According to Talmudic commentary, Psalm 144:3 is a complaint by the angels. They are said to be astonished by what God has done in creating man.
In verse 2, following the Masoretic text (that the KJV does not at this point) and others, we find that "the peoples" are placed under the feet of this "king" being described. Then skipping over to Hebrews 2, it seems that the writer of Hebrews didn't have a King James Bible either and he (or "she", okay?) has a "king" in mind as well, ruling over peoples.
Further, the writer of Hebrews goes on to associate this "man" with "the Son." [B]It almost seems that God created man for the very purpose of becoming a man Himself. No wonder the angels were astonished. Maybe this was too much for some of them and they rebelled?
Jesus was the firstborn of every creature.
Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: Col 1:25
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
Well, we can rejoice together in that third, my brother!
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Just my 2 cents worth... Can good exist without evil?
Consider Isaiah 45:7. Some have seen an important difference in the verbs used here. What is said is that the Hebrew verbs used for "create" in the context of "light" and "peace" indicate a different activity than the verbs used for the "create" of "darkness" and "evil." I'm no Hebraist and can't really argue it one way or the other, just my observation of what the "experts" have opined.
The idea here is that God did NOT really have to do anything to create "darkness." God's activity was to create the light, however a necessary consequence of "light" is shadow and darkness. To really understand this you have to appreciate that there was no "darkness" before the time of the creation. "Darkness" first appears as a consequence of the presence of "the earth" and "the deep..." (Genesis 1:1).
Basically, it is said, to "create" the "darkness" all God had to do was to simply do anything at all. Just by being there and having an existence distinct from anything else, darkness would come into being. There are no shadows in the void. Only when you have a light source do you have a shadow.
So, perhaps, it is with God and evil. All He had to do was to do anything at all and there existed at least the potential for evil. His nature is such that just by "showing up" other things suddenly are compared in contrast to Him. Inevitably, some things look really bad.
As a corollary, consider how it was when He first "showed up" in your life (I remember mine). Suddenly I didn't feel like I was so just and righteous. In fact, I felt rather unclean. He has that effect, just His presence.
So when He created anything that existed apart from Himself, that "thing" or person immediately had at least the potential to be evil. It was inevitable. The only other choice would have been to do nothing at all, and then where would we be? We simply wouldn't be. There would not have been anything but Him and His holiness. But He appears to have wanted something more. And so, there's us and evil and pain and suffering and moments of joy and everything else.
So, what's Heaven going to be like? Will there be evil? Will there be good?
If there will be and can be no evil there, why didn't God just make the world like that in the first place?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
1) Hearken to the voice of His word.
2) do God's pleasure.
3) minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.
"Lucifer", was the devil's good name, but he lost it, when evil was found in him, so I never refer to him in that term. It is mentioned only one time in scripture.
When God made him he was a good angel, but he went bad.
Angels are flaming, ministering spirits. (Heb 1:7) Their job is to hearken, "... unto the voice of His [God's] word". (Ps 103:20-21) Within that venue, they are ministers, who do God's pleasure, and they minister "for them who shall be heirs of salvation." (Heb 2:14) These seem to be the only jobs they are authorized to do. They were never given the legal right of free choice, as man was given.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Jesus bore away my sins, my sickness, and my poverty. That covers it all. Everything else is just legalism.
1) Hearken to the voice of His word.
2) do God's pleasure.
3) minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.
"Lucifer", was the devil's good name, but he lost it, when evil was found in him, so I never refer to him in that term. It is mentioned only one time in scripture.
When God made him he was a good angel, but he went bad.
Angels are flaming, ministering spirits. (Heb 1:7) Their job is to hearken, "... unto the voice of His [God's] word". (Ps 103:20-21) Within that venue, they are ministers, who do God's pleasure, and they minister "for them who shall be heirs of salvation." (Heb 2:14) These seem to be the only jobs they are authorized to do. They were never given the legal right of free choice, as man was given.
So, some of them took it anyway, illegally?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
He absolutely knew Lucifer would rebel, and created him anyway.
How could he not know? Are you serious? Is it possible for God (who is omniscient, omipresent, and omnipotent) to lie? If not, then how was he able to create a being that could?
How could he not know? Are you serious? Is it possible for God (who is omniscient, omipresent, and omnipotent) to lie? If not, then how was he able to create a being that could?
Your logic escapes me. Sorry.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
How could he not know? Are you serious? Is it possible for God (who is omniscient, omipresent, and omnipotent) to lie? If not, then how was he able to create a being that could?
I have read this a dozen times and I have no idea what you are trying to communicate. did you leave out a sentence or something.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
So, what's Heaven going to be like? Will there be evil? Will there be good?
If there will be and can be no evil there, why didn't God just make the world like that in the first place?
There is a complex theological term that has thankfully slipped my mind at the moment - something like "exclusionism" or something like that. I'm at work right at this moment and so I am also at least partially brain dead.
Consider "evil" being like the shadow cast when a light is shown upon an object. If that object didn't exist, there would be no shadow. If the light did not exist there would be no shadow either and for all intents and purposes the "object" itself would either cease to be or at least cease to be important.
Thus, in order for "good" to exist at all, evil must exist as a consequence. maybe this is why "the devil" and his cohorts keep coming back for more and why the "torment" of their punishment is said to be "forever." It's not because God is sadistic - it's because He can't do away with the evil in a universe of free choices without irreprably harming that same universe.
Whoa! Time to bail out and try the rellenos across the street. Ciao!