Originally Posted by rrford
Believe me, that was and is the least of my concerns. How many that left do you really think care that folks here might have thought them cowardly?
Mark, after enough efforts to fight the good fight of faith the last thing you can call a person is a coward. As scripture says "It is better to be a live dog than a dead lion." I have watched way too many bloodbaths and the altering of way too many folks in these venues. That is when I tend to bow out for a season. I am here for a time just to see if I want to be here on a more regular basis. No more. No less.
I really had no intent of this being a serious thread at all. Sorry.
JUst for clarification, are you saying that some members'
belief system was changed due to the forum???
I wasn't trying to get too serious either rr just that
I hated to see the forum torn apart and out out of
balance and then another forum started that came
across like an Exclusive CLub only our 4 and no more.
anyhow, I want you to stay and other conservatives
to come back.