed.

This guys father also killed his first wife by strangling her, so this family has a violent past.

The father came by on Mothers Day of this year right after we moved in and asked my husband if he could come in and see the house. As we had not been in hardly any time and still had a lot of unpacking to do, we say no not at this time.

In the meantime, my neighbor told us his history and told us do NOT have anything to do with this man. He is probably 80 years old now.

Well today while I'm home alone and my neighbor is gone, he came and opened the screen door and tried to open the door. I thought it was my husband coming home early and was having trouble getting the door open.

As I was heading to the door he knocked and I went to the door and asked what did they want. He told me who he was and that he wanted to see the inside of the house one more time. I told him he would have to come back after 7 and talk to my husband about it. He then said he had a picture he wanted to give me. When I didn't offer to open the door he said he would stick it in the door. I heard him sticking the picture in the door and I walked away from the door.

Later when I figured my husband was out of his meeting I called him and while he was on the phone I checked and didn't see his car or him and opened the door to get the picture out. It was a picture of a car with a realtor's sign in a yard. Now why would he want me to have that picture? I think he was just trying to get me to open the door.

What would you do? Would you let him see the house, or tell him that chapter his life is over? If we say no will he get mad and violent?

I have never had to deal with this kind of person before.
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Old 09-26-2008, 08:23 AM
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Re: Dangerous?

Sis Esther, if I were in your predicament, I would definitely NOT let this man in my home for any reason. I do recommend what Sis Alvear said to do also....having the house annointed with oil and prayed over. I hope you have a nice big dawg too......they are always a nice deterrant....even a small one can alert you when someone is in the yard. I'll be praying for you and your family.
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