Originally Posted by TexasProud
Thank you for those kind words about the service. Nanna loved to hear Bro Larry sing...I think he was her favorite! My mother mentioned the other day that your kinfolks would be in NC for a while. I know they will all be thrilled to have you and your husband in service when you visit.
Sis. TexasProud,
Yes, my brother, Big-Larry, has always been blessed with a
beautiful singing voice. I still have a mental picture in my mind
of a lovely evening, under a privillion at Lake Lavon, just before
he left to go to Viet Nam, strumming his guitar and singing "The
Gentle Carpenter of Bethlehem". It was almost like having my own
son leaving for the war, as being the older sister, I helped Mom
with so much with the younger children.
My older brother (only sibling older than I) and wife are in North
Carolina visiting their son and family for a couple of weeks. They
say it is beautiful up there.
My husband and I are looking forward to visiting with them and
going to church with them there. We are all close. They have been
married 48 yrs, (49 in Feb.,) and we had our 48th in July. Our next
younger brother and wife had their 47th anniversary May 28th,
Memorial Day. Don't listen to all those stories about no one staying
together anymore! You just don't hear as much about the good ones,
it seems!
Glad to know who you are now, TexasProud. I met IAin'tMovin and
his sweet wife and the little guys, at Tx Dist. Campmeeting this year.
They look just like their pics on here. I walked up to him and put my
hand out. Before I could say, "I'm Falla39", he pointed his finger at
me and said, "I know who you are, You're a Blakey". LOL!!!