Originally Posted by COOPER
Originally Posted by Pianoman
Oh brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you when you get a DUI??? A drunkard or a buzzard???
DUI: Driving under the influence. "Buzz"
DWI: Driving while Intoxicated. "Drunk"
DUI is a lesser offence than DWI.
I am sure someone has already addressed this but Coop you are looking pretty pathetic in your attempt to make a non-existant distinction!
DUI, DWI... at least in Louisiana... is the same thing. Typically, DUI is used for those who are impaired but not obviously from drinking. DWI is used for the guy who gets out of the car and you could sell another "Buzzard" his slobber if you bottled it.
I wish I could open my heart here on this thread but I cannot. Just suffice it to say that no one ever set out to be an alcoholic but everyone of them started out with a single drink! So, go ahead and have your little sinless indulgences. I will pray that you do not lose your gamble or that someone else does not lose because of your gamble!
I live every day with the results of what started with a single drink!
RW, your flaunting of your liberties in this area are no different than your dancing threads or any of your other asinine threads that are intended to offend others and show how free you are! It really grosses me out and makes me wonder about more than your single drinks and your sloppy sambas!