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View Poll Results: Is AFF an Ex-Pentecostal Forum?
Yes, it is. 31 36.47%
No, it is not. 54 63.53%
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Old 06-01-2008, 04:29 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Well, I was a wondering where your Holy Ghost was in that post!
Behind that nice smile, sistah!!!

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Old 06-01-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
This is not true. Renda might have to chime in here. The Doctrinal statement stuff happened AFTER the forum started with the "complaints" of many of the forums Conservatives to officially make this an "Apostolic" board. It was also always the ideal that it be a diverse group that comes here and dialogues...that means the non conservatives. At some point they it seems they realized they did not like the idea of anyone arguing against their "truth" and they did not relish the idea of making counter arguments. I agree that perhaps...PERHAPS some of their REAL ideals for the forum were not vocalized or perhaps they just never realized how much they could not tolerate it. But what happened was an evolution in process. The ideal in the beginning was one forum for everyone of Apostolic background....regardless of whether they were one steppers or three and whether they were full blown standards or not. That was the original intention

Here I am inclined to agree with you.

Again I think you may be right. FCF was sort of a no bars hold forum. And I remember them posting an article by Robert Sabin arguing against the evidence doctrine.

Exactly. However it is my feelings that because many just don't care for debate like this that such topics should be out of the main fellowship area. This board was originally meant primarily as a place of fellowship. Not everyone has the stomach for that kind of stuff. However what because absurd to me was that they even complained about doctrines being argued on a separate area made just for debate. They could not tolerate the fact that this board was allowing discussion at all....they did not have to go to that area to read them. It was out of sight and out of mind...but they HAD to go looking for it so they can have something to complain about.

I see it as being an equal opportunity offender. The libs and cons were both equally offensive. They had different methods for doing so which might make it hard for some to distinguish, but they were both guilty

Wait till he gets married...his posts will be less and less :-)

DA was banned permanently. This did not change a thing. He was only allowed back after certain owners decided to abandon ship. They no longer had a say in the matter, though we "heard" of their complaints after the fact...

Nobody has to leave. They can ignore Dan....if a topic is too much for the fellowship area we can move it to the debate area...out of sight and out of mind....but you know that never mattered. All that mattered was that it was being discussed here and that goes against their thinking...the same sort of thinking that brought in the famed Affirmation Statement.


Unless I've missed something, you only find fault with my analysis as to WHEN the "rigging" started - not that it happened at all.

I think it plausible that the MOTIVE from the beginning was for things to turn out exactly like they did ... but the timing is not worth arguing about.

Praxaes, you're perceptive.

Now ... I guess you need to take it up with CC1 as to whether the "rigging" happened AT ALL.
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Old 06-01-2008, 04:31 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post

Another reason some aren't commenting or reading this thread is because just as some are offended when traditions of UPC are talked about (or put down in their eyes), others are very offended to be called ex-Pentecostal.

I was third generation Pentecostal from both sides of my family and just because I don't adhere to some of the traditions of UPC does NOT mean I'm not Pentecostal anymore. It does get old.

St. Mark can complain all he wants to about some of us "letting go of the traditions", but I believe deep in his heart he really does understand. He just likes to rile things up!

The only people I would consider to be ex-pentecostal are those who once believed in speaking in tounges and renounced those beliefs. Even those who don't believe the initial evidence is someone speaking in tongues still believe in speaking in tongue.
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Old 06-01-2008, 04:33 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post


Unless I've missed something, you only find fault with my analysis as to WHEN the "rigging" started - not that it happened at all.

I think it plausible that the MOTIVE from the beginning was for things to turn out exactly like they did ... but the timing is not worth arguing about.

Praxaes, you're perceptive.

Now ... I guess you need to take it up with CC1 as to whether the "rigging" happened AT ALL.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post


Unless I've missed something, you only find fault with my analysis as to WHEN the "rigging" started - not that it happened at all.

I think it plausible that the MOTIVE from the beginning was for things to turn out exactly like they did ... but the timing is not worth arguing about.

Praxaes, you're perceptive.

Now ... I guess you need to take it up with CC1 as to whether the "rigging" happened AT ALL.
lol, thanks.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:19 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Nice thread.

Just a note. I am not aware of any intentional "rigging". Was there a push for this to be a forum that would accommodate Cons? Yes, if the forum did not lean towards the Cons, then the cons would eventually leave. But, from my point of view, there was a balancing act that continually took place in admin.

