Originally Posted by tv1a
Be careful. I was cautioned that pointing out spiritual paralells of spiritual segregation was too much.
I went back through the pics again, looking for some of the things that others mentioned seeing or not seeing. I did see one face that rather clearly had African-American features- just in the FWIW department.
I saw several faces that I recognized and one that surprised me simply because I had always considered him a "kid" and didn't think he was "old enough" to be hanging with this crowd. I think that's just the years sneaking up on me.
Most of the Executive Committee members have "outreaches" or daughter works in the various ethnic and immigrant communities around their churches. For this reason I wouldn't characterize the WwPF as being overtly "segregated" in any way. I have no way of knowing how they handle their relationships with the pastors and ministers in those works.
There is the general characterization that "conservative" Apostolics are more likely to be "segregationist" in their outlook. This is a common theme, but I think it is unfair as well. From my experience (and I'm afraid anecdotal impressions are all that I can offer here) I have found that those of a "segregationist" outlook do tend to also be "conservative" within the Apostolic ranks. But a simple Venn Diagram would demonstrate the error in saying "'conservative' Apostolics are segregationists."