Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
Originally Posted by RevBuddy
No, you misunderstand my point...maybe you "misremembered!" Too much credit is given to him on the current issue - WPF - not what he did in 1992. I agree with you on his participation in the AS issue. But, I don't believe he has been as influential or as visible on the current controversy...
As to the issue about whether a minister can hold two fellowship cards, this is a non issue. The manual is clear on the matter. There was very little drama or uncertainty as to what conclusion the GB would come to...does that make better sense???
I tend to agree with this.
While he did write the letter stating being in both was not possible, I dont think he was the mover on this deal.
I suspect the majority of the board all felt this way individually.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
Originally Posted by RevBuddy
No, you misunderstand my point...maybe you "misremembered!" Too much credit is given to him on the current issue - WPF - not what he did in 1992. I agree with you on his participation in the AS issue. But, I don't believe he has been as influential or as visible on the current controversy...
As to the issue about whether a minister can hold two fellowship cards, this is a non issue. The manual is clear on the matter. There was very little drama or uncertainty as to what conclusion the GB would come to...does that make better sense???
Elder, I know that he's written a series of letters since Columbus in 2006 .... to his district of which by now he knows have become widely circulated and read by not just those under his jurisdiction ...
They have essentially become public domain.
He's well aware of the effects of electronic media as we saw w/ the CAF incident and in the content of said letters. I think he's been very visible on this ... issue.
I don't think it's a stretch to believe he knows that his opinions are well-respected and publicized throughout the entire fellowship using his district as a platform.
In his last letter that went straight after the WPF... which I think might be #4 on the topic of the resolution and the resolution fallout...
It stated:
"To fulfill this plan, the WPF will need to identify ministerial license in some way in order to qualify members, qualify officers, conduct votes, and enforce adherence to its Articles of Faith. However, the Manual of the UPCI states that its ministers cannot be licensed with another “organization or association” (Art. VII, Sec. 2, Par)" - January 21, 2008
If you like I can post the four or so letters that have ran the electronic forum and mail circuit ... starting in 2006.
Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
Historically, I have not put much value on the "letter writers" of our movement. So, maybe I'm undervaluing his contributions in this area. And, I don't generally take a position on issues based on who publishes the most correspondence.
But, I do see and respect your conclusions about him. It's probably my personal take. He may very well be attempting to have a major influence on as many ministers as possible.???? I just not certain....
Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
If he's gone "political" on me...I'm disappointed. I always felt his value was in his academic research and skills. Even though, he shouldn't be the only voice on doctrinal issues. In some quarters, if he said, "it," "it" is fact, and therefore doctrinal truth...
Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
Originally Posted by RevBuddy
Historically, I have not put much value on the "letter writers" of our movement. So, maybe I'm undervaluing his contributions in this area. And, I don't generally take a position on issues based on who publishes the most correspondence.
But, I do see and respect your conclusions about him. It's probably my personal take. He may very well be attempting to have a major influence on as many ministers as possible.???? I just not certain....
DB is a well-respected voice because he's viewed as the prominent theologian in the movement ... certainly it's not the quantity of his corrrespondence but who DB is ... He's part of the intelligentsia
Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
Originally Posted by RevBuddy
If he's gone "political" on me...I'm disappointed. I always felt his value was in his academic research and skills. Even though, he shouldn't be the only voice on doctrinal issues. In some quarters, if he said, "it," "it" is fact, and therefore doctrinal truth...
Re: Let's Talk About Organizational Consistency, h
Originally Posted by Ferd
The UPCI blocks dual membership with the ALJC and when the AWCF came along, there was a block of dual membership with that organizaiton. The same happened with the AMF (though, none of those men WANTED dual membership)
NCO has none of the organizational trappings that ALJC/AWCF/AMF/WWPF.
WWPF has couched themselves as a fellowship and not an organizaiton. but their structure is certainly more "organized" than a simple fellowship.
NCO is little more than a loose fellowship that from what I have seen, really isnt even that... nor has it produced any kind of ground swell that would think it will become one.
WWPF has a bible school, magiznine, missions plan, departments, a headquarters office space, dues, benifits, bible quizing, youth camps, and alternitive meetings to the UPCI.
these are vastly different organizational structures. One which has nor impact on the UPCI (NCO) the other that clearly has a direct impact on the UPCI (WWPF)
NCO and WWPF are apples and oranges.
Originally Posted by Alter Ego
I think you would have a hard time proving that legally.
Both groups are, by definition, orgs.
Both offer membership.
It really is that simple.
LEGALLY they are apples and oranges, as was stated-
WWPF has a bible school, magazine, missions plan, departments, a headquarters office space, dues, benefits, bible quizzing, youth camps, and alternative meetings to the UPCI.
The NCO does not have dues, Bible School, magazine, missions plan, HQ space, benefits (like insurance), Bible quizzing, youth camps, or alternative meetings.
Furthermore it does not have ANY layers of organizational hierarchy, nor even written Articles of Faith.
It does not even have 501 (c) (3) status.
It is a fellowship, primarily web based dedicated to sharing ideas and means to propagate the gospel. Nothing more nothing less.
Legally speaking comparing it to an organization such as WWPF is a total non sequitur!!!