Why do I hang around here? Good question!
The answer is pretty much why I do almost anything.......I want to make a difference. I do NOT want to make everyone like me. But God has put so many good men and women in my life who have made a difference; I just want to do the same thing. Truthfully, pastoring a church of 300 and the other things I am involved in take up quite a bit of my time. I am very involved in my community and am beginning to travel to other countries more to teach on the Jewish roots of Christianity and the oneness of God.
I like the people here! I like the exchanges. I like the way the people here cause me to think and I hope from time to time I challenge others to think as well.
I got saved, married, ordained and pastored in the UPC for over 20 yrs. It is my Christian cultural roots. I still have many connections in it. I still bring attention to its warts and rightly so. I also have a deep appreciation for its wonderful men and women of God.
I am secure in who I am because of Him and I honestly don't need to post here to make me feel good. I have a camaraderie with the other owners here even though we're not all alike. I believe that unity is diversity walking the same direction.
AFF is fun. AFF is NOT life. AFF is not everything to me, but it is something....something I enjoy. AFF is truly the people who post here and I enjoy everyone of them...those who like me and those who don't.....lib, con & everything in between. We share a common bond around the Godhead and I am sold out to that truth in scripture!
Viva la difference!!!!