Man, I hate for this to be my first post, but here goes:
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Seriously folks .... it is apparent that this retirement benefits package argument is being propped up...
Apparent? How so? Do you have all the facts, or is the fact that the facts contradict indicate that no one knows exactly what has happened?
I've read the correspondences between the two primary parties. Have you?
If this is what the UC's are hanging on to .... along with the holiness argument then I say the fellowship is better off without those clowns .....
Clowns? Are the UC's
clowns because they hold standards you don't? They're clowns because the missionaries who preach these standards are prevented from doing so by the higher ups in the FMD?
Why don't we get to the crux of the matter and stop dilly dallying ????
This has been something that has been deeply rooted for years.
This about money, power, ideology and influence .... not about injustice or some spiritual higher ground.
But, it's the UC's who are to blame? Sorry if I misread you, but that seems to be what you are insinuating.