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06-26-2018, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by votivesoul
You, me, and others could probably tell our PTSD horror stories, too, and how Jesus made short work of them the day He saved us. I was possessed by an evil spirit when I was fourteen, and then, for the next ten years of my life, and it all happened when and because, I was taking a legally prescribed anti-depressant that impacted the chemistry in my brain sufficient to make me numb and dumb enough not to care when it came around and invited itself in.
Yeah, talk about PTSD! Every symptom you can name, I had, every day of my life: racing, uncontrollable thoughts. Anxiety attacks. Panic attacks. Nervous breakdowns. Blackouts. Self-harm. Confusion. Memory loss. Suicidal and Homicidal tendencies. Nightmares. Insomnia. Hallucinations. Dissociative Disorder.
All the time, 24/7, for ten years, in some combination or another.
So, it's not that I don't sympathize or even empathize, because I do. I get it. I just don't agree with Aquila about the solution.
Either you received a miraculous healing... or you didn't have PTSD.
Sadly, not everyone of us receives a miraculous healing. I was born again at 13 years old, long before I began wrestling with PTSD in the military. Through the years, I've fasted, prayed, pleaded, bargained, etc. and still... no healing yet. The EMDR therapy helped, but it is hit or miss.
CBDs help. But it's almost like you have to take them every day or every other day at most. The smoke, well, a single treatment can help keep symptoms at bay for days.

06-26-2018, 12:59 PM
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Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by Aquila
Either you received a miraculous healing... or you didn't have PTSD.
Sadly, not everyone of us receives a miraculous healing. I was born again at 13 years old, long before I began wrestling with PTSD in the military. Through the years, I've fasted, prayed, pleaded, bargained, etc. and still... no healing yet. The EMDR therapy helped, but it is hit or miss.
CBDs help. But it's almost like you have to take them every day or every other day at most. The smoke, well, a single treatment can help keep symptoms at bay for days.
I like how you tried to fly that one under the radar. But this has gone from you heard, to you know. And also thanks for coming out of the closet with your true initiative. I mean its not like we didn't know it, but with a Lil patience all things have time to manifest.
Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
Apostolic Truth! His Truth Is Marching On!

06-26-2018, 01:45 PM
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Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by Aquila
Either you received a miraculous healing... or you didn't have PTSD.
Really? Are you serious? Man you know no bounds. No problem, we just know where we can go from here. So, the next time you want to cry foul on how you are pressed. Just keep in mind how you proceed.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Sadly, not everyone of us receives a miraculous healing. I was born again at 13 years old, long before I began wrestling with PTSD in the military. Through the years, I've fasted, prayed, pleaded, bargained, etc. and still... no healing yet.
Chris, you pleaded? Bargained? Do you believe that those methods were correct? Could be that your approach was a bit lacking as it is today?
Originally Posted by Aquila
The EMDR therapy helped, but it is hit or miss.
From what I have been reading about it since our last discussion concerning that therapy is that is doesn't work.
Originally Posted by Aquila
CBDs help.
So, does warm milk.
Originally Posted by Aquila
But it's almost like you have to take them every day or every other day at most.
CBD is supposed to be administered before bed. Most of the people using it use it before sleep.
Originally Posted by Aquila
The smoke, well, a single treatment can help keep symptoms at bay for days.
Didn't you post that the medical marijuana was weaker. But you are saying that medical marijuana works for DAYS?
Do you have any personal experience with this yourself? Have you been treated?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-26-2018, 02:48 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
I like how you tried to fly that one under the radar. But this has gone from you heard, to you know. And also thanks for coming out of the closet with your true initiative. I mean its not like we didn't know it, but with a Lil patience all things have time to manifest.
I'm just voicing my experience with it. While in Amsterdam (where it is legal) I decided to try it. There's no real agenda, because as most have pointed out, me, or anyone else for that matter, will do whatever one decides to do. My point is, medicinal benefits exist in that it can relieve various symptoms of various conditions. My concern is only the hate, condemnation, and slander libeled at those who do seek medical cannabis. Aside from divine healing, when it comes to medications it's about as safe as you can get. No one has ever died of a cannabis overdose.
The leading research facility on this is located in Jerusalem. Israel is lightyears ahead of the United States on this research. Their facility, Tikun Olam, has pioneered this for decades. They treat their veterans and the symptoms of many other conditions. It's on the up and up. The drug culture notion held by some of those who were previously stoners is totally alien to what is going on in reality. But most will not want to believe that because they can only see things as they experienced them.
You'll note that I never hid my experience with this. In fact, beyond discussing medicinal value, research, etc., I've even recommended Barney's, in Amsterdam, as an up and up place with great food and a wide selection of cannabis products if one wished to check it out privately and happened to be in Amsterdam. I've also been to San Francisco, spoke with vets, a couple patients treating symptoms of various diseases, and toured a dispensary.
The idea that all these people are just stoners is a lie. Most are professional people who have often tried many other medications before turning to cannabis. Most will tell you point blank, they wish they had no fear and had not listened to the haters and detractors who have a greater agenda based on ideology and not experience as it relates to medical benefits.
It should be noted, cannabis has been used medicinally for over 5,000 years. The earliest recorded instance is from ancient China. In addition, before prohibition, even in America it was a leading ingredient in many over the counter medications. Anyone who would argue that the medicinal benefits of cannabis wasn't known until now is woefully ignorant of the facts. The only thing that has changed within the past 10 to 20 years is scientific understanding of "how" it works.
Last edited by Aquila; 06-26-2018 at 03:05 PM.

