Originally Posted by Adra
Thank you Ferd, I read and I learned.
I know that I do not want harm to come to those that have hurt me. I pray for those that have abused me. Some of those wounds -those roots you talk about go deep from when I was just a 6 yr. old child. Those roots are deep. I think I need to do a lot of praying for myself and for those that hurt me.
Does the fact that I hurt mean that I am not a Christian, that I am not saved.
Does the fact that I want to keep a distance between me and them mean I am not saved?
Forgiving someone doesn't mean you trust that person. When someone we loved and trusted in hurts us, we tend to turn on ourselves and question our own worth. Sometimes we even question whether God sees our deep hurt. Yet, God knows us and loves us and comes along side us to help us overcome those hurts.
Forgiveness is the first thing we do for ourselves in the healing process. Forgiveness isn't for the other person so much as it is for us. When we have truly forgiven we are able to move on without constantly reliving the hurts. When we forgive, we are making a statement that we will not be a victim for the rest of our life, but rather live as an overcomer.
You are saved! The anger one feels because of a past hurt is not sin in itself. It's how we deal with that anger that matters. Praying for that person is a great way of dealing with the anger.