Originally Posted by A_PoMo
Yeah, I heard the YC was really good too. I guess the Lord isn't too concerned with how people were dressed or choreographed their worship or whether somebody has a license or not. Perhaps somebody ought to listen to the Youth as it appears they're moving in the in Spirit. The whole thing kind of reminds me of some folks that would get mad at Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. That's the issue I have w/this letter. You have a Youth Dept that is doing something right and effective and the new old guard slaps 'em down and says "Put them suits back on and no dancing unless it's the insane kind. And show me your papers Juden!". Systemic problems.
Since there are far to few conservitives here to articulate the argument... let me try.
Wheither or not NYC was good for a 14 year old wasnt the point. Personally I think YOUTH congress should be progressive and hip and relevent to 14-16 year olds and most 40 year olds shouldnt get it anyway.
The issue the Cons had with NYC could be generally dismissed...except for timing.
Least we forget, Nationa Youth Congress was held on the eve of the General Convention where the main issue of substance dealt with Television.
the youth commettee decided to include a segment hosted by an Apostolic minister who "happens" to have a Television show. He interviewed an Apostolic young lady who "happens" to be a star on Television.
Proxemity to the GC left many with a bit of distaste in their mouths. It seemed that the Youth Department was thumbing their collective noses at the those opposed to Television. As if to say "we will run the UPCI in a few years and we like TV so get over it".
Now I dont know if that is what the Youth Commettee was thinking, but it gave an impression as I have outlined to some.
As someone very much in favor of the resolution that past at GC, I felt that the Youth Commettee could have made wiser choices. I suppose, if that NYC were held this year, there would be very little discussion.
As the saying goes, timing is everything.