06-26-2018, 03:02 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
From what I have been reading about it since our last discussion concerning that therapy is that is doesn't work.
In my opinion EMDR doesn't work. I say hit or miss, but as you've probably read, it's mostly a miss. If it worked, I wouldn't still be agonizing over the symptoms that continue.
Yeah, all vets who shoot themselves to stop this speeding merry-go-round of insanity need is warm milk. Right. Way to go preacher. Way to go.
CBD is supposed to be administered before bed. Most of the people using it use it before sleep.
Very true. I've mentioned that too. And those strains with higher THC that are used to relieve intense anxiety or pain are also often used at night. Few who are launching into medical cannabis are toking up early in the morning to walk around stoned all day, those who do suffer from more serious conditions that typically leave them bed ridden or largely homebound anyway. So, you have no fear of stoned crane operators coming from this group.
Didn't you post that the medical marijuana was weaker. But you are saying that medical marijuana works for DAYS?
Again, this shows how little most know about this. Medical cannabis is typically higher in CBDs and lower in THC. However, they have strains available with higher THC, in measured amounts, to address anxiety, pain, and other symptoms of various conditions. There is actually a spectrum of potency in the products that are available. Ideally, a physician will assist someone with finding what works. Those who cannot afford a physician, live where it is illegal, or who are just looking into it privately because they aren't sure and would rather look into it themselves have to do a lot of homework, or experiment through trial and error.
Here's an excellent documentary on this, if you'd like to watch it.
Do you have any personal experience with this yourself? Have you been treated?
Yes, I both looked into it personally and I'm currently in the process regarding official medical provision. The problem is, they want to know what meds I've tried, and I've avoided taking the pills that were originally recommended. So, I don't know where it will go from here. I might just have to take the prescription stuff and complain about it if they don't work. But I'd rather take something natural if I'm going to take anything at all.
But, so far, it's obvious... you can't be Apostolic unless you vote Republican and live frozen in the 1950's as it relates to medical science.
I'm just wanting to say that the notion expressed above is baloney.
Last edited by Aquila; 06-26-2018 at 03:09 PM.

