Do you know anyone personally who's been blackballed by the UPC??
Some very well known men such as Mark Hanby and Kenneth Phillips, also the men who formed the AMF, as well as those who exited in 92 over the AS, all are pretty solid examples of being blackballed" by the UPCI. JMHO
If this happened, assuming the bi-org thing was working I think if the pastor felt led to open a church in that city and UPC told him he couldn't that might be when he turns in his UPC card and goes only with WPF.
"Biorganizational?" And now, "bi-org?" Neologisms. I like it.
The "biorg" sounds like a Norwegian variant of PastorPoster's "borg" phenomena.
I am pretty certain that this is already the case. I just heard a district official make the statement a few days ago that you cannot belong to both organizations.
It sounded like a fact when he said it, so I don't know if he was referring to stipulations currently in place, or things in the works. HMMMM... dunno.
I've been reading these blog's and usually chose to remain a silent observer, but just for your information, it is already a part of the UPCI's General Constitution, Article VII, Ministry, Section 2, # 6, concerning the duel membership thing. It is not suppose to be possible. "No minister shall be permitted to hold license or ordination with any other religious organization or association." It goes on to deal with some exceptions having to do with mainly overseas cases related to some governmental recognition requirements.
I'm not sure how brethren will be delt with if they attempt to hold membership in both groups, but I would believe the General Consitution would be a sound refernece point and place to start.
A brother should make himself fully aware of the points he has agreed to before he jumps off into another pot and somehow feel that he has been mistreated because his first affiliation is simply following their guidelines.
I've been reading these blog's and usually chose to remain a silent observer, but just for your information, it is already a part of the UPCI's General Constitution, Article VII, Ministry, Section 2, # 6, concerning the duel membership thing. It is not suppose to be possible. "Not minister shall be permitted to hold license or ordination with any other religious organization or association." It goes on to deal with some exceptions having to do with mainly overseas cases related to some governmental recognition requirements.
I'm not sure how brethren will be delt with if they attempt to hold membership in both groups, but I would believe the General Consitution would be a sound refernece point and place to start.
A brother should make himself fully aware of the points he has agreed to before he jumps off into another pot and somehow feel that he has been mistreated because his first affiliation is simply following their guidelines.
Elder Epley answered this on another thread - the Tulsa organization is apparently NOT issuing licenses.
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"