Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Ok I love and respect Sis Alvear and know she despises confrontation so I have not said much on these threads when people have said little things about her in the past as I know I can be indeed a trouble maker at times.. yep I know my title was made in jest but it is true at times but I am going to say something now and be very clear and blunt... I know I am not an admin here nor am I the official Alvear defender as the truth needs no defending however....
PLEASE NOTE!!!! Those who are sending Sis Alvear these messages...........
She has very obviously not changed what she preaches or believes and it is very STOOPID and sickening that you would even consider questioning the paths of such a Godly woman!!!! Do you jokers not read her threads and what she goes thru daily???? Oh yes I know you do... yall snoop and read everything that goes on here and thats fine its an open forum... but for you to have the audacity to question her apostolic standing is just disgusting!!!!!! Get a life please and for God sake leave her be and to the things she does the best which is reach a lot more souls than you have ever thought of reaching!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Amazing grace and to others that share my burden for God's lost world.
I did not come to this forum or any other forum to pastor someone or debate doctrines...I leave that to those that like to debate.
If I am asked how I feel about something I speak up...I usually post about missions and try to help those that are tired of climbing.
I am not ashamed of my friends...Jesus had many type friends...I am a people person and I like people but I do not specialize in hurting those I disagree with.
God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform...I once taught English classes under the umbrella of a school here in Brazil...One day the overseer told me he had a very hard job and he felt like I could handle it...to my surprise I was assigned to teach English to a man that his first words to me was he hated Americans.... (I am glad the school warned me) He was learning English his factory was in a lawsuit against an American factory...
I just acted like I never caught on when he ranted and raved about Americans...some of the things he said I agreed with but never told him! ha...
Anyway after months of patience that man that hated Americans told me he was sorry he had said that to me and as long as I taught him he gave me boxes of food for my family besides receiving from my overseers! In fact I had 11 kids at home at that time and took most of them to meet him. He was so touched that we had kids of every color.
We (Janice Alvear included) need to go back to Calvary and watch Him die