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Old 08-10-2008, 08:12 PM
a_vespers a_vespers is offline
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

I knew Elvin in the formative years. We grew up for part of our lives together. Attended SFT and grew up with Pastor Abbey. So different the world we live in now. Having known only 'church' at SFT and as I child, it can truly be said, as one author wrote, 'You can never go home again.' God I believe has not changed, but the 'church' has and people and times are different. Too bad we stay more current with the physical man and not remain the same with God. The mention of Gary Richardson makes me pause and wonder how different my life might have been if he had not died to young. He was a great leader. I am sure Elvin was a great leader, I never knew him as a grown adult. I miss everyone and hope some day there is a homecoming where we are all together again.
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Old 08-10-2008, 09:39 PM
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

Well, the world isn't so small after all. I know none of the people you all have mentioned. However, if I may contribute a little something....

Whenever I read of the passing of a minister, whether I know them or not... and for whatever reason, an old George Jones song comes to mind. Since this is a Christian Forum, I'll spare you the "country version" of the song "Who's gonna fill their shoes?", But, I find myself singing these words:

"Who's gonna fill their shoes?
Who's gonna stand up tall?
Who gonna preach the Gospel,
'Jesus saves one and all'?
Who's gonna give their heart and soul
To reach the lost? Are you?
Lord, I wonder, who's gonna fill their shoes?"

Well, I ain't no songwriter... if I were, I'd "christainize" the Ol' Possums song. Somewhere in this great big, small world, there is an Elisha to fill the shoes of Elijah. Theres a Joshua for a fallen Moses. At one time, in this world we call Christianity, there was but one Voice speaking the Word of God. Just a few days after that Voice was silenced in death, many voices began echoing that Voice at Pentecost and beyond. Now that Voice is heard all around the world. And it was all because of the death of that one Man....

As always. Sis Barb, a sobering, thought provoking thread.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 08-11-2008, 12:12 AM
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

Originally Posted by Barb View Post
This is something I've been thinking a lot about this week. It is a thread that probably won't mean much to anyone but me, and maybe those who are from Michigan and know the people of whom I am mentioning here...

Bro. Albert Abbey was pastor and founder of South Flint Tabernacle in Flint, Michigan for many years. During that time, South Flint was one of the largest UPCI churches in this state, as well as one of the most respected.
This is from pages 11-25 of Pofiles of Pentecostal Preachers, Vol. 1
copyright 183 by Word Aflame Press

Albert Abbey
by Nellie B. Abbey

Albert Abbey was born February 23, 1904, in Carmi,
Illinois. He was the second son of four children—
Flossie, Elmer, Albert and Ollie—born to Elzie and Sarah

Albert Abbey received the Holy Ghost under Brother
B. H. Hite’s ministry where his father was minister in
the church at Cardwell, Missouri. It was there that I first
met Brother Abbey.

A group of girls and I were standing outside after
church talking. Brother Abbey and his friends were talking
in another group. He said, “I think I will ask her if
I can take her out.” He asked me and I said yes. He took
me home from church. It seemed to me he was a fine
Christian young man. So my life was changed from that
day on.

We worked hand-in-hand together for the Lord until
Jesus took him home.

We were married August 20, 1920, at my parents’
home, Mr. and Mrs. W. McGill, in Cardwell, Missouri.

We lived with Brother Abbey’s parents awhile to help
on their farm. He took another job, working in the
woods, cutting timber at 75¢ a cord. He had to walk five
miles every day. He left at daylight, taking his lunch
(cornbread and beans) in a little bucket. He did not
return home until dark—worn out and so tired.

We moved into a little two-room house with only a
straw bed to lie on. His mother gave us a feather mattress
to throw on top of the bed to make it more comfortable.
We still were the happiest couple you ever saw.
We did not have many material things, but we had the
Lord, the greatest thing on earth.

After a few days working at the timber job, we
moved to town into two rooms in an old hotel. Before
long, we returned to my mother’s home. We lived there
until our first baby Dorothy Mae, was born in 1922.