It is easy to put blame on others for things, but the truth is this forum is ever evolving. For better or worse (i tend to believe that it is normally neither), it will continue to change as old posters leave, and new posters come. Look at the drastic change that has taken place in the last week or so with Dr Vaughn postings concerning William Branham. The dynamics were changed until the majority of his posts were moved elsewhere.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:27 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
I agree. If anything needs to be fixed, then let's fix what we have, rather than trying to create something else that will turn out to be worse than what we currently have. Looking back, I wish we were still FCF, because all we can do is refer to our perception of what Jim Yohe's vision was. We can't go back to threads he started, quote things he said, or use his words as a sort of foundation for us to return to when we get off course because his words have been erased. I am not exalting him above measure, but I do believe he could have gone down in history as the father of open honest discussion among apostolics on the internet. The way things are now, all he is is a memory.
I would agree with you. I knew something was different, but wasn't sure what.

I remember times on FCF when people would get seriously angry with each other, and even get banned!

But, when the ban was over, they were talking again, and seldom were grudges carried over from thread to thread.

At least that's MY memory, others may disagree.

It just seemed that it was easier to speak your mind without fear of personal attack, or never ending repercussion.

I remember getting into some heated debated with Benincasa, and you would have thought we were going to kill each other. But, a few days later, we would be agreeing with each other, and our past disagreement was never mentioned again.

I miss those days...........
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:42 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
I would agree with you. I knew something was different, but wasn't sure what.

I remember times on FCF when people would get seriously angry with each other, and even get banned!

But, when the ban was over, they were talking again, and seldom were grudges carried over from thread to thread.

At least that's MY memory, others may disagree.

It just seemed that it was easier to speak your mind without fear of personal attack, or never ending repercussion.

I remember getting into some heated debated with Benincasa, and you would have thought we were going to kill each other. But, a few days later, we would be agreeing with each other, and our past disagreement was never mentioned again.

I miss those days...........
Yes, that's the difference now.

Lack of patience?

Lack of wisdom?
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:51 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
I would agree with you. I knew something was different, but wasn't sure what.

I remember times on FCF when people would get seriously angry with each other, and even get banned!

But, when the ban was over, they were talking again, and seldom were grudges carried over from thread to thread.

At least that's MY memory, others may disagree.

It just seemed that it was easier to speak your mind without fear of personal attack, or never ending repercussion.

I remember getting into some heated debated with Benincasa, and you would have thought we were going to kill each other. But, a few days later, we would be agreeing with each other, and our past disagreement was never mentioned again.

I miss those days...........
I will admit to being somewhat in shock when I first discovered FCF. Up to that point, my only experience with internet apostolic discussion had been GNC, a much more restricted environment. I was so surprised to find out that there were so many different viewpoints among apostolics concerning issues such as pastoral authority, clothing, jewelry, baptism, speaking in tongues, salvation; the list goes on and on. I was naive enough, up to then, to believe we all pretty much believed everything the same and our differences were only minor, like sleeve length or music. Talk about getting my eyes opened!

FCF opened the door for me to realize that God's Church is so much bigger than I had thought. Because of all these differing viewpoints, I felt I finally had a venue through which I could express my own differences with the things I had been taught in apostolic churches. I give Brother Yohe the credit for establishing the foundation that opened that door for me. I don't plan on ever walking back through that door to go back to what I was either.

Well, I have done enough rambling!
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:54 PM
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Re: Forum is Ex-Pentecostal??

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
I will admit to being somewhat in shock when I first discovered FCF. Up to that point, my only experience with internet apostolic discussion had been GNC, a much more restricted environment. I was so surprised to find out that there were so many different viewpoints among apostolics concerning issues such as pastoral authority, clothing, jewelry, baptism, speaking in tongues, salvation; the list goes on and on. I was naive enough, up to then, to believe we all pretty much believed everything the same and our differences were only minor, like sleeve length or music. Talk about getting my eyes opened!

FCF opened the door for me to realize that God's Church is so much bigger than I had thought. Because of all these differing viewpoints, I felt I finally had a venue through which I could express my own differences with the things I had been taught in apostolic churches. I give Brother Yohe the credit for establishing the foundation that opened that door for me. I don't plan on ever walking back through that door to go back to what I was either.

Well, I have done enough rambling!
Rico what you have stated here is one reason that I believe some have problems with this forum.

It confuses some to read there are other thought processes out there!
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