06-26-2018, 03:04 PM
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Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by Aquila
The drug culture notion held by some of those who were previously stoners is totally alien to what is going on in reality. But most will not want to believe that because they can only see things as they experienced them.
This made me laugh so hard. Aquila, I sold it, smoked it, ate it, I lived life for it. It's very addictive. Not addictive like hard drugs but a very mentally addictive drug, and very hard to kick. You already romance it, so you are day dreaming about getting a life long vice. i don't know whats going on in reality? Reality is where I come from, the front lines, I've smoked medical grade which is way better especially from Colorado so please stop trying to sell that excuse. What's going on in reality is that that same old prostitute got her a new dress and now she has become high class. She may can fit in a little better, but at this point they are grasping at straws. They've gone and adopted hallucinogens and Uppers that were hard street drugs for years, and are selling the public on "oh now this is good for you." While the court system was charging people for man slaughter on getting caught with too much of the same type of drugs, they are saying this about! (LSD, and MDMA).
That's the real reality, but believe whoever you want. I lived it, I'm a living breathing, walking test subject who has been set free from the liberty you so seek by the blood of the lamb!
Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
Apostolic Truth! His Truth Is Marching On!
Last edited by 1ofthechosen; 06-26-2018 at 03:07 PM.

06-26-2018, 03:10 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
I'd also like to thank those of you who have been reading this thread and have offered prayer, encouragement, and understanding to me in private messages on Facebook. You guys are truly golden. And thank you for your stories.
I'm saddened that the heavy hitters around here aren't as Christian.
Last edited by Aquila; 06-26-2018 at 03:33 PM.

06-26-2018, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
This made me laugh so hard. Aquila, I sold it, smoked it, ate it, I lived life for it. It's very addictive. Not addictive like hard drugs but a very mentally addictive drug, and very hard to kick. You already romance it, so you are day dreaming about getting a life long vice. i don't know whats going on in reality? Reality is where I come from, the front lines, I've smoked medical grade which is way better especially from Colorado so please stop trying to sell that excuse. What's going on in reality is that that same old prostitute got her a new dress and now she has become high class. She may can fit in a little better, but at this point they are grasping at straws. They've gone and adopted hallucinogens and Uppers that were hard street drugs for years, and are selling the public on "oh now this is good for you." While the court system was charging people for man slaughter on getting caught with too much of the same type of drugs, they are saying this about! (LSD, and MDMA).
That's the real reality, but believe whoever you want. I lived it, I'm a living breathing, walking test subject who has been set free from the liberty you so seek by the blood of the lamb!
If miraculous healing doesn't come, what do you suggest I do? Because I'm at the end of my rope. I realize that I'm not welcomed in the church. I'm too broken. Too messed up. EB, and now you, have driven that into the ground. If I didn't long to be saved, I'd have left months ago. But I stand here praying, begging, pleading for healing and it has not come yet. What do you suggest I do in the mean time? I don't want anything to happen to me. I'm scared. I live with this, you don't. I've had it contribute to so many terrible things in my life. I'm so done with it. This merry-go-round starts spinning and there's nothing you or I can do to stop it. And I'm tired.
EB talks about how crazy my posts are, like I can control it. He doesn't realize that he is legitimately dealing with someone who is broken and yes, unstable. He doesn't see the insanity as symptomatic, he doesn't see it as a sign of someone in desperate need. He sees it as an opportunity to stand there chanting, "Jump!", to someone who's holding on by a thread. And watch, he'll even use this post to mock mercilessly. I know his spirit quite well. He can't resist red meat. Come get me EB. Come crucify me... again. And again. And again. The pain of it keeps me feeling bro. It tells me I'm alive. It tells me that maybe I still have a chance, because it hurts. The day it doesn't hurt is the day I'll know my walk with God is over. So, keep it comin'.
Why is the church like this? I'll tell you. It's because no one pays a price. Nobody has any skin in the game. Y'all can laugh, mock, berate, slander, libel, denigrate, insult, taunt, and tear a person to shreds... and in the end, just laugh it off. It must be nice.
So, if healing doesn't come, what do we do, elder? I want you to come along side me in spirit and help me. Pray for me. Encourage me. If healing doesn't come immediately... what do I do? Because I just want to be free.
Last edited by Aquila; 06-26-2018 at 03:31 PM.

