I absolutely HATED math all the way through highschool. I struggled like nothing else. I dreaded it when I started college again, I couldn't even test into college algebra, I had to start back a few classes at "math for stupid people". lol I worked my tail off and about half way through my second semester, it all clicked. I've decided I like it now. This is a good thing, engineering pays better than finance! lol And I'm more likely, as a woman, to get a nearly free education in engineering.
You're a woman?!
Well, I never!
Basic math was no problem for me. It was the algebra and the junk after it that slayed me.
And yep, solid As until they introduced algebra. Could not grasp it in any way in highschool. I cheated my way to a C-. Oops..did I just admit that? lol
And yep, solid As until they introduced algebra. Could not grasp it in any way in highschool. I cheated my way to a C-. Oops..did I just admit that? lol
I dropped out 2 years later too. I can't decide which is more shameful. Teachers weren't too happy when I quit...I guess A honor roll students don't do that very often?