Brother Abbey decided to go to Flint, Michigan, to
look for work. His sister lived there. He found a job with
Chevrolet Motors, and we lived with his sister.

We attended Brother Abernathy’s church, a black
church—the first Apostolic church in Flint, Michigan.
Our second daughter was born, Shirley June. God was
so good to us. He kept His hand on us all the way.

All this time, the Lord was calling Brother Abbey to
the ministry to work for Him. We tried to run from it,
but God chastises the ones He loves.

Brother Abbey decided to go back to Missouri. He
thought he would go into the business of raising chick-
ens instead of preaching.

He purchased three hundred chickens. “Where will
we raise them?” I asked. We were staying with his sister
Ollie. “I’ll make a round fence out of chicken wire in
the back yard,” Brother Abbey decided. We used any old
thing we could find for shelter, boxes and old tubs with
holes cut in the side for the chickens to go in and out.
A bad rain storm came up, and before we could pick the
chickens up, twenty-four drowned. We took some into
the house to dry them on top of the oil stove oven. They
almost cooked while we were trying to save the others.
Although we saved some, we decided to move closer
into town.

We moved with Brother Abbey’s sister to a house
between a railroad and a highway. The chickens we had
left were running all over the place. Meanwhile, construction
workers began to tar the highway. One of them
came to the door and asked, “Are those your chickens?”
“Yes sir,” I answered.

Brother Abbey was not home at the time, so I began
to pull chickens out of the tar and set them in the yard.
They were covered with tar and dead grass.

My husband came home, got a pan of kerosene and
started cleaning tar and grass off them. The kerosene
took all the feathers off, along with the tar and grass,
and the sun blistered the chickens. What a pitiful sight—
chickens running around, naked and as red as tomatoes.
A sight to behold!

We moved again. This time we lived in a better
place. We only had sixteen or seventeen chickens left.
In those days, I never had a washing machine. I washed
outside on a rub-board. I drew water from a well with a
bucket and heated it in an iron kettle. One day, I was
drawing water, and when I raised the bucket there sat a
chicken on the bucket! I don’t know how it got down in
the well, but it seemed to be all right. I sat it down in
the yard and went back to my washing. I looked around;
there were two chickens in my tub of hot water, scalded
to death! “Oh! Sweet Jesus,” I thought. “I find chickens
everywhere.” I finished washing and went in the house
to fix something to eat.

I opened a can of food and threw the can outside
in the yard as we always did. The can hit a chicken
and broke its back. We had only a few out of the three
hundred left. I felt it was the Lord dealing with us
because we should be paying tithes. The Lord knew
our hearts; we truly believed in paying tithes. One time
we did not have anything to pay; then his father gave
us a milk cow. Brother Abbey sold that cow to pay our

After everything was over with the chickens—and
what a lesson he learned, the hard way—Brother Abbey
still would not give up to preach. The Lord kept chastening

He got a job working as a mechanic in a garage in
Dexter, Missouri. We still lived with his sister Ollie. We
did not get to go to church because his job required
every day, including Sunday, at the garage.

One night, we heard a fire whistle. We had volunteer
men to help in case of fire. Brother Abbey was one of
these men. He did not know it was the garage where he
worked. When he got there, the garage was on fire. All
his tools and the car with a small utility trailer were all
he saved. His tools were burned beyond repair.

We moved to Sikeston, Missouri, to his father’s farm.
There were twelve of the family living there.

While we were there, our third child, a son, Vernon
Lee was born. We were so happy for him—the only son
we had. God is so good to His people.

After our son was born, Brother Abbey decided he
had better go back to Michigan. After all we had gone
through, he knew he was not in the will of the Lord.
Now he was ready to give his time and work to God.
Thank the Lord for keeping His hand on us! He knew
our hearts’ desire was to work for Him.

Brother Abbey left the children and me in Missouri
when he went to Flint to find work. He was hired back
in the Chevrolet plant. He was chosen out of several
men, so it was God’s will. He even got his little house
back that he had built when he was there before. Then
he sent for us.