06-26-2018, 03:35 PM
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Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by Aquila
If miraculous healing doesn't come, what do you suggest I do? Because I'm at the end of my rope. I realize that I'm not welcomed in the church. I'm too broken. Too messed up. EB, and now you, have driven that into the ground. If I didn't long to be saved, I'd have left months ago. But I stand here praying, begging, pleading for healing and it has not come yet. What do you suggest I do in the mean time? I don't want anything to happen to me. I'm scared. I live with this, you don't. I've had it contribute to so many terrible things in my life. I'm so done with it. This merry-go-round starts spinning and there's nothing you or I can do to stop it. And I'm tired.
EB talks about how crazy my posts are, like I can control it. He doesn't realize that he is legitimately dealing with someone who is broken and yes, unstable. He doesn't see the insanity as symptomatic, he doesn't see it as a sign of someone in desperate need. He sees it as an opportunity to stand there chanting, "Jump!", to someone who's holding on by a thread.
Why is the church like this? I'll tell you. It's because no one pays a price. Nobody has any skin in the game. Y'all can laugh, mock, berate, slander, libel, denigrate, insult, taunt, and tear a person to shreds... and in the end, just laugh it off. But we pay the price. We pay dearly.
So, if healing doesn't come, what do we do, elder? I want you to come along side me in spirit and help me. Pray for me. Encourage me. If healing doesn't come immediately... what do I do?
Get on your face tell God to search you, and whatever God points out to you repent of. Pray and plead with God until the change comes. Look the Bible doesn't tell you to have some great faith, it tells you to have faith the size of a mustard seed. The thing is bro. your faith has to be be bigger than your doubt, thats how it works. It has to exceed your doubt.
Get alone somewhere, get desperate before God. Cry out to Him, and don't move until the change comes. If you are fine with staying like that He will allow you. Stop looking for all these other answers Chris. Faith has no plan B. The more you seek after these alternatives for something God can do, the more you are really telling God I don't trust you with this.
I realize it hasn't happened, God hasn't changed it. But don't lose hope keep pressing your way to Jesus like the woman with the issue of blood. However you have to get to Him, get to Him and touch Him. Keeping the desire burning knowing if you can just touch Him, you can be healed.
Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
Apostolic Truth! His Truth Is Marching On!

06-26-2018, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychotropic Drugs in Religious Rituals
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
This made me laugh so hard. Aquila, I sold it, smoked it, ate it, I lived life for it. It's very addictive. Not addictive like hard drugs but a very mentally addictive drug, and very hard to kick. You already romance it, so you are day dreaming about getting a life long vice. i don't know whats going on in reality? Reality is where I come from, the front lines, I've smoked medical grade which is way better especially from Colorado so please stop trying to sell that excuse. What's going on in reality is that that same old prostitute got her a new dress and now she has become high class. She may can fit in a little better, but at this point they are grasping at straws. They've gone and adopted hallucinogens and Uppers that were hard street drugs for years, and are selling the public on "oh now this is good for you." While the court system was charging people for man slaughter on getting caught with too much of the same type of drugs, they are saying this about! (LSD, and MDMA).
That's the real reality, but believe whoever you want. I lived it, I'm a living breathing, walking test subject who has been set free from the liberty you so seek by the blood of the lamb!
I just want the racing thoughts to end. The fear to cease. I'm tired. I feel like a car with the alarm system going off all night. I'm so done reliving things I don't want to relive. I'm tired of the intrucive thoughts. Things that horrify me. I'm just wanting to wake up and feel my mind... still. At ease. And be able to know that for the rest of the day... I'll not be holding back this feeling, these thoughts, and smiling like I'm okay so that I don't make anyone uncomfortable.
I was talking to Chris. The kids will be with their biologicals for the 4th. Things whent really badly last 4th. Chris and I will be home. But she doesn't know, I'm already feeling the nerves. I'm already feeling that feeling in the pit of my stomach like I'm on a roller coaster. It's been with me all week. Richards didn't have to die. Everyone is going to be "Saluting the troops" and waving flags and cheering like the troops were sent away to summer camp or something. Where's Richards? Where am I? Better yet, where's Jesus? I know He's here. I know He was there. And I know that He can see me, why is this happening to me?
Last edited by Aquila; 06-26-2018 at 03:50 PM.
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