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Old 05-23-2008, 09:42 AM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post

Keep in mind folks, Party trumps person. Say it again and again until it saturates the mush in your skull.

All together now...


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Old 05-23-2008, 09:50 AM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post

So yes its ELLEN who has courage and integrity! Mccain certainly came across as a whimp.
Sorry, I can't agree with this at all.

Here is what he said.

"My thoughts are that I think that people should be able to enter into legal agreements and I think that that is something we should encourage....we have a respectful disagreement on this issue..."
He is bold enough to tell her that he does not agree with same-sex marriage, which he stated twice, and that he, as President, can not and will not go against what the courts have set forth on the issue. He can't go against what the courts issue.

She knew exactly what he was saying and there was nothing in what he said that she could come back and crucify him with later in the campaign. He also, specifically, engaged in the "legal" because she said was going to have the ceremony "illegally" this summer, regardless.

He won that little altercation!

Now, in the case of California - who trumped the will of the people - that is a totally different story and hopefully this fall it will get rectified.

On another issue - judicial appointments - Obama would not be as careful to appoint men/women that hold to the letter of the law.

Therefore, I vote for McCain.

He did a marvelous job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 05-23-2008, 09:52 AM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

"So yes its ELLEN who has courage and integrity! Mccain certainly came across as a whimp."
You're not seeing what I'm seeing...but that's ok Micheal. Sometimes humbleness can look whimpish.
I don't think McCain is a whimp...it took courage to renounce his endorsement(s).... Rod Parsley...not sure of yet that he did...not watching TV at the moment.
Today is today. Tomorrow may be different, I may not like something McCain says tomorrow, but this I know, my trust is in the Lord.

But, anyways, peace(and I really mean that) to you Brother.
Rom.8:38,39-For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither heigth nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Old 05-23-2008, 10:33 AM

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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
i will study the issues, say a prayer and vote my heart, along with my wife on election day, that is all i can do, dt
Amen dt. That's all any of us can do.
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Old 05-23-2008, 10:46 AM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

I am going to look for the candiate that will most opress the poor, force chinese women into aborthion clinics and help the rich get more rich while taking jobs away from middle class people and giving them to Mexicans, and who will kill the most Iraqi babies.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 05-23-2008, 10:52 AM

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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Sorry, I can't agree with this at all.

Here is what he said.

He is bold enough to tell her that he does not agree with same-sex marriage, which he stated twice, and that he, as President, can not and will not go against what the courts have set forth on the issue. He can't go against what the courts issue.

She knew exactly what he was saying and there was nothing in what he said that she could come back and crucify him with later in the campaign. He also, specifically, engaged in the "legal" because she said was going to have the ceremony "illegally" this summer, regardless.

He won that little altercation!
Good point. When it comes to Ellen’s show, I’m surprised he even showed up. But think about it…how would any of us respond in McCain’s shoes? McCain showed that he’s an excellent politician. I don’t think McCain is unlikable. I think the policies he embraces will be rejected by the American people when examined in detail and compared to current hardships we face as a nation. The issue of gay people wanting to get married or civil unions is small potatoes compared to the economy, health care, and the Iraq war. I think it’s his positions in these areas that will hurt him.

Now, in the case of California - who trumped the will of the people - that is a totally different story and hopefully this fall it will get rectified.
I have to disagree here. The court didn’t trump the will of the people. The constitution of the state of California trumped the will of the people. Here in Ohio the Ohio Supreme Court couldn’t rule against a ban on gay marriage voted in by the people because we amended our state constitution to specifically identify marriage as being between one man and one woman. Had California amended their constitution to define marriage the court’s hands would have been tied on the issue. Californians can overturn the court by voting in an amendment to their constitution supporting traditional marriage.

On another issue - judicial appointments - Obama would not be as careful to appoint men/women that hold to the letter of the law.
Neither party has appointed justices that uphold the “letter of the law”. On the SCOTUS 7 out of 9 were appointed by Republicans. In California I believe 5 out of 7 were appointed by Republicans. Judges are ruling on behalf of their interpretation of the “spirit of the law” and have been for nearly 150 years.

Therefore, I vote for McCain.
Other than the glossy issues (abortion, gay marriage, and the Iraq war) how well do you know McCain’s policies in areas such as taxation, health care, and energy while compared to the policies suggested by Obama? If McCain gets elected and his health care agenda is put in place, businesses will drop insuring their employees all over the country because he’ll take away the tax incentive they receive for doing so. You’ll get a $2,500 tax credit toward health insurance, but if you are older or have health problems you’ll face the current rates on the market without employer contributions meaning….you’re $2,500 will not cover your health insurance premiums and you and your family will go without health insurance. Also his policies will break up state standards on insurance in spite of the will of those residents, exposing many to higher premiums as we’ve seen in similar moves in the credit card industry after deregulation. This issue is BIG and will effect your family for the rest of your lives. Look at all the issues before you let a man win you over based on the big glossy “candy stick” issues.

He did a marvelous job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes he did. He’s an excellent politician.
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Old 05-23-2008, 10:56 AM

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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I am going to look for the candiate that will most opress the poor, force chinese women into aborthion clinics and help the rich get more rich while taking jobs away from middle class people and giving them to Mexicans, and who will kill the most Iraqi babies.
Ladies and gentlemen....FERD JUST ANNOUNCED HIS CANDIDACY!!!!

Hey Ferd, if ya really run can I be your veep? I'll balance out the ticket and help you win those working class voters who are loosing their homes, jobs, serving sons and daughters, not to mention being cruched with rising costs in health insurance and gas.

I've got a great job policy you guys might like...we can employ every American by enlisting them in the military and sending them to Iraq. Then we can insure them through the Iraqi Ministry of Health in the national Iraqi health insurance system we're already paying for.
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Old 05-23-2008, 10:56 AM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

I would rather see obama working as a dog catcher than president. he is a communist and that is at his least offensive.
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Old 05-23-2008, 10:57 AM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Grasshopper View Post
Ladies and gentlemen....FERD JUST ANNOUNCED HIS CANDIDACY!!!!

Hey Ferd, if ya really run can I be your veep? I'll balance out the ticket and help you win those working class voters who are loosing their homes, jobs, and health insurance. I've got a great job policy you guys might like...we can employ every American by enlisting them in the military and sending them to Iraq. Then we can insure them through the Iraqi Ministry of Health in the national Iraqi health insurance system we're paying for.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 05-23-2008, 10:57 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I am going to look for the candiate that will most opress the poor, force chinese women into aborthion clinics and help the rich get more rich while taking jobs away from middle class people and giving them to Mexicans, and who will kill the most Iraqi babies.
hey ferd get antipas to run, he will do those things, lol,dt
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