Most of us will agree that the Pharisees were Godly men, at least from observation of their strict adherence to the Law. Even in their times the Jews were able to recognize the hypocrisy that often times accompanies the Pahrisee's pious attempts at religious perfection. I find it interesting the Talmud's distinction of the seven different types of Pharisees and wonder if we can recognize oursleves in any one of the types or bits and pieces of several of the types it lists:
1. The Shoulder Pharisee - meticulously follows the law but wears his/her good deeds on their should for all the world to see.
2. The Wait-a-little Pharisee - those who offer vaild excuses for not doing the good deeds they know to do. A person who speaks great things but does not act on them.
3. The Bruised or Bleeding Pharisee - the one so intent on avoiding evil or temptaion that they close their eyes and run into things - displaying obvious bruises to prove their piety.
4. The Hump-backed or Tumbling Pharisee - Those so determined to look humble that they are completely bent over, shuffle their feet, and often trip over obstacles.
5. The Ever-Reckoning or Compounding Pharisee - Those forever counting up their good deeds in the belief that each one puts God further in him/her debt.
6. The Timid or Fearing Pharisee - Those always in dread of divine punishment, continually cleansing the outside of the cup and platter with the intent to escape God's wrath, and then lastly...
7. The God-Fearing Pharisee - defined by the Jews themselves as ones who truly love God. This Pharisee found pleasure rather than drudgery in obeying God's Law no matter how difficult it might be.