My husbands company used to give them occasionally... then it quit and ended up his annual safety bonus came at Christmas but the company he subcontracts for we have heard this week they are giving 2000 dollar Christmas bonus but they get them on their next paydays and his next is the day after Christmas!!! LOL
In the past I did receive a Chistmas bonus or two, but not for many years.
The current job gives you $35 on the check b4 Christmas and the check stub lists it as Holiday Pay. This is the 3rd December to receive my token of their appreciation.
"Le sens commun n'est pas si commun."
(Common sense is not so common.)
Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
William James
In the past I did receive a Chistmas bonus or two, but not for many years.
The current job gives you $35 on the check b4 Christmas and the check stub lists it as Holiday Pay. This is the 3rd December to receive my token of their appreciation.
My husband's job does the $30 holiday pay thing. I ask him why they did anything at all. He said that after he is with the company for 20+ years, it will add up. lol
That's what I was thinking...I should have wrapped up a leg in foil and dropped it in the offering plate on Sunday
I'm sure there's someone out there that would say that we should've figured out the retail value of the turkey and tithed cash on it, but that never even crossed my mind.
My grandpa does that. Every time he gets a gift, he tries to figure out the value of it and then he pays tithes on it. I personally don't think it is required, but I'm not going to tell him that! I'm sure he will be justly rewarded someday.
Walt's company gives a dozen steaks to each person as their Christmas bonus.
I'm sitting here thinking that if all of the tithe goes to the pastor. And our pastor has himself, his wife and his 4 kids................
I'm not sure he wants us to tithe the steaks. Beside it'd make for a bloody mess in the offering plate on Sunday.
Instead, we'll just put a nice check in the gift envelope that the church puts together as a love offering for the pastor each year. I think he'd like that better than the steak.