Yeah they are. I have done business with some LDS and would take their handshake over a contract.
I think this is one subject you and I can agree on. I am saying that many find comfort--if nothing more than how to make their lives better here on earth--in the teaching some of the "light churches." Could the masses ultimately be better served by a church or ministry that teaches more meat of the word? Of course. But it is hard to hold a negative position about someone doing so much good. It is like trying to say Mother Teresa was wrong while feeding the hungry because she was Catholic and did not present the plan of salvation.
Just my opinion.
I am not against helping, serving others, etc. My only point is it becomes a sort of weird works righteousness.
If it were true Bill Gates should be a saint.
__________________ "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
I am not against helping, serving others, etc. My only point is it becomes a sort of weird works righteousness.
If it were true Bill Gates should be a saint.
Excellent point/post. I think we are really in complete agreement here.
Could churches like this be the beginning of a "quasi-church" movement? Where they have deluted the basics of Christianity to the point that it ceases to be a church and becomes something other? A place where all (muslims, jews, gays, etc.) feel comfortable with the teaching of the "ministry."
Keep in mind the services we see on TV are what they want us to see. They may be just what they show and he may never preach repentace. But one can not assume that what they see on TV is all there is to it.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
Yes! Joel Olsteen's ministry is helping thousands....straight to hell. Can you imagine any apostle not being able to identify sin and that the judgment for sin is hell. Olsteen could not discern that when interviewed. Although his teeth are white, his soul is black with sin and false doctrine. Unfortunately, it tickles the ears of not only the world but many pseudo-apostolic Christians (so called).
His message is the same preached by pharaohs magicians...have miracles and stay in Egypt/bondage, while in stark contrast everything Moses' and Aaron did was for the purpose of getting God's people out of Egypt!
For the record this is not the "RAVEN" we all know and love. This is an impostor! lol
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
Yes! Joel Olsteen's ministry is helping thousands....straight to hell. Can you imagine any apostle not being able to identify sin and that the judgment for sin is hell. Olsteen could not discern that when interviewed. Although his teeth are white, his soul is black with sin and false doctrine. Unfortunately, it tickles the ears of not only the world but many pseudo-apostolic Christians (so called).
His message is the same preached by pharaohs magicians...have miracles and stay in Egypt/bondage, while in stark contrast everything Moses' and Aaron did was for the purpose of getting God's people out of Egypt!
AMEN, the Raven. I agree wholeheartedly.
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Galatians 5:13-15 (NIV)
How can you agree with such a lunitc? The man/woman imposter said Joel had a heart that was "black with sin." How can we see the heart? Cannot!!
Only God can see and judge our heart.
How can you agree with such a lunitc? The man/woman imposter said Joel had a heart that was "black with sin." How can we see the heart? Cannot!!
Only God can see and judge our heart.
I was in agreement with the part that was bolded and underlined. As you say, "Only God can see and judge our heart."
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Galatians 5:13-15 (NIV)
yes! Joel olsteen's ministry is helping thousands....straight to hell. Can you imagine any apostle not being able to identify sin and that the judgment for sin is hell. Olsteen could not discern that when interviewed. Although his teeth are white, his soul is black with sin and false doctrine. Unfortunately, it tickles the ears of not only the world but many pseudo-apostolic christians (so called).
His message is the same preached by pharaohs magicians...have miracles and stay in egypt/bondage, while in stark contrast everything moses' and aaron did was for the purpose of getting god's people out of egypt!