I would love to hear your version Ferd, of how I'm rebellious and all. Please enlighten me.
well, you were in bible school no?
thus you were playing by their rules. by your own admission, you confronted the teacher who took you to task (insinuating she was a coward to boot) and felt justified.
at 19, I would likely have done the same as you. However the years have taught me a few things. as a much older adult bearing the scars of a few too many such skermishes, I would have suggested a different path.
Knowing myself, I suspect that wasnt your first run in with management.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
thus you were playing by their rules. by your own admission, you confronted the teacher who took you to task (insinuating she was a coward to boot) and felt justified.
at 19, I would likely have done the same as you. However the years have taught me a few things. as a much older adult bearing the scars of a few too many such skermishes, I would have suggested a different path.
Knowing myself, I suspect that wasnt your first run in with management.
well, you are wrong as far as run-ins. And even though she was a coward I never said that to her face. IN fact what I did was ask her to define "trendy" Without pause she began to rebuke me. I mean she said those words "I rebuke you"
well, you are wrong as far as run-ins. And even though she was a coward I never said that to her face. IN fact what I did was ask her to define "trendy" Without pause she began to rebuke me. I mean she said those words "I rebuke you"
BTW, again I did play by their rules.
to clarify, my comments were not meant to imply that you are now, as an adult, rebellious.
Honestly reading what you wrote, I projected myself into your shoes and can see me giving the teacher an ear full.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
You needed to humble yourself and obey the rules of the bible college. I attended TBC and I can tell you that I didn't particle like or agree with all the rule but I obeyed them.
Obedience is better that sacrifice.
Such a typical UC assesment. No inquiry lets just move straight to judgement.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell-bound rebel! You short wearin, TV watchin, backsliden devil. How dare you require scripture.
I totally belive in submission. It is the key to having authority and power in the spirit. I must agree with WH that it is better to obey.
I preach in some places that have convictions that I don't. When I am there I submit to the one in authority. I wear a wedding ring, but if I go somewhere that they don't allow them I will remove mine and have no problem doing it. I don't believe it is wrong to wear one, but at the same time if I will submit to the authority with the right spirit then God is able to do the work needed in that situation because I have unseated any power struggle.
There is nothing wrong with doing somethings for the sake of unity. If someone asks my opinion on a subject I will give it, but will never try to prove that I am right and the pastor wrong when he and I disagree. I will just submit to his authority there.
Does a pastor have authority in everything? Including the style someone cuts their hair?
What if the pastor has a conviction that you must part your hair on the left and you part yours on the right?
Where does it stop?
in my opinion? no. but Kutless was at a school with a set of rules that he agreed to be be there. that was the difference.
I told Kutless that had this been a pastor, giving me grief over my very short haircut because it wasnt exactly the way he wanted it, it is all together likely that the conversation would end with me telling said fellow that I would be finding a new home church.
difference between a church and a private school.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
in my opinion? no. but Kutless was at a school with a set of rules that he agreed to be be there. that was the difference.
I told Kutless that had this been a pastor, giving me grief over my very short haircut because it wasnt exactly the way he wanted it, it is all together likely that the conversation would end with me telling said fellow that I would be finding a new home church.