The children and I took a train. After a day and night
on the train, I got so tired and worn out that I passed
out. When I came to, they were bathing my face. All
through this I had God’s protecting hand. We moved
into our little house, and I thanked the Lord for it
because we had someplace to take our three children
and our possessions. To me it was a mansion, all three

There was an Apostolic church at 2914 Lewis Street
in 1930. At that time there were three ministers there:
Brother Drope, Brother Spooner, and Brother McLaughlin.
Brother Abbey was appointed superintendent of the
Sunday school. He was just starting to preach. He also
had a young people’s class which he taught for over a
year. One day, Brother Abbey was called to a business
meeting at Brother Chiles’ church on Spencers Street.
At this time, I did not have the Holy Ghost although I
had been seeking for ten years. The sisters of the
church took me next door to Brother Chiles’ house
while the meeting was going on. I really did not want to
seek for the Holy Ghost at that time, but the sisters put
pillows on the floor for me to kneel on and told me to
start praying. The Lord filled me with the Holy Ghost.
After the meeting, we went home, and the next night
Brother Chiles called an all-night prayer meeting. I
received the Spirit all over again. I could not speak
English all the way home. Praise God!

The Lord began to anoint Brother Abbey. After a
period of time, Brother Abbey and I, Brother and Sister
Arthur Ackley, Brother and Sister Hubbard and Brother
and Sister McLaughlin left Brother Spooner’s church.
Brother McLaughlin was acquainted with the Lincoln
school officials, so they agreed to let church services be
held in the school. The school officials agreed to furnish
the building rent free and to pay the light bill. Services

One night we were singing and rejoicing when
Brother and Sister Pope came by. Hearing such good
singing, they stopped in (they were coming from a
dance but were hungry for the Lord). Sister Pope went
to the altar with her dancing dress on. She received the
Holy Ghost that night, becoming our first convert.
Brother Pope still attends South Flint Tabernacle, and
Sister Pope has gone on to meet the Lord.

Brother McLaughlin told Brother Abbey one Sunday
morning that he did not feel he was called to carry on
as pastor any longer. He walked over to Brother Abbey
and placed a Bible in his lap and told him he felt the
Lord had called him to be pastor of this church. “May
God keep His hand and anointing on you,” he said. The
church all agreed. From that day, he was pastor.

to be continued in part 2
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
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Old 08-11-2008, 12:14 AM
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

part 2

People began to come in from all over Flint. It was
not long until we had to get a larger place. God blessed
in a marvelous way.

We began looking for property. We found a lot on
the corner of James and Saginaw Streets. South Flint
Tabernacle is still there today.

We built our first church, which was a block, oneroom

We had a Model-T Ford with curtains. We would
keep the three children in the car with warm blankets
and wood for the stove. I would stay in the car with the
children while Brother Abbey started the fire going in
the pot-bellied stove in the church before the people
would come, although it would not be long until there
was “a warming up of the Holy Ghost.” The stove pipe
went up through the ceiling of the church. When we all
started shouting and rejoicing in the Lord, the stove
pipe would fall, and smoke would fill the church. What
a wonderful time in the Lord we would have, dancing
and speaking in tongues.

As the church grew, we needed more room. So
Brother Abbey told the saints, “We will dig a basement
for more room.” The brethren agreed.

They started digging out the dirt with picks and
shovels, throwing dirt out the windows of the church by
hand. They would talk about the Lord, singing while
they worked, never getting discouraged.

