The pattern of the temple was heavenly to begin with. It was spiritual before it ever was physical (
Hebrews 8)
But now we have a new covenant with better promises, and the old covenant and temple are done away with. (
Hebrews 9)
And now the church is the temple/priesthood of God. (
1 Peter 2)
Now there is neither Jew or gentile but we are make one in Christ. (
Galatians 3)
We are fitly joined together, a holy temple to the Lord. (
Ephesians 2)
Now Jews are not those who have been circumcised in the flesh, but in the heart (
Romans 2)
Israel was not done away with, but the children of the promise have been joined with the children of the flesh, and we are now spiritual Israel.
The Temple is the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband.
Dispensationalism was a counter reformation invention of crypto jewish Catholics to dissuade protestants from labeling the pope as antichrist.