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Old 05-20-2008, 03:05 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
No house?
Hehehe. Yes, I have a house. It's the getting it organized and such that I wouldn't be any good at. Whoever starts something like that would almost inevitably be its leader and be relied upon for some things I wouldn't be any good at.
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:18 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
I prefer mega churches. I like all the options, functions, and programs without the intimacy of having to be too close with people.
Rhoni, I'm just curious.......why wouldn't you want to develop a close relationship with people in your church?
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:32 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
I prefer mega churches. I like all the options, functions, and programs without the intimacy of having to be too close with people.
Defense mechanism?

Isn't the fellowship about getting close?
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:34 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
Rhoni, I'm just curious.......why wouldn't you want to develop a close relationship with people in your church?
Don't you know - this way she can slip in late, leave early and not be missed if she wants to skip church!!!!
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
I would respectfully disagree that it's not viable.

It would take a special pastor. In my opinion many traditional Oneness churches do not grow because the pastor feels he needs to be in control of everything and is afraid to delegate.

From a purely evangelistic POV it makes sense. Smaller groups would make more individuals involved, and develop their own personal gifts.

This is very true. Too often we rely on someone else to do it.

Occasional large gatherings in my opinion are also necessary, there is an special atmosphere when hundreds or thousands gather. Large gatherings could also make sure the "network" for lack of a better word stayed on the same page as far as vision and doctrine.

The problem is, and always will be balance. How much control to be centralized and how much in the hands of the house leaders.
Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Small groups are great for creating relationships in the church. Meet on Sundays corporately, then have small groups on Wednesday nights.
You are right. It is very difficult to build relationships with a large group.
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:46 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

I don't see cell groups as Biblical... House churches that start organically are Biblical, but they take more time and commitment than having a pastor say, "Ok, group B meets on Tuesday at 7 at the Jones, and group C meets Thursday at 7 at the Smith's." Relationships have to build and the LORD will work to build bonds of fellowship between the saints in an assembly. This has to be a GOD-thing, it has to be organic.

Also, as for megachurches or renting out stadiums... What is the need for the church to be showy? I understand inter-assembly fellowship and things, but GC or Youth Congress or big stadiums, they just don't seem like something the apostles would have done... The pride that spews forth from those on the stage who "preform" is obvious, and it's what turns off so many unbelievers.

Lastly, as for pastor's who need to have too much control, and they hinder inter-assembly fellowship and house church meetings, I highly recommend a book my pastor gave me to read, "The Upside Down Church". It completely changed the way I looked at church leadership, and it put in me the desire to, one day, be the type of pastor who understands myself at the bottom of the pyramid supporting, uplifting and seeing the perfecting of the saints, rather than being at the top of the pyramid being supported by everyone and barking out orders. Delegating authority--- I see what happens when it takes place, and it is great, it gives every saint a piece of ownership and responsibility of the assembly, it trains leaders and it takes the burden off the pastor(s)/elder(s).

Bro. Alex
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

I have done this for the past year.

It takes a LOT of dedication for all involved. Towards the end of the year folks want to start having "family time". Nothing wrong with that per se but once you make a committment you need to be faithful to the committment. That is not to say you can't adjust the schedule so family time and special occasions can be handled.

We didn't see a lot of growth until towards the end of the year. About the time you are ready to say this isn't worth my time anymore. But we shouldn't discount the one family that you may be working with for a period of time.

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:50 PM
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
I don't see cell groups as Biblical... House churches that start organically are Biblical, but they take more time and commitment than having a pastor say, "Ok, group B meets on Tuesday at 7 at the Jones, and group C meets Thursday at 7 at the Smith's." Relationships have to build and the LORD will work to build bonds of fellowship between the saints in an assembly. This has to be a GOD-thing, it has to be organic.

Also, as for megachurches or renting out stadiums... What is the need for the church to be showy? I understand inter-assembly fellowship and things, but GC or Youth Congress or big stadiums, they just don't seem like something the apostles would have done... The pride that spews forth from those on the stage who "preform" is obvious, and it's what turns off so many unbelievers.

Lastly, as for pastor's who need to have too much control, and they hinder inter-assembly fellowship and house church meetings, I highly recommend a book my pastor gave me to read, "The Upside Down Church". It completely changed the way I looked at church leadership, and it put in me the desire to, one day, be the type of pastor who understands myself at the bottom of the pyramid supporting, uplifting and seeing the perfecting of the saints, rather than being at the top of the pyramid being supported by everyone and barking out orders. Delegating authority--- I see what happens when it takes place, and it is great, it gives every saint a piece of ownership and responsibility of the assembly, it trains leaders and it takes the burden off the pastor(s)/elder(s).

Bro. Alex
You're good at spitting out what's wrong. Let's hear what you have to say about some solutions. Exactly how would Alex go about it?
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:52 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I have done this for the past year.

It takes a LOT of dedication for all involved. Towards the end of the year folks want to start having "family time". Nothing wrong with that per se but once you make a committment you need to be faithful to the committment. That is not to say you can't adjust the schedule so family time and special occasions can be handled.

We didn't see a lot of growth until towards the end of the year. About the time you are ready to say this isn't worth my time anymore. But we shouldn't discount the one family that you may be working with for a period of time.

God is in control and He knows best!
Don't you love it when that's the case? Did you all meet on Sunday after service? That's how the house church group I meet with does things, and it works really well. There's about 15 of us and it works well.

Bro. Alex
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:52 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: House churches vs Traditional

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I have done this for the past year.

It takes a LOT of dedication for all involved. Towards the end of the year folks want to start having "family time". Nothing wrong with that per se but once you make a committment you need to be faithful to the committment. That is not to say you can't adjust the schedule so family time and special occasions can be handled.

We didn't see a lot of growth until towards the end of the year. About the time you are ready to say this isn't worth my time anymore. But we shouldn't discount the one family that you may be working with for a period of time.

God is in control and He knows best!
You have a home church? Cool! I am sure you mentioned before, but I have a hard time keeping up with who is doing what. How did you get it established? Was it just you and your family at first? How did you get more people involved? How big is the group? Questions and more questions.
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