When Brother Abbey saw a need for something that
he thought should be done or something we needed,
the saints always agreed. Never a time did we have differences
between us. Always a good spirit, lots of love
and closeness between us. We were really like a big

All through the years of his pastoring the church, the
saints were understanding, loving and humble. We
walked hand in hand; if there was a need, we helped one

When we started to build South Flint Tabernacle,
two sisters, Sister Bertram and Sister Pope, and I went
to all the businesses in Flint to get donations to build.
Oh, how we prayed! There was a brewery where they
made beer; they gave the most money. Almost everyone
gave—even the Catholic church, The Holy Redeemer,
gave. We always had good fellowship and the courtesy
of the people of Flint. I praise the Lord for all of them,
including all the businesses. People loved Brother Abbey
and helped us in every way. I shall never forget Flint,

One time, Brother Abbey saw the need for a new oak
floor in the church. All we had at that time was just the
old rough floor. Everyone went to work, singing and
rejoicing, sisters and brothers all helping, praising the
Lord for our new floor, all in a good spirit, everyone in
harmony and love. We had such a desire to press on,
always people coming in to help all they could (sinners
and all). Some sinners got the Holy Ghost after they
helped. Just being with us encouraged them. We were a
happy people. They felt it and accepted the love and fellowship
in their hearts.

Brother Abbey felt in his heart one day to have a
tent meeting. We had no place to put it, so we put it
on our front yard, where we had our three-room house.
He was going to have his first revival. The Lord
blessed and flooded our souls. The neighbors started
coming. It was wonderful. The devil got busy, too. A
storm came up one night and blew the tent down, tearing
it up. However, we defeated the devil; we went to
church and finished the revival. Oh, how the glory of
God came down! Through all the testing and trials, we
kept pressing through, and souls were saved. More
people came.

We were outgrowing our little three-room house. The
children were getting older, and when we were entertaining
preachers, we had to make beds on the floor. I
asked Brother Abbey about getting a larger house, but
he would not leave the little house. It was like a child
giving up a favorite toy. That was our first home, and
he had built it.

I took this problem on myself. This was the first time
I ever crossed him. I had to find a house! Sister Pope
and I found one closer to the church with two bedrooms,
living room, kitchen and dining room. There was
no running water, only a pump at the end of the sink.
It had no bathroom.

I had some saints come and help pack up the
belongings at the little house. One brother had a truck,
they were loading the furniture and some of the saints
and I were at the new house unpacking, scrubbing and
cleaning, doing it all as fast as we could. Brother Abbey
was at work at the Chevrolet plant. We had to be all
moved before he got home. I knew he would be tired
after working all day. Thank the Lord for a wonderful,
understanding husband!

When he returned home, to his surprise, I had
moved everything out, and all he said was, “I don’t even
have a chair to sit on.” I really did feel sorry for him.
When we arrived at the new house, we had not yet
had our electricity turned on, so we had no lights. We
all had prayer and went to bed peacefully, understanding
one another. He was so humble about it.

We did not stay there long. We moved again to a
house in the same area. It had two bedrooms and a room
that was to be a bathroom. The house was small, but we
had a little room for our son with a cot to sleep on.
Brother Abbey soon tired of moving and renting, so
he bought two lots on Columbine Street, three blocks
from the church.

to be continued in part 3
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Old 08-11-2008, 12:15 AM
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

part 3

Brother Abbey built our second house. We moved
into it before it was finished. About this time, our fourth
baby was born, a daughter, Donna Jean, born March 26,
1937. God blessed us again with another beautiful child
after twelve years. We felt like we were having a second
family again. Our son Vern did not want to accept the
baby because he wanted a brother so badly.

We still had no water in the house. We had a well in
the yard, but it went dry, so we had to carry water one
block up a hill to do washing, bathing and use for drinking
water. We knew if we would be satisfied with what
we had, the Lord would provide better. Our test was getting

We were expecting our fifth child. One Easter Sunday,
I was home with our daughter Donna Jean, then
three years old. She was very sick with scarlet fever.
Brother Abbey was at church teaching the Bible class.
All of a sudden, the fire whistle blew, disturbing the
class. Brother Abbey said, “That could be my house,
but the Lord will take care of it.” It really was our

I ran to get Donna Jean to take her to the neighbor’s
house (the Folgersonger’s) where we stayed until a
friend of theirs let us use their home while they were on
vacation. We stayed there until Brother Abbey rebuilt
the house enough so we could move into it again. We
lost everything.

Our precious saints had so much love and compassion;
everyone put their shoulder to the wheel. The sisters
made quilts and clothing for the children, helping
us regain what we lost, even better than we had before.
God came through again, as He said He would.

