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Old 10-20-2011, 08:57 AM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

I'm very disappointed with our governor's performance in the debates, his attack on Mitt was low and lacking in substance! He appeared small and grasping straws.
Yes, I agree that he would be a vast improvement over our current president, however I'm not sure he is the best of the crop. Mitt appears much more presidential, even though he was a bit rattled during this last debate. I don't appreciate the attacks on each other, wish they would just present their own case and let us decide, we don't need the childishness.
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Old 10-20-2011, 09:20 AM
Dagwood Dagwood is offline
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
I'm very disappointed with our governor's performance in the debates, his attack on Mitt was low and lacking in substance! He appeared small and grasping straws.
Yes, I agree that he would be a vast improvement over our current president, however I'm not sure he is the best of the crop. Mitt appears much more presidential, even though he was a bit rattled during this last debate. I don't appreciate the attacks on each other, wish they would just present their own case and let us decide, we don't need the childishness.
That's the problem with our political landscape, regardless of platforms/beliefs/etc. People enter a political office and act like a bunch of kids on a playground who can't get along with one another...
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Old 10-20-2011, 10:37 AM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
I'm very disappointed with our governor's performance in the debates, his attack on Mitt was low and lacking in substance! He appeared small and grasping straws.
Yes, I agree that he would be a vast improvement over our current president, however I'm not sure he is the best of the crop. Mitt appears much more presidential, even though he was a bit rattled during this last debate. I don't appreciate the attacks on each other, wish they would just present their own case and let us decide, we don't need the childishness.
I don't see how anyone could claim Mitt Romney acted more presidential after this last debate. He was the one that looked the most rattled and off his game. Not only was he rattled, but he raised his voice, reached out and touched Perry on the shoulder (big no-no) and he seemed more angry than anyone on stage. Why? Because he is the only one on stage more like Obama than any other candidate. Santorum led the charge on that. At least he is good for something in this campaign.

"I can't have illegals. I'm running for office!" So, if you weren't running for office you would hire illegals? Great sound bite! LOL! In 2006, Romney learned his landscaper hired illegals to work at his home. He warns the company and gives them another chance. In 2007, in the midst of his presidential campaign, same company, with illegals, are working at his home. Perry was right to bring it up. It highlights his flip-flopping record.

After the third debate they wondered why Perry didn't punch Romney a little more. "He had some chances to do that and didn't take the opportunity. It made him look weak and not ready to lead"

After this debate - "He was a little rough on Romney."

What in the world do people want? Good grief. LOL!

When I listen and watch a debate, I want to see all weakness exposed. I want everything challenged.

Governor Perry did a great job! I couldn't say that Newt won the debate, because he cannot be elected. So, I give it to Perry.
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Old 10-20-2011, 12:30 PM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

That's my take!

Jim: I’ve been very disappointed with Perry for much of his campaign, but I liked the new energy he showed us, at least in the early parts of last night’s debate. What do you think of him?

Obi-Wan: Look out for this guy, I’m telling you. When Romney kept insisting Perry let him talk and sounded whiney in doing it, the Texan finally looked at him and said, “Have at it.” So he uses a marvelous Southwest colloquialism to give Romney permission to proceed. That one may go down with Reagan’s “There you go again” to Carter. Never mind politics, American public life has not seen this kind of camera presence since maybe John Wayne. Men like him and women admire him. And he seems to be getting used to the debate format. On or off stage, he’s got a commanding and theatrical presence.

Note: Obi-Wan, a mysterious wise figure who has been around Republican politics longer than I have been alive, is not affiliated with any candidate, but since several candidates in the field have been around national politics a long time, he knows some of them quite well.

He is spot on!
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Old 10-20-2011, 02:55 PM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I don't see how anyone could claim Mitt Romney acted more presidential after this last debate. He was the one that looked the most rattled and off his game. Not only was he rattled, but he raised his voice, reached out and touched Perry on the shoulder (big no-no) and he seemed more angry than anyone on stage. Why? Because he is the only one on stage more like Obama than any other candidate. Santorum led the charge on that. At least he is good for something in this campaign.

"I can't have illegals. I'm running for office!" So, if you weren't running for office you would hire illegals? Great sound bite! LOL! In 2006, Romney learned his landscaper hired illegals to work at his home. He warns the company and gives them another chance. In 2007, in the midst of his presidential campaign, same company, with illegals, are working at his home. Perry was right to bring it up. It highlights his flip-flopping record.

After the third debate they wondered why Perry didn't punch Romney a little more. "He had some chances to do that and didn't take the opportunity. It made him look weak and not ready to lead"

After this debate - "He was a little rough on Romney."

What in the world do people want? Good grief. LOL!

When I listen and watch a debate, I want to see all weakness exposed. I want everything challenged.

Governor Perry did a great job! I couldn't say that Newt won the debate, because he cannot be elected. So, I give it to Perry.

If I can freely admit that I just don't like Perry, you can admit that you just do like Perry-- no matter what or how he does.

He was a bit more lively, but that's it. He's not a good presidential candidate.

