Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd
Yes he did and that is exactly what theatrical performances will produce, "loaves and fishes Christians." As soon as it's not fun and games anymore they will leave ( John 6:66). Remember that out of the thousands that Jesus fed he only chose 12 to be disciples.
Seems I recall that 500 were his disciples on the Mount of Olives at His ascension and then 3000 were added to the church on the day of Pentecost.
And Jesus did teach with what judgment you judge, expected to be judged the same.
Have you been to POA? Do you know what discipleship is taught and carried out there? You have no real idea, except one of a distorted view through the eyes of judgmental and prejudicial vision, of what goes on there. I wonder if Jesus would approve of maligning a whole congregation because of a miss perception of reality.
If you find POA to be so devoid of righteousness, then how much are you praying for those folks?
And also the new testament says that if you call someone a fool you are in danger, not if you are a fool.