Three months later, our fifth child and fourth daughter,
Sarah Ann, was born, July 10, 1940. She was our
last child. She is so dear to our hearts.

We sold the house and moved to James Street, closer
yet to the church. Our next-door neighbor was another
convert of ours. We talked and prayed with Sister
Eunice Ming until she received the Holy Ghost. She is
still attending South Flint Tabernacle with her husband,
Brother Ming.

Our oldest daughter, Dorothy, and Shirley both married.
Then our only son decided he would marry. We had
only our two youngest daughters, Donna Jean and Sarah
Ann, with us.

The church continued to grow. Brother Paddock
from Kalamazoo, Michigan, came and with the church
elders searched the Scriptures. Brother Paddock showed
them how to set up a church system.

In the mid-fifties, South Flint Tabernacle started a
major building program. An all-brick building was
erected around the old church. Church services continued
throughout the new construction. Once the roof
was on and the new brick church was finished, they tore
down the old building. Church services were held in the

In 1956, the large addition was completed and services
started in the new auditorium.

The Lord continued to bless us in a marvelous way.
Souls were receiving the Holy Ghost; a revival spirit
never left us.

Brother Herbert Pope was the Sunday School
Superintendent for thirty years, from 1933 to 1963.
Brother Pope is now the oldest attending saint of South
Flint Tabernacle from the Lincoln school building. He
also was an elder and trustee. Brother Tom Johnson was
secretary-treasurer for about eighteen years. He also
was an elder and trustee until the Lord called him home.
Brother Orvis Bertram was an elder also and is now at
home with the Lord.

Brother Gary Richardson was a full-time Associate
Minister, Musical Director, Youth Director and Sunday
School Superintendent. His untimely death in an automobile
accident at Charlotte, Michigan, March 1, 1966,
ended a valuable ministry. Brother Abbey was very close
to Gary. He was like a son to us. We loved him so dearly.
Brother Abbey had Brother Gary in mind someday to
take the church, but God knows best for us.

My mind goes back to the time Brother Abbey purchased
a Cadillac ambulance. His purpose was to make
a camper out of it (he never did). Instead, he left it
around the house for me to drive as a second car. People
would stop for me to pass them and would not go on
from a red light until I went, thinking I was an ambulance
driver, of course. I was totally embarrassed, so
I did not care to use it any more.

I convinced Brother Abbey that I could not use it, so
he decided to take it to Florida, where we had a cabin.
This was a place we went for rest when it was needed.
Brother Gary and one of the brethren were to drive it
as far as the national conference, and then I drove it the
rest of the way to Florida. Brother Abbey was in a
pickup truck hauling some things we needed.

I could not wait to get it there because I knew it
would be my last time to drive it, although it was not!
To my amazement, Brother Abbey decided to make one
more trip back to Michigan in it. Back we went. When
we returned to Florida again, we took Brother Abbey’s
sisters with us. While I was driving, Brother Abbey
would lie down in the back to rest and would raise the
shade so people could see him. They would think he was
dead, I guess, staring and carrying on. There I was—
embarrassed again! Thank God that when we arrived in
Florida Brother Abbey finally traded it off.

At this time, Brother Abbey was having a lot of problems
with his health. The doctor diagnosed it as his
heart. The doctor told him he could not go on as a fulltime
minister, that he would have to slow down.

Even though he took frequent trips to Florida for
rest, his heart was still with the church he loved so dearly.
He just could not give up.

On the tenth of August, Brother May called Brother
Abbey from Battle Creek, Michigan, asking him if he
would come for the weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The doctor told Brother Abbey not to preach, that
he should preach only once a week since he put so
much into it. Brother Abbey told me that he had to go
where God had work for him to do. “If I die in the pulpit,
it would be a wonderful way to go.”

We went by Sarah’s house to let her know we were
going for the weekend. Sarah looked at him in surprise
and asked Brother Abbey not to go. She had tears in her
eyes. He told her he would be all right.

