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Old 10-29-2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post

I thought about it too and I think you are right about what bothers you (and me) is the double standard.

Our mayor when resigning from office commented about coming a long way for a black man - from being paid $1 for a day's work from the white man to being the first black mayor of Memphis. He played the race card all the time.
Then he made more than my daddy, he was paid $1 a week at one job.
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Old 10-29-2010, 09:20 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Just found this that the Memphis mayor said after he resigned and was going to run for senate. Can you imagine if a white person had said something like this? The double standard. If a white person said "you folks" or "you people" - - my word, but he can make that separation.

“I’ve never seen a dollar vote.” Nor could President Obama and the members of the Congressional Black Caucus who’ve endorsed Cohen vote. “But you can vote. And you’re going to vote.” Another cheer. “The black voters are going to determine who’s going to Congress.”

“To even make this race comfortably close,” Herenton said, Cohen would have to get “six out of ten of us.” And with “our folks …voting like mad,” that was not going to happen. “You got to watch these white folks,” he warned, speaking of alleged “irregularities” that occurred during the 2006 election. “Anything goes down, you got to watch white folks counting.” That was one of the lessons learned on the slave ships, Herenton said, somewhat incongruously.
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Old 10-29-2010, 09:20 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
NOW, it is a very sad state of affairs. As a bit of a amature historian, the only thing I can compare the current state of affairs in American politics (the rancor I mean) is to the period right before the Civil War.

While I do not disagree that that this can be seen as a racial slur, this is not the first Obama's race has been used in a political context.

The left has used his blackness to score points repeatedly. So now there is this very minor event that has popped up. and some of us on the right arent willing to back down. Not because it is acceptable to act out as a racist but because the other side is doing what ever they want with an absolute free pass.

Last year there was a cartoon of Obama as a monkey. It was widely claimed to be racist. It was a HUGE point of discussion on all the blogs and political forums.

Liberals everywhere ranted that the right was racist and that was proof. Then someone brought up an almost identical rendition of George Bush as a monkey that ran in the New York Times.

Liberals still said the Obama as a Monkey crossed a line.

I admit I am jaded. I admit I have reached a point where I refuse to allow alinsky attacks to stand.

there arent two sets of rules. before liberal attacks are allowed to stand, liberals need to clean their own house.

As a conservative.....yes, that's right, I'm a conservative.....I totally agree there is a double standard. Very much so. But that does NOT give conservatives the right to behave in the same fashion. And "Eye for an eye" doesn't work. Ever.

You are correct, President Obama's supporters have used his race to make him more appealing to some, but two things....1) The more they did that, the more they made MANY not want to vote for him or support him; and 2) The fact they used his race to their advantage (theoretically, anyway) STILL doesn't endorse racial slurs and bigotry against him.

Most of my friends are conservatives, although my liberal circle of influence has massively grown in the last few years, which is why I'm defensive of them....but I KNOW how often my conservative friends say racial things about the President. I've walked away in disgust from many conversations because of this. I'm sick of it, and someone of Rush's success, talent, and accomplishments, should be above it.

Calling Bush a monkey shouldn't have been done. I HATE it. He doesn't deserve the disrespect. None of us would want to deal with the things he had to deal with. But calling him a monkey is FAR different than calling Obama a monkey. It's not even close.
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:24 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

When was the last time Obama was referred to in a racial slur?
This week he was addressed as "dude", does that count as anything negative.

I feel like a nimcompoop....after responding that what Rush said might cause the left to gain both houses. He said this last year...last year! So, why is it being brought up again?
That's the question I've been pondering.

Which also explains why it wasn't all over the news...sheesh.
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by sandie View Post
When was the last time Obama was referred to in a racial slur?
This week he was addressed as "dude", does that count as anything negative.

I feel like a nimcompoop....after responding that what Rush said might cause the left to gain both houses. He said this last year...last year! So, why is it being brought up again?
That's the question I've been pondering.

Which also explains why it wasn't all over the news...sheesh.
Sandie, he has said it multiple times. The only reason I'm addressing it now is that I was made aware of it just recently.
Having said that, rest assured that both Democrats and Republicans will be taken to task for things that they did and said a year ago. I would not argue that anything that was said and done a year ago is somehow irrelevant today.

And no, there is not a recognized and historic perjorative element to calling a grown man a dude as far as I know. Either way, I have expressed my concerns about the perception of this. Some see it and some don't, and I'm not sure anything else I could say would change it either way. Either way, rest assured that things like this place black conservatives in unneccesary positions in conversations behind closed doors.