Maybe he's more electable than most on that stage, but GWB was seen as more "electable" too.

I like GWB, but America would have been better with someone stronger as President.

Perry appears weak too.
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Old 10-20-2011, 02:59 PM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
That's my take!

Note: Obi-Wan, a mysterious wise figure who has been around Republican politics longer than I have been alive, is not affiliated with any candidate, but since several candidates in the field have been around national politics a long time, he knows some of them quite well.

He is spot on!

In reference to what you quoted, we're supposed to like the guy who comes across as almost bullying and impetuous?

We're supposed to like the one who talks over everyone else?

The one who talks the loudest is most Presidential!

That's just plain dumb.

But again, I don't like Perry and will not vote for anyone who attmepts to use my faith as a springboard for his political gain.
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Old 10-20-2011, 09:43 PM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
In reference to what you quoted, we're supposed to like the guy who comes across as almost bullying and impetuous?

We're supposed to like the one who talks over everyone else?

The one who talks the loudest is most Presidential!

That's just plain dumb.

But again, I don't like Perry and will not vote for anyone who attmepts to use my faith as a springboard for his political gain.
LOL! You thought that was bullying, loud and impetuous? Hilarious, Jermyn. Pointed is what it was.
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Old 10-22-2011, 06:01 AM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

The Facts About Texas' In-State Tuition Law

In 2001, Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed a law granting in-state tuition benefits to undocumented immigrants. Now that Perry is running for president, his critics, including GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney, are using Perry's support for the law to accuse him of being insufficiently tough on immigration. However, Texas' in-state tuition law is both good for the economy and legally sound. Given those facts, critics like Romney should explain why Perry's judgment about the best policy for Texas was wrong instead of simply pandering to anti-immigrant sentiment among GOP primary voters.

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Old 10-22-2011, 08:54 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

First, ANYONE would be an improvement from the current prez. At least anyone on that stage Tuesday night.

Second, Perry reminds me of the cocky southern preacher who brow beats his audience. I don't care for him at all. He won't win the nomination.

Third, Romney is not my favorite but I'd take him over Perry. Romney will have Romneycare dog him, but he has business sense and the contrast with BO will be measurable.

Cain is refreshing. He's not a polished politician which makes me like him more. I wouldn't dismiss him as a flash in the pan.

Newt would destroy anyone in a debate and intellectually would make "the professor" look like a day-care teacher. He won't win the nomination though

In the end I think it will be Romney. I think he would be smart to select Cain, Bachmann or Rubio as a running mate.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 10-22-2011, 10:10 AM
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Re: Why I'm Against Perry

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
First, ANYONE would be an improvement from the current prez. At least anyone on that stage Tuesday night.

Second, Perry reminds me of the cocky southern preacher who brow beats his audience. I don't care for him at all. He won't win the nomination.

Third, Romney is not my favorite but I'd take him over Perry. Romney will have Romneycare dog him, but he has business sense and the contrast with BO will be measurable.

Cain is refreshing. He's not a polished politician which makes me like him more. I wouldn't dismiss him as a flash in the pan.

Newt would destroy anyone in a debate and intellectually would make "the professor" look like a day-care teacher. He won't win the nomination though

In the end I think it will be Romney. I think he would be smart to select Cain, Bachmann or Rubio as a running mate.
Hey, Deacon!

This article perfectly assesses Mitt Romney. It is the bottom line. I would rather have Perry over him any day. I am stunned that no one is really looking at his record.

I have more confidence in Bobby Jindal's endorsement than I ever would in Chris Christie's. Everyone loves Christie's pushy behaviour, but we don't want Perry to be anywhere near as aggressive.

Highlighting some points. It is going to be extremely hard to walk into a voting booth for Romney. I believe if he gets the nomination many in the Tea Party will stay home. That's a scary thought. Polling shows that 74% do not want him.

No Mitt, No Más

Sometimes it seems as if the GOP Establishment is sleepwalking off a cliff.

It's looking like déjà Dole all over again. Mitt Romney is the proverbial GOP next-in-liner. After the Tea Party helped Republicans score major victories in '10, the GOP Establishment is hunting desperately for a way to lose the very next election.

But he is a terrible candidate. At a time when Americans are hungering for a conviction politician, Mitt Romney is the picture of inconstancy. He will say what he needs to say to get elected. In Massachusetts, he'll campaign as more liberal than Ted Kennedy, a moderate in the mold of Edward Brooke, or a conservative on the make.

In '08, this man who managed to sit out the Reagan revolution spent millions on attack ads lambasting his foes for being insufficiently conservative.

Mitt Romney is basing his campaign on his superior business savvy. Good thing, since we would not want to look too closely at RomneyCare in Massachusetts. It not only embraced the unconstitutional individual mandate, but it extended coverage for abortion in the Bay State.

By saying he believes in anthropogenic global warming, Romney will try to become the first politician ever to accept Al Gore's premises without the policies that go with his ideology. These policies invariably include more government micro-management of the economy and population control.

Mitt Romney is Thomas Dewey, only taller.

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