Just curious, WP. Are you maybe the preacher that ate that $400 lobster? I'm not saying you were or accusing you of it. Just curious. You just seem so defensive.
No, I wouldn't do anything like that, but I do find it funny. I would not want anyone to pay that much for lobster, even though I love it. I know this is typical of the UPC type though.
No. Go ahead and say it: I have no sense of humor. But I do NOT find this funny. I find it disgusting!! I find it greedy. I find it arrogant.
That is what some of the UPCI ministers are and I could name some, but I won't. Now, on this part, I am being serious.
So what do you think? Would Jesus drive a $60,000 car?
I don't know, but probably not. I want a certain type of car that is fast, because I like fast cars. I don't have the money to get my Mustang Shelby Cobra GT 500 and that is the one that is $60,000 that I want.
I don't really know the answer to that. No one does. But in my deepest heart, I have to believe that He would have been much more interested in souls and reaching them for His Kingdom than He would have been about something like this.
I am interested in souls and that is why I go to this one church, because they are hungry for souls and wanting to see people make it to heaven.
I believe it was a Revival in 1967 when we had a young
Evangelist come to our Church.
They had driven about 500 miles to Preach a 2 week revival
for a neighboring Pastor and stayed with him for a week after
that revival was over because their next Revival was an
additional 3 weeks away -
Learning of this, we decided that we could use him for at least
one of those vacant weeks and if things went well he could
preach both weeks -
Things went smoothly on the 1st night and I felt real good about
the spontanious usage of this young couple that I had just met -
Tuesday and wednesday came an went real well but On thursday
afternoon he came to me with a pressing problem -
He Said That They Were In Desperate Need Of Two Hundred Dollars
{$200.00} And That He Had To Have It Right Away -
Not wanting to pry, {thinking maybe it was somepast due bills such
as Insurance or Car Payments, or maybe medical bills}, I handed him
the $200.00 that he desperately needed and he left.
Later that night as we were eating in a Restaurant He Proudly showed
me his Brand New Alligator Shoes That Only Cost Him $200.00 and My
What A Bargain, He Said -{ keep in mind that it was the year of 1967 }
After the Sunday night service had ended I took him with me into the
office and said, " Let's Settle Up For This Week " and then I Gave Him
A Brand New $ 50.00 Bill -
Stunned and Puzzeled,
He Just Looked And Looked At That Brand New Fifty Dollar Bill -
BUT Before He Could Say Anything I Replied;
" If You Or Your Wife Get Hungry
Or Run Short Of Funds During This Next Week
Just Look Down At Your
Brand New $200.00 Alligator Shoes
And Say "
I believe it was a Revival in 1967 when we had a young
Evangelist come to our Church.
They had driven about 500 miles to Preach a 2 week
revival for a neighboring Pastor and stayed with him
for a week after that revival was over because their
next Revival was an additional 3 weeks away -
Learning of this, we decided that we could use him for at least
one of those vacant weeks and if things went well he could
preach both weeks -
Things went smoothly on the 1st night and I felt real good about
the spontanious usage of this young couple that I had just met -
Tuesday and wednesday came an went real well but On thursday
afternoon he came to me with a pressing problem -
He Said That They Were In Desperate Need Of Two Hundred Dollars
{$200.00} And That He Had To Have It Right Away -
Not wanting to pry, {thinking maybe it was somepast due bills such
as Insurance or Car Payments, or maybe medical bills}, I handed him
the $200.00 that he desperately needed and he left.
Later that night as we were eating in a Restaurant He Proudly showed
me his Brand New Alligator Shoes That Only Cost Him $200.00 and My
What A Bargain, He Said -{ keep in mind that it was the year of 1967 }
After the Sunday night service had ended I took him with me into the
office and said, " Let's Settle Up For This Week " and then I Gave Him
A Brand New $ 50.00 Bill -
Stunned and Puzzeled,
He Just Looked And Looked At That Brand New Fifty Dollar Bill -
BUT Before He Could Say Anything I Replied;
" If You Or Your Wife Get Hungry
Or Run Short Of Funds During This Next Week
Just Look Down At Your
Brand New $200.00 Alligator Shoes
And Say "
WOW!!! That was not using wisdom in buying those shoes.
Just curious, WP. Are you maybe the preacher that ate that $400 lobster? I'm not saying you were or accusing you of it. Just curious. You just seem so defensive.
No. Go ahead and say it: I have no sense of humor. But I do NOT find this funny. I find it disgusting!! I find it greedy. I find it arrogant.
So what do you think? Would Jesus drive a $60,000 car? I don't really know the answer to that. No one does. But in my deepest heart, I have to believe that He would have been much more interested in souls and reaching them for His Kingdom than He would have been about something like this.
Sister, everything is relative. When I read how much you spent for your camera my jaw about fell out of socket. If someone can afford a $60,000 car then more power to them. What I don't like about this lobster situation is that the church got stuck paying the bill.
A Pastor From this forum visited another pastor recently and was shocked by the extravegance of This well known VISITING Minister !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After service they were taken out to eat.
When it came time to order the visiting minister ordered Lobster-
the waitress informed him that the only lobster they had was flown in from Australia and it would cost 400-500$
the visiting minister responded "thats fine!"
in the words of this Pastor's wife to me "can you believe ordering a 400-500$ lobster???"
Is this over the top in your opinion ????
Matt 23:25
25 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but within they are full of extortion (prey, spoil, plunder) and grasping self-indulgence.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
Sister, everything is relative. When I read how much you spent for your camera my jaw about fell out of socket. If someone can afford a $60,000 car then more power to them. What I don't like about this lobster situation is that the church got stuck paying the bill.
Rico, I agree with you. I don't like that the church got stuck paying this bill either. I still stay it is greed and arrogance that would cause someone to feel that it was ok to order something like this, expecting someone else (the church or anyone!) to pay the bill. And frankly, poor, poor manners.
As far as the camera goes, I thought about it before I posted the previous post. The differences I see are:
1) Altho the camera is very expensive (not as much as it could have been - believe me!), in the end it will not end up costing me personally. It is a business investment. I am using money from wedding photos, senior picture photos, and other 'side jobs' to cover the cost. In only a few jobs, it will be paid for. It is no different than a company purchasing a new copy machine or a new computer system. You have to have the equipment in order to do the job properly.
2) I already do many jobs for our church for free. I am putting together a new church directory and doing all of the photography for that myself.
I also have done, and will continue to do, senior pictures for many people who would otherwise not be able to afford them for their children. In every case I have done this as a gift and refused any money.
So I feel strongly that, altho the camera will be used by me and I will most certainly enjoy it, it is really God's camera. I will use it for His glory and to spread His love at every opportunity.
I could get a cheaper camera. But it would not do the job the way it needs to be done. This is a necessary piece of equipment in order to do the 'ministry' that I do with it. And it is really not even costing me at all, as I said.
I can't personally say the same kinds of things about a car. But then, on the other hand, maybe that's because I don't have the same kind of appreciation for expensive vehicles that someone else would. Just as someone else might not truly appreciate the kind of camera I felt necessary. Different strokes, I guess.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
Having said that tho, let me add one more thing....
While I can appreciate the need for the camera - and if I stretch my imagination, you might be able to convince me that the higher priced car is something that God could use for HIS glory (if you fill it up with dirty, snotty kids to haul to Sunday School each Sunday, for example).........
There ain't no way in the world that anyone is gonna convince me that a $400 lobster is necessary for bringing glory to God or will any way further HIS kingdom.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !