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Old 07-10-2008, 01:12 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by Bro-Larry View Post
How 'bout "chitlins"?
Chitlins are the intestines. YUK!
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Old 07-10-2008, 01:26 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

As a vegetarian, I am required by (unwritten) law to state that the consumption of any animal is a criminal offence against God and nature and the only permissible punishment is torture and torment for eternity.

Actually the eating of unhealthy foods is a non-issue if done in moderation. However, if consuption of knowingly unhealthy foods in excess (if your gaining weight because of your diet, it's in excess) can however be concidered a sin because of glutteny and scritpure stating to take care of our temple (body) and he that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin. I'm sure we all know what to do for the good of our bodies, or we know where to find out, so for us, yes it is a sin when consumed in excess.
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Old 07-10-2008, 02:55 PM
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Leviticus 11 commands a Holy Diet

Paul didn't eat pork.
Jesus didn't eat pork.
Paul tells us to imitate him as he imitates Messiah.

Jesus died to give me freedom from sin, not to give me freedom from the commandments He gave to Moses in the wilderness.

Jesus didn't die so that I could eat pork.

Aren't we part of a royal priesthood? We're to be Holy unto The LORD. Verse 47 of Leviticus 11 is a command from Him to make separation between unclean and pure. Why? Because we're to be holy as He is holy. We're to not make ourselves abominable. When we nailed our lust for abominable speech and behavior to the cross, our lust to eat abominable creatures should have been nailed to the cross at the same time.

We say things like, "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it. The dietary laws? Oh, those are just for the ignorant Jews." Horse manure. There were Gentiles who received the Torah while in the wilderness, so it's not just for the Jews. Brothers and sisters, either all of the Bible is for us, or none of it is for us. To say that the Law is divided into civil, ceremonial, and moral statutes is nothing less than a slippery slope, because all of G-d's commandments are moral. Willing transgression of these statues is enmity with G-d and He deserves better from us than taking a back seat to our taste buds.

Torah is not legalism. Torah is what G-d gave to Moses. Legalism is what men who occupy the Seat of Moses gave to Israel. Torah is G-d's instruction. Legalism is man's perverted interpretation of G-d's instruction. Jesus didn't walk out legalism (The Oral Law), He walked out Torah. We're to imitate Him, just as Paul imitated Him, and neither of them ate pork. It's time for those who claim to be Israel and Abraham's adopted sons to stop picking and choosing Scripture and start believing that all of His Word is His revealed righteousness and instruction to His people.

Will you be saved? Yes, because we're saved by Grace. However, don't be surprised when you're asked to give an account for why you chose to eat pork when you knew it was an abomination unto you.
I’m not a scholar, just a crazy Jewish Believer who wants to see no one deceived and everyone saved.

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Old 07-10-2008, 03:30 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by DanielR View Post
As a vegetarian, I am required by (unwritten) law to state that the consumption of any animal is a criminal offence against God and nature and the only permissible punishment is torture and torment for eternity.
Actually the eating of unhealthy foods is a non-issue if done in moderation. However, if consuption of knowingly unhealthy foods in excess (if your gaining weight because of your diet, it's in excess) can however be concidered a sin because of glutteny and scritpure stating to take care of our temple (body) and he that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin. I'm sure we all know what to do for the good of our bodies, or we know where to find out, so for us, yes it is a sin when consumed in excess.
I too, am a vegetarian. Not because I love animals...I just really hate vegetables.
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Old 07-10-2008, 03:33 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by hnhisle View Post
What about STARBUCKS ?
I'm under conviction... I'm partaking in that wretched abomination at this very moment!
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Old 07-10-2008, 03:35 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
I'm under conviction... I'm partaking in that wretched abomination at this very moment!
The Lord rebuke thee!!!

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Old 07-10-2008, 03:36 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Isn't cracklyns the same as pork rinds?
Cracklins also have a real thick layer of fat that is deep fried. The skin is crisp and the fat is chewy and YUMMY for the TUMMY!!! I'm from south Louisiana originally and now Mississippi. The best Cracklins that I've ever found were down in Houma, Louisiana! SINFUL isn't even the word for it. They are abominable!
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Old 07-10-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Cracklins also have a real thick layer of fat that is deep fried. The skin is crisp and the fat is chewy and YUMMY for the TUMMY!!! I'm from south Louisiana originally and now Mississippi. The best Cracklins that I've ever found were down in Houma, Louisiana! SINFUL isn't even the word for it. They are abominable!
Down here, if it ain't fat, we don't eat it!
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Old 07-10-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Looking at the turn that my smoking thread has taken, I want to pose the question... Is it possible for a person to be saved, filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and still overeat on pork, red meat and other foods which are known as high fat and are deemed as being unhealthy in our society? Can you overeat on those things everyday and still have the Holy Ghost dwelling within you?
What gives? Why all the "can still be saved" threads? Please, are you just trying to raise a bunch of sand? Or are you subtly trying to challenge every belief many hold as truth?
Why not make a list.

1. Can a person have toe fungus and be saved.
2. Can a person have ear wax and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
3. Can a person drink Coke and not defile his body.
4. Can a person lust--as long as he does not touch--and be pure.
5. Can a person post too many stupid posts on AFF and be saved
6. Can a person kiss their step daughter and still be saved.
7. Can a person lick their way to the end of a toosie roll pop and still be saved?

Post all your questions at once and everyone can adivse you just how loose you can live and still be saved. Then you can do as you please.....but I think you are already doing as you please and as you intrepet the Bible and not following ANY church or organization doctrine.
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Old 07-10-2008, 04:00 PM
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Re: Can A Person Overeat Pork Everyday & Be Saved?

Originally Posted by U376977 View Post
What gives? Why all the "can still be saved" threads? Please, are you just trying to raise a bunch of sand? Or are you subtly trying to challenge every belief many hold as truth?
Why not make a list.

1. Can a person have toe fungus and be saved.
2. Can a person have ear wax and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
3. Can a person drink Coke and not defile his body.
4. Can a person lust--as long as he does not touch--and be pure.
5. Can a person post too many stupid posts on AFF and be saved
6. Can a person kiss their step daughter and still be saved.
7. Can a person lick their way to the end of a toosie roll pop and still be saved?

Post all your questions at once and everyone can adivse you just how loose you can live and still be saved. Then you can do as you please.....but I think you are already doing as you please and as you intrepet the Bible and not following ANY church or organization doctrine.
No friend, you've got me all wrong. First of all, I once was in UPC... Raised in it... Preached in it for 8 years... Left just 3 years ago... Planted an independent church 2 1/2 years ago and am now a part of a much larger organization than UPCI and I've never been closer to God in my life. Thanks for the input though.

I would like to comment on situation #1... I don't believe that you can go to heaven with toe fungus. Anyone with a toe fungus, obviously has a defiled temple.

In all honesty, I already know exactly where I stand on all of these issues and I'm firmly planted in my belief, which is based on the Word of God, however, I have wanted to watch the reaction of others and I must say that the smoking thread has really done well for itself.

Do you have any questions that you would like me to give you answers too? Perhaps you're yoked to unnecessary things that some ultra con preacher has told you were "Good Works of Holiness" and you must obey or else! Please open up and let me help you. I've been set free from drugs, nicotine and the UPC! Praise the Lord!
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