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Old 08-05-2008, 11:52 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Ok I love and respect Sis Alvear and know she despises confrontation so I have not said much on these threads when people have said little things about her in the past as I know I can be indeed a trouble maker at times.. yep I know my title was made in jest but it is true at times but I am going to say something now and be very clear and blunt... I know I am not an admin here nor am I the official Alvear defender as the truth needs no defending however....

PLEASE NOTE!!!! Those who are sending Sis Alvear these messages...........

She has very obviously not changed what she preaches or believes and it is very STOOPID and sickening that you would even consider questioning the paths of such a Godly woman!!!! Do you jokers not read her threads and what she goes thru daily???? Oh yes I know you do... yall snoop and read everything that goes on here and thats fine its an open forum... but for you to have the audacity to question her apostolic standing is just disgusting!!!!!! Get a life please and for God sake leave her be and to the things she does the best which is reach a lot more souls than you have ever thought of reaching!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-05-2008, 01:16 PM
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Ok I love and respect Sis Alvear and know she despises confrontation so I have not said much on these threads when people have said little things about her in the past as I know I can be indeed a trouble maker at times.. yep I know my title was made in jest but it is true at times but I am going to say something now and be very clear and blunt... I know I am not an admin here nor am I the official Alvear defender as the truth needs no defending however....

PLEASE NOTE!!!! Those who are sending Sis Alvear these messages...........

She has very obviously not changed what she preaches or believes and it is very STOOPID and sickening that you would even consider questioning the paths of such a Godly woman!!!! Do you jokers not read her threads and what she goes thru daily???? Oh yes I know you do... yall snoop and read everything that goes on here and thats fine its an open forum... but for you to have the audacity to question her apostolic standing is just disgusting!!!!!! Get a life please and for God sake leave her be and to the things she does the best which is reach a lot more souls than you have ever thought of reaching!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah!!! What she said!!!
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Old 08-05-2008, 02:58 PM
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

I am back...for just a few minutes.. I am trying to help someone that was just told they have cancer...
I am so sorry some people have nothing to do but try to tear down...However while my health lasts I am trying to put another brick on a very high wall...
We all change I have more patience than I once had...I was talking to a sister last night how that when we become grandparents we have more patience with the children...
I know men on that forum that once preached against let's say Christmas and now celebrate...I know men that once did not take medicine take it...men that didn't believe in second marriage until it came to their families...I don't think any less of them I think they are men of God...and it might hurt but whatever they say about me is ok...just as long as the JUDGE of the earth finds me faithful...that is the most important thing to me.
I know men over there that once believed in women preachers that do not believe in them today...I have always wondered all my life about men that were saved under a woman and then turn against them...to me salvation is important and I have never let people's opinions take my eyes off the one who called. I love HIM..His beauty, his kindness...My lovely Lord is humble...I have trouble being humble. Will you folks pray for me?
I once believed we were fixing to sail away in the rapture however today I believe the church will go through tribulation...and one of the factors that makes me believe this is that something will have to happen to help us love one another...
Some people have an agenda...however they have picked on the wrong person...I wish them well and am so sorry that some men are so insecure. When we lower ourselves to try to take a shot at our brother or sister we lack the love of Christ in our hearts.
I want to see how they look me in the eye when we meet again...I guess they forgot I do have friends also...
Anything I have said here or on any other forum is open and I have nothing to hide...
(MY opinions I usually keep to myself or share them with only close friends) I would say that some that are trying to crucify will end up being crucified...He that lives by the sword dies by the sword...
I don't plan to go over there...whatever they need to examine my character...my strengths and weaknesses they can find here and I don't plan to examine their characters... I have too much to do.... Christians are and should be peaceful because our God is a God of peace and unity.
Blessings to all in Jesus name...
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Old 08-05-2008, 03:13 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Ok I love and respect Sis Alvear and know she despises confrontation so I have not said much on these threads when people have said little things about her in the past as I know I can be indeed a trouble maker at times.. yep I know my title was made in jest but it is true at times but I am going to say something now and be very clear and blunt... I know I am not an admin here nor am I the official Alvear defender as the truth needs no defending however....

PLEASE NOTE!!!! Those who are sending Sis Alvear these messages...........

She has very obviously not changed what she preaches or believes and it is very STOOPID and sickening that you would even consider questioning the paths of such a Godly woman!!!! Do you jokers not read her threads and what she goes thru daily???? Oh yes I know you do... yall snoop and read everything that goes on here and thats fine its an open forum... but for you to have the audacity to question her apostolic standing is just disgusting!!!!!! Get a life please and for God sake leave her be and to the things she does the best which is reach a lot more souls than you have ever thought of reaching!!!!!!!!!!