We arrived at Brother May’s home in Battle Creek.
I had to do most of the driving since Brother Abbey was
not feeling well then.

He preached on Friday night. Oh, how the Lord
blessed in a glorious way! Saturday night the Lord
blessed everyone in that church.

On Sunday morning, Brother Abbey began to
weaken in strength. He preached Sunday morning. After
that his condition worsened, and he felt he should go to

He was not able to preach Sunday night. Brother
and Sister May went on to church, and they had special
prayer for Brother Abbey. At 3:00 A.M. August 14, 1967,
at the age of 63, the Lord called him home. He fought
a good fight; he had kept the faith.

He was pastor and founder of South Flint Tabernacle
for thirty-five years.

After his death, I moved to Florida where my daughter
Sarah lived.

South Flint Tabernacle has had several pastors since
Brother Abbey’s death: Brother Arthur Pruitt, Brother
Herbert Irvin, Brother Nathaniel Wilson and Brother
Robert Henson, who is now the pastor.

God has kept his hand on the church and brought it
through many things. I thank the Lord that our labor is
still going on, the church is still growing and going on
in the faith. That was our desire from the start, to see
many souls won for the Lord.
* * * * *
This passage, specially noted in Brother Abbey’s
Bible, has always stood out to me:
“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you
that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are
called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to
keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
(Ephesians 4:1-3).
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Old 08-11-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

Thanks for this thread.

There are people alive today, that I cherish all the more, after reading the posts on here and being reminded of the difference their life has made in mine.

One person, is my Aunt Doreen. She was my friend. When everyone in my family seemed distant from me, my Aunt Doreen was my friend. She invested a lot of time in me. Sometimes, my Uncle Joe was there too. But the Lord used my Aunt Doreen to help me.

She helped me learn how to drive.
We shared music with each other.
Mainly, she listened to me. She spent time listening to me, asking me questions, helping me to open up about everything from girls to school to my family.

She asked the hard questions. When she got the hard answers, she did not reject me. She loved me.

I am so grateful to the Lord for her influence in my life.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 09-21-2009, 09:50 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

Originally Posted by a_vespers View Post
I knew Elvin in the formative years. We grew up for part of our lives together. Attended SFT and grew up with Pastor Abbey. So different the world we live in now. Having known only 'church' at SFT and as I child, it can truly be said, as one author wrote, 'You can never go home again.' God I believe has not changed, but the 'church' has and people and times are different. Too bad we stay more current with the physical man and not remain the same with God. The mention of Gary Richardson makes me pause and wonder how different my life might have been if he had not died to young. He was a great leader. I am sure Elvin was a great leader, I never knew him as a grown adult. I miss everyone and hope some day there is a homecoming where we are all together again.
Was thinking about this thread yesterday while driving home from church...

What prompted the thought was that I came across an old SFT choir LP from the early 60s, and my brother put it on CD for me.

Bill Wilson was director, June Young (passed many years ago) was on piano, and Velda was on the organ.

Listening to it, primitive as it was by today's standards, brought back SO many memories of that church and the people.

To hear Gary Richardson sing Linger A Moment (with Jesus in prayer) on this album...my, what a tremendous voice!!

Thought again about the dynamics of life and death, and what a difference his life AND death made in the lives of the people in this city.
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:19 AM
deadeye deadeye is offline

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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

I didnt realize that Flint Michigan still had people living in it....
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:57 AM
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

Just read this thread. Thank you Barb for sharing your thoughts. I often think along the same lines........how life has forever been changed for the good, because one man or woman lived/died. God bless you.
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:15 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: What a difference the death of one man...

Originally Posted by deadeye View Post
I didnt realize that Flint Michigan still had people living in it....
What...your other eye isn't working either?!
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The Death Penalty Digging4Truth Fellowship Hall 157 09-27-2007 05:59 PM
The Death Bed MissBrattified The Library 6 05-20-2007 12:20 AM
Death? Richard Perry Fellowship Hall 5 05-06-2007 01:46 PM

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