Should we ban mature literature, entertainments, items, movies, etc., etc.? There goes the freedom of speech and expression. Should we ban unwholesome music?
Maybe we need Shariah Law in the United States. It seems so many have no issue FORCING their religious moral views on others at the gun point of GOVERNMENT.... until those views and morals aren't their own. Maybe being forced to live under Shariah Law will teach us something about how sacred FREEDOM is... even when that same freedom allows men to choose sin.
I was responding to Charnock's question, "Which should a Christian be most concerned with; protecting individual liberties or declaring Bible absolutes?"
I stated that Christians should be most concerned with declaring Bible absolutes and I stand by that statement.
In order to preserve that "liberty" that others want to stand for, we need to ensure that the CHURCH and that CHRISTIANS are NEVER FORCED to violate their consciences here in America by force of law.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
It's about discrimination. There is no legal reason to not allow homosexuals to marry just as heterosexuals do.
The problem for me, and may be this has already been addressed, if homosexual marriage becomes codified in law, I think it could lead to a place where in America chruches and like-minded people would be forced by law to compromise thier consciences on a deeply personal issue.
To avoid this forced compromise, I am against the government legalizing homosexaul marriages.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
The Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws, and provides that states need not recognize a marriage from another state if it is between persons of the same sex. 37 states have their own Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMAs), while 2 more states have strong language that defines marriage as one man and one woman. There are 30 states that have constitutional amendments protecting traditional marriage, including the three states (Arizona, California, and Florida) that passed constitutional amendments in November 2008.
ALL the citizens have the constitutional right to vote and create amendments to their constitutions.
Some liberals do not want to honor constitutional processes.
Abortion, gay marriage and federal debt are very important priorities for liberals.As the country is getting indigestion on gubment, it is becoming conservative rapidly.