Re: PMSNBC does it again...
Originally Posted by TRFrance
I see that so far, not a single liberal wants to come on this thread and criticize MSNBC on this.
I guess they'd rather use this as another opportunity to bash Fox News, even though Fox is not the issue here.
Funny how libs can see bias at Fox News but not on MSNBC.
I'm probably a liberal by your standards, and I don't think their 'houses' comment was good journalism. But I also think it wasn't all that bad and that BillO is overreacting and being politically opportunistic here, a rather hypocritical position considering he's blasting another network for being politically biased. Overall,MSNBC, like most media, are biased to some degree toward Democrats. Duh! So what?! Conservatives have their own propaganda machine too. Bill O is a prime example. The way he takes this as an opportunity to demean Williams and Brokaw, who had no part of this particular incident, is reprehensible. BillO is the worst one out there, aside from maybe Geraldo Rivera. So there are rats on both ships. Big deal.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich