How does one know when they've been called to teach school?
Or when they've been called to be a fireman?
Or when they've been called to be a stay-at-home mom?
Or when they've been called to.......................................
I do believe that God calls some to preach. But I also believe that when God calls someone to some other calling in life, it is no less a true calling from God than when God calls someone to preach. What do you all think?
We're not all called to preach.
But we're all called to be soul winners.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
The call to preach, IMO, is unique to every individual. Its really hard to answer without going into detail on ones personal experience. My call to the ministry began with prophesy. I'd go to church, someone would call me out and say "You are called to the ministry". We'd visit churches we'd never been to, at some point, the preacher would point at me and say, "God is calling you to preach". I went to one church (got there late- the preacher was already preaching-), as soon as I stepped in the door, the preacher looked at me and said "That young man walking through the door is called to be a preacher of the Gospel!" I began to pray about it and, through a series of visions, the Lord began to speak with me (I know some here may not believe in visions but...well, that is my experience). I preached my first sermon on a street corner after God spoke to me heart to preach the Gospel in the streets . It wasn't until later though, that I came to understand what my ministry election was. So, I don't think anyone can really answer how one would know he (or she) is called to the ministry. I think, though, whoever said that a clear and unmistakable burden to reach lost souls with the Gospel is a good indicator, answered as closely as one can. It all begins right there.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.