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12-10-2021, 05:10 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Amanah
Taking advantage of someone else's natural immunity.
I think I'll stick with my own.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

12-10-2021, 08:02 AM
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Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
That's for getting the antibodies to fight the virus?
Yes. The plasma of a covid survivor has antibodies.
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-Homer Simpson//

12-10-2021, 08:03 AM
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Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I think I'll stick with my own. 
Well, mine wasn’t so great…
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//

12-10-2021, 08:34 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by diakonos
Well, mine wasn’t so great…
I know my brother. That's why you always need to be self aware of diet, low carb intake, high fat, and protein. Exercise, and lots of prayer in Jesus name.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

12-10-2021, 11:47 AM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
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Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I know my brother. That's why you always need to be self aware of diet, low carb intake, high fat, and protein. Exercise, and lots of prayer in Jesus name. 
That doesn't directly affect your immune system. I don't do any of that, and my immune system is great. It may have an affect on your overall health, but it doesn't guarantee any improvement to your body's immunity reaction.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.

12-10-2021, 04:53 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Jito463
That doesn't directly affect your immune system. I don't do any of that, and my immune system is great. It may have an affect on your overall health, but it doesn't guarantee any improvement to your body's immunity reaction.
Diet and exercise directly effect your immune system. Someone living on Slurpees and Moon Pies, or loading up on carbs may think they have a great immune defense when actually they don't. Someone who doesn't exercise doesn't have much in the way of fighting off illness. Unless, they are young, then they have youth on their side making up for what they are lacking in optimum health. If I had a dollar for every individual who doesn't eat right, and doesn't exercise who told me that they are in optimum health, I would be richer than Elon Musk. I'm serious it's a ticking time bomb, and abusing ourselves while we are young catches up as we get older. People say things like "so and so took his/her vitamins ate healthy and died from a virus. But they had a gut, and that gut is just one indicator that they have liver issues. Our internal organs can heal themselves. That is how Jesus created us, all we have to do is allow those organs to heal. So many different organs in our body effect our immune system. So many things we eat adversely effect our immune system, and rob us of minerals and vitamins. When the COVID was in full swing, everyone was buying up vitamin C, D3, K, NAC, zinc, copper. All in a last ditch effort to build up the immunity. Male testosterone is the lowest its ever been, because of diet. Testosterone predisposes men to a less effective immune response against infectious disease. Balanced hormones in men and women play a huge part in immune health. Hormones out of whack may not be even recognized by the person who has the imbalance. Because they are so use to feeling the way they feel they don't know what it is like to have optimum health, and a great immune system.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

12-10-2021, 08:34 PM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Funny how I almost never get sick, despite not exercising or watching my diet. I'm not disparaging doing any of that, I'm quite certain I should take better care of myself, just saying that your immune system response is more closely tied to genetics than it is your active (or not) lifestyle.
However, to provide a counterpoint for that, people who are extremely averse to germs (e.g. using tons of hand sanitizer, constantly cleaning the air with HEPA filters, etc), are more likely to have weakened immune systems because they're not allowing the body a chance to fight off those germs.
Giving your body a chance to fight off weaker germs, is a much greater means of boosting your immune system than lifting weights or reducing your carb intake.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.

12-10-2021, 10:17 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Jito463
Funny how I almost never get sick, despite not exercising or watching my diet. I'm not disparaging doing any of that, I'm quite certain I should take better care of myself, just saying that your immune system response is more closely tied to genetics than it is your active (or not) lifestyle.
However, to provide a counterpoint for that, people who are extremely averse to germs (e.g. using tons of hand sanitizer, constantly cleaning the air with HEPA filters, etc), are more likely to have weakened immune systems because they're not allowing the body a chance to fight off those germs.
Giving your body a chance to fight off weaker germs, is a much greater means of boosting your immune system than lifting weights or reducing your carb intake.
Again, time proves all things. The human body is amazing. Never getting a cold, never getting the flu, is great. Yet, what you don't see, what you don't feel, because you have felt this way for years, it feels normal. There are other things at work. Things that work with the passing of time. I'm 60 years old and have more endurance then men half my age. The grace of Jesus keeping us going and supplies us. But we still need to brush our teeth, take a bath, wash your hair (if you have any) and wipe your rear end after using the toilet. If you stop those things your immune system isn't necessarily going to outdo someone who has good hygiene. Moderation is balance. But in Pentecost we have the most overweight unhealthy people. Internal organs which are just looking for an opportunity to give the saints something to pray about. Brothers and sisters who never have a cold, or get the flu, but one day they have a heart attack. look at some pictures going back to the 20s, the 1930s, the 40s, the 50s, people didn't look like they look today. Because their diets were animal fats, and protein, lower in carbs. No exercise? You probably never played sports when you were young. Never had parents, siblings, and friends who included exercise into your routine. That's understandable, I remember having this one brother stand up and testify against weight lifting. He did it just for me. So, as a good saint, and laid down the barbell. It was the worst thing I ever did in my life. I ate like a Pentecostal, I didn't exercise because none of the brethren exercised. In time, I put the heavy bag and speed bag back up, and dragged the weights back out. Got back on the mountain bike. You don't exercise? Medical science doesn't even agree with that. But, I don't know you, for all I know you can have the "Hercules gene" and go for hours without stopping to catch your breath. It's like this, if you have an immune system where you can rub yourself down with leper's sweat, and never even break out in a rash. You would probably have an even greater immune system in you exercised and at way less carbs. Oh, and genetics, to some point genetics play a roll. But if you consume mass amounts of sugars and carbohydrates you can actually change your DNA. Not for the better I might add.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

12-10-2021, 10:42 PM
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
never have a cold, or get the flu, but one day they have a heart attack
Now you're just moving the goalpost. The conversation was about immune systems, not other physical ailments. I'll even grant you pretty much everything else you said, but your response to diakonos was to imply that diet and exercise would improve his immune system. That's just not how the body works.
Originally Posted by Originalist
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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