Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
It can't be too inverse since both are falling. The dollar is down by 1/3 against the Canadian Dollar and the Euro in the last 5 years.
There are definite controls being put into play.... if you control much of the oil and oil production then why produce more when you can produce less and charge more for it.
Whenever large scale control over any commodity can be had by a few the public never fares well.
inverse meaning the price of oil has been rising (especially in the last year) as a direct opposite to the value of the dollar against the CAD and the EUR.
watch the ERU/USD pair and the value of both Oil and Gold. on days Oil and Gold go up, the value of the Dollar goes down.
traditionally the value of the USD has been tied to the TBill.
This comodity thing is new.
really it isnt mysterious. It shows that people are moving their dollars to vechicles they feel are safer like Gold and Oil and soybeans (commodities).
the thing to watch is, will the money come back to the dollar?