What She Said!!

Leave Sister Alvear Alone!
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Old 08-05-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Ok I love and respect Sis Alvear and know she despises confrontation so I have not said much on these threads when people have said little things about her in the past as I know I can be indeed a trouble maker at times.. yep I know my title was made in jest but it is true at times but I am going to say something now and be very clear and blunt... I know I am not an admin here nor am I the official Alvear defender as the truth needs no defending however....

PLEASE NOTE!!!! Those who are sending Sis Alvear these messages...........

She has very obviously not changed what she preaches or believes and it is very STOOPID and sickening that you would even consider questioning the paths of such a Godly woman!!!! Do you jokers not read her threads and what she goes thru daily???? Oh yes I know you do... yall snoop and read everything that goes on here and thats fine its an open forum... but for you to have the audacity to question her apostolic standing is just disgusting!!!!!! Get a life please and for God sake leave her be and to the things she does the best which is reach a lot more souls than you have ever thought of reaching!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Amazing grace and to others that share my burden for God's lost world.

I did not come to this forum or any other forum to pastor someone or debate doctrines...I leave that to those that like to debate.

If I am asked how I feel about something I speak up...I usually post about missions and try to help those that are tired of climbing.

I am not ashamed of my friends...Jesus had many type friends...I am a people person and I like people but I do not specialize in hurting those I disagree with.

God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform...I once taught English classes under the umbrella of a school here in Brazil...One day the overseer told me he had a very hard job and he felt like I could handle it...to my surprise I was assigned to teach English to a man that his first words to me was he hated Americans.... (I am glad the school warned me) He was learning English his factory was in a lawsuit against an American factory...
I just acted like I never caught on when he ranted and raved about Americans...some of the things he said I agreed with but never told him! ha...
Anyway after months of patience that man that hated Americans told me he was sorry he had said that to me and as long as I taught him he gave me boxes of food for my family besides receiving from my overseers! In fact I had 11 kids at home at that time and took most of them to meet him. He was so touched that we had kids of every color.
We (Janice Alvear included) need to go back to Calvary and watch Him die…
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Old 08-05-2008, 07:17 PM
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
It kinda hurts me that men would stoop so low and not be man enough to come to me IF they think I have changed...lol...and these are men that do not believe in women preachers so they donīt even think I am saved to start with...
However, I am not going to waste my time...my life declares what I hold dear to me and that is what Jesus held dear to him: the souls of lost men and women all over the world.

My goal in life is not to split the UPC, ACI , CIA, FBI or anything like that. In fact my children NEVER knew anything about UPC/AMF until they were grown! We minded our own business and I usually worked to help make money to support us and little churches and friends here and there were moved on by the Holy Ghost to help us.

I do not like politics...do not believe they mixed in the first church and sure have no room for things like that in the church today...
My husband and I do not feed on things like that and that is the exact reason we have stayed in our little corner working for the Lord.
I donīt need a church council telling me who I can be friends with...IF MY PASTOR questioned or had any doubt about any of my friends HE IS MAN ENOUGH to come to me. I talk to him every week or so and have for the last 40 years.

When I am in the states I visit churches that ask me to come and promote missions. I donīt always agree with everything and I am sure some do not agree with me but they do not doubt my sincerity.

I will always be grateful when I was 6 years old a little spiritual communion babysitter took my sisters and I to a little oneness church and it was there my folks became christians. A year later God led them to greater truth...but each time I am home I still when in the state go by there to thank a little lady for taking me to church...

Do I believe like she does? No...but I am forever grateful to her...and so I am grateful to all those that give to missions...
gotta run...sorry if I have offended anyone by this post...
Be like a duck my dear sister, the water runs off with no effect! Quack, Quack!!!
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 08-05-2008, 08:37 PM
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.

If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
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Old 08-05-2008, 08:38 PM
TalkLady TalkLady is offline
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

I deleted my last post...I hope no one quotes me...Some things I just get too passionate about. No one should be criticizing Sis. Alvear for anything. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it!
God is so good!
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Old 08-05-2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

TalkLady - your post is RIGHT on - - wish you hadn't of deleted it!
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Old 08-05-2008, 08:40 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: I keep getting e mails...

Speak your mind sister!!! I hate it too and wish you would have left it !!!!!
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