God Bless,
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Old 10-29-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Either way, rest assured that things like this place black conservatives in unneccesary positions in conversations behind closed doors.

God Bless,

I fully believe this. I just dont know how to avoid it even if all conservatives walk around on pins and needles.

it isnt like black conservatives have made any serious inroads into the black community. with or without comments like this one.
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Old 10-29-2010, 11:12 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
As a conservative.....yes, that's right, I'm a conservative.....I totally agree there is a double standard. Very much so. But that does NOT give conservatives the right to behave in the same fashion. And "Eye for an eye" doesn't work. Ever.

You are correct, President Obama's supporters have used his race to make him more appealing to some, but two things....1) The more they did that, the more they made MANY not want to vote for him or support him; and 2) The fact they used his race to their advantage (theoretically, anyway) STILL doesn't endorse racial slurs and bigotry against him.

Most of my friends are conservatives, although my liberal circle of influence has massively grown in the last few years, which is why I'm defensive of them....but I KNOW how often my conservative friends say racial things about the President. I've walked away in disgust from many conversations because of this. I'm sick of it, and someone of Rush's success, talent, and accomplishments, should be above it.

Calling Bush a monkey shouldn't have been done. I HATE it. He doesn't deserve the disrespect. None of us would want to deal with the things he had to deal with. But calling him a monkey is FAR different than calling Obama a monkey. It's not even close.
NOW, you are only partially right. Part of the problem with our post-modern world is their inability to grasp the idea that words have the meaning INTENDED by the author/speaker. Many want to take a sentence out of context or simply infer meanings that were not intended. I have called my daughter "monkey" since she was a baby. I wake her up by tossing a stuffed monkey that makes monkey noises on her bed in the morning. I tell her "You are my little monkey." I could very easily, and do, call other children monkeys, the fact that one of them may be black does not change the INTENDED meaning.

Liberal Black post-modernest are holding us captive by the idea that they get to interpret the meaning of each and every speaker, especially if they are conservative. Objective truth is unimportant, subjective "truth" allows black liberals to define everything that is said regardless of intent.

Please don't confuse this with an argument that nothing racist is ever said. It happens, but taking offense at every percieved occurance is wearing thin.
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Last edited by Baron1710; 10-29-2010 at 11:16 AM.
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Old 10-29-2010, 11:14 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I fully believe this. I just dont know how to avoid it even if all conservatives walk around on pins and needles.

it isnt like black conservatives have made any serious inroads into the black community. with or without comments like this one.
You'd be surprised. PO referenced articles earlier about the "black exodus". I think people from both sides of the spectrum are starting to see through some of the traditional political ploys and are beginning to see the danger in blind partisanship.
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Last edited by tstew; 10-29-2010 at 11:15 AM. Reason: Gratuitous comma LOL
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Old 10-29-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Sandie, he has said it multiple times. The only reason I'm addressing it now is that I was made aware of it just recently.
Having said that, rest assured that both Democrats and Republicans will be taken to task for things that they did and said a year ago. I would not argue that anything that was said and done a year ago is somehow irrelevant today.

And no, there is not a recognized and historic perjorative element to calling a grown man a dude as far as I know. Either way, I have expressed my concerns about the perception of this. Some see it and some don't, and I'm not sure anything else I could say would change it either way. Either way, rest assured that things like this place black conservatives in unneccesary positions in conversations behind closed doors.

God Bless,
Seems like "dude" isn't respecting the office of the President...but, guess that's another story.

I understand your delima, I've been on the recieving end of racial slurs and prejudice.
And it's entirely too bad black conservatives are put in unneccesary positions, but the left is guilty on that part too, they just don't have to give any explanations or pay any political price.
Look what they did to (name escapes) that wonderful black conservative who was running for the senate in 08....called him an oreo! An oreo...that's so offensive it defies explanation. Yet, the dem won.

The double standards are so glaring it defies logic. I feel it would help very much if the black conservatives would unite against this double standard.

God bless! So glad you're here, I do want to hear your persceptive.
Thanks for engaging me.
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Old 10-29-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
You'd be surprised. PO referenced articles earlier about the "black exodus". I think people from both sides of the spectrum are starting to see through some of the traditional political ploys and are beginning to see the danger in blind partisanship.
im not ready to say I am utterly wrong here but I hope you are right. I really want to be wrong on this....

im still not going to give HuffPo/Media Matters/George Soros a single bit of respect or credit.
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