Originally Posted by Margies3
one of the big news stories here in our area today is about this very same subject. You might want to check it out...........
It looks like this 69 year old woman could be looking at charges being pressed against her for murdering her niece who was bedridden by neglecting her.
Very sad indeed!
This case is not nearly as bad, but it still makes me mad to think of how lazy my MIL is concerning her own mother.
I've gotten her blood sugar down to 120-121 until last night, she wanted a little ice cream so her level was 134 this morning. I make her change her clothes every day and I help her with it. In fact, I plan on giving her a shower in about 30 min. She's not hard to care for, it just takes a little effort. I also bought her some flushable wipes for the bathroom, it seems to have helped immensely.
Have a good day ladies...I sure appreciate all the input!