You are correct there. There is a point where you have put yourself under the subjection of a pastor when you choose to attend that assembly. I rambled about this in another thread as rgcraig can attest too
Saul's FIL had lost his donkeys. Saul and company was out looking for them. Finally, unable to find them they decided to consult the "man of God." But, the question was asked, "what can we bring him?" They knew a secret that few of us know today. I learned it many years ago and it has paid off very, very handsomly.
They got together the best offering that they could muster. They got their answer from the Prophet Samuel. "Don't look anymore. The donkeys have returned to their stables."
Naaman, probably instructed by his maid, brought Elisha a very good offering. It please the Prophet. He got his healing. Here is a very important principle.
So many are looking for a "WORD." Some people seem to thrive on a "word." But, they don't know how to get one. Thre is something about "the principle" that MOVES GOD...not the man neccesarily, but it MOVES God.
Prophets are languising because the PEOPLE are not taught how to EFFECTUATE the gift in the Prophet. After all, it is not the Prophet that is so much moved as it is the GOD that lives in the prophet. His spirit is moved upon by the SPIRIT of God.
I was taught this principle by a precious old Prophet that was schooled by another precious old Prophet before him. Unfortunately, it is becoming a lost knowledge by the most part.
Saul's FIL had lost his donkeys. Saul and company was out looking for them. Finally, unable to find them they decided to consult the "man of God." But, the question was asked, "what can we bring him?" They knew a secret that few of us know today. I learned it many years ago and it has paid off very, very handsomly.
They got together the best offering that they could muster. They got their answer from the Prophet Samuel. "Don't look anymore. The donkeys have returned to their stables."
Naaman, probably instructed by his maid, brought Elisha a very good offering. It please the Prophet. He got his healing. Here is a very important principle.
So many are looking for a "WORD." Some people seem to thrive on a "word." But, they don't know how to get one. Thre is something about "the principle" that MOVES GOD...not the man neccesarily, but it MOVES God.
Prophets are languising because the PEOPLE are not taught how to EFFECTUATE the gift in the Prophet. After all, it is not the Prophet that is so much moved as it is the GOD that lives in the prophet. His spirit is moved upon by the SPIRIT of God.
I was taught this principle by a precious old Prophet that was schooled by another precious old Prophet before him. Unfortunately, it is becoming a lost knowledge by the most part.
Would you mind spelling out this principle to me.
It sounds like you are espousing that we pay for prophecy but I doubt that is what you mean.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
It sounds like you are espousing that we pay for prophecy but I doubt that is what you mean.
I don't want to put words in Apprehended's mouth, but I believe this is what he is saying in a nutshell:
Sometimes pleasing or being in subjection to the prophet (or pastor in our case) is, in essence, pleasing God. It is not raising the office of the pastor to deity level, but rather honoring God through honoring the pastor. On the flip side, rebellion against the instruction of a pastor whom you have placed yourself under his leadership, in essence, is not rebellion or sin against the pastor, but rather against God.
I faced this many times being a military brat, being station in various locations across the country and oversees. We always chose a church that stood on Oneness, baptism in Jesus name and infilling of the HG with evidence of speaking in tongues. However, many times we were faced with the decision of being part of an assembly that we perhaps didn't see eye to eye with the pastor as it relates to the various degrees of holiness, cultural or generational differences. But in choosing that fellowship, we placed ourselves under the leadership of that pastor, placing ourselves in subjection to his leadership. We honored the pastor by adhering to the principles that he believed in, thus IMO, we honored God. I hope the principle does not get lost in the story.
Only the mediocre are at their best all the time.
It sounds like you are espousing that we pay for prophecy but I doubt that is what you mean.
Pay for prophecy? Never.
We should never reduce spiritual things to the level of carnal precepts.
I hardly know where you might find a true Prophet anymore since Pastors who have taken the oversight of the churches have pretty much cut off the ministry of Prophets, having little understanding of the office of Prophet. The reasons that they have cut them off are many and varied. Since that office is the forefinger (pointing direction) of ministry, we are pretty much left to drift at the whims and winds of ecclesiastical politics.
So, without going into any depth of the subject here, let it be known that Prophets were friends of God. Being a friend of God, God is pleased when the spirit of his friend is pleased. That is why Elisha poured water upon the hands of Elijah...which is to say that he volutarily became Elijah's servant that he might please Elijah. Elijah had something that Elisha wanted. In fact, in the end, he got a double portion of it.
The principle is throughout the bible. Jesus even mentioned a "Prophets reward." There is a way to get a reward from the prophet. Please that prophet in whom the Spirit of the prophet dwells. God is pleased with it. It is not a carnal thing. It's spiritual. You can stir up a favorable spirit in a prophet by you actions and attitude toward him.
One prophet said, "bring me a minstrel." As he played, his spirit was stirred and he prophesied. The spirit of a prophet must be favorably disposed or it will die. Too many churches have neglected this powerful ministry to their own detriment. But, those same churches will remain soooooooo much that it will shave your eyebrows in straigtness. So strait but so blind.
But, you are saying you "gave up" those things. Some don't give it up and still do it, but hide it so others won't think bad of them. Who are they kidding?
Personally I don't think they are "hiding" it so much as not flaunting it.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
We should never reduce spiritual things to the level of carnal precepts.
I hardly know where you might find a true Prophet anymore since Pastors who have taken the oversight of the churches have pretty much cut off the ministry of Prophets, having little understanding of the office of Prophet. The reasons that they have cut them off are many and varied. Since that office is the forefinger (pointing direction) of ministry, we are pretty much left to drift at the whims and winds of ecclesiastical politics.
So, without going into any depth of the subject here, let it be known that Prophets were friends of God. Being a friend of God, God is pleased when the spirit of his friend is pleased. That is why Elisha poured water upon the hands of Elijah...which is to say that he volutarily became Elijah's servant that he might please Elijah. Elijah had something that Elisha wanted. In fact, in the end, he got a double portion of it.
The principle is throughout the bible. Jesus even mentioned a "Prophets reward." There is a way to get a reward from the prophet. Please that prophet in whom the Spirit of the prophet dwells. God is pleased with it. It is not a carnal thing. It's spiritual. You can stir up a favorable spirit in a prophet by you actions and attitude toward him.
One prophet said, "bring me a minstrel." As he played, his spirit was stirred and he prophesied. The spirit of a prophet must be favorably disposed or it will die. Too many churches have neglected this powerful ministry to their own detriment. But, those same churches will remain soooooooo much that it will shave your eyebrows in straigtness. So strait but so blind.
In all the years of my being in church, I don't think I've ever heard, or looked at it just like this.