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Old 09-22-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

For each and every one of you that don't believe in women preachers and/or pastors there is at least one person that disagrees with your view and DOES believe in women preachers and/or pastors.

There are MALE PASTORS and other MALE leaders that disagree with you and can show scripture to support their views just as you claim to have scripture to support your views.

My former and current pastor are just two of many that do believe in women pastors and/or preachers.

The leadership of the UPCI determined long ago that God does indeed call women to preach and/or pastor. Thats a large group of MEN that determined this.

Do you really think all these men are so STUPID while you are so SMART?

Get over yourselves.
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:20 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Esther.............

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Pls. provide the Scripture where a woman EVER preached to a church congregation:_______________?

So if my wife & I had a church meeting weekly in our house, I suppose that she's automatically a "minister/preacher"???????????? Unreal how folks will go to any extreme to force their pre-conceived notions into the literal text, which NEVER states the same. Ever heard of an "Argument from Silence"?

I'm plumb astounded that women preachers would appeal to Acts 8, since it plainly says that the women were "in prison"!!!! How could they "WENT everywhere preaching" from a prison cell???????????????? The verse in question grammatically points back to vs. 1 {& this is about the 3rd time that I've dealt w/ this now}.

Regarding Sis. Alvear, I've repeatedly said that I honor her sacrifice wholly & respect her for it [& have even contributed to their cause]. However, this does necessitate an endorsement of her 'preaching.' It's one thing to honor the persons sacrifices, yet quite another to agree w/ their every doctrine. When it comes to the women preacher issue, I whole-heartedly disagree & can demonstrate so Biblically. But, I still respect her for the sacrifices that she's made. Blessings................
But she's still going to hell, right?

Read Acts 8 again. It says THEY that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching. Not THOSE MEN that were scattered.

The verse preceding mentions men AND women. Then it says THEY.

Don't dance around it...unless you're in the spirit, of course.
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:21 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Looks like the cat is out. LOL!
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:37 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Not hardly.............

You're the one who needs to read Acts 8 again, CLOSELY. For it qualifies they that went out "preaching everywhere" as the same ones who "were scattered abroad" in vs. 1....not the ones who were "in prison". Plumb silly.

And I like the way you evaded my question, so let's try it again, & a straight answer would be nice. How could those women "went everywhere preaching" from a prison cell? And, still waiting on that verse where just one woman "preached" to a church congregation:______________?

God will judge Sis. Alvear on Judgement day, but what honestly concerns me is that we'll ALL be judged according to the Word, which could not be plainer about women preachers.

Now, I've [U]SPECULATED[U] that it's possible that God would send a woman where a man refused to go, but this is pure speculation....not Bible! As for me & my house, we'll stick to the Book...you can have all of these appeals outside of the Scriptural text, which really have nothing to do w/ what the Bible literally says.

Regarding Sunday school, this was not even a practice during the early church days, so the point starts outside of the textual record. Regardless, there's a difference in "children" & "Men" as Paul states. Moreover, prophecy is NOT a sermon from the Scriptures & I challenge anyone to show that it is FROM THE BIBLE. I can show otherwise.............
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:42 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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For "Ladyrev".................

Ever heard of the logical fallacy "Argumentum ad Populum"? It's an appeal to the populace for ones doctrinal positions. If this be the case, then do you believe in the trinity doctrine?? No, well, what makes YOU so "smart"????????? LOL!

Ever heard of the Bible? Then see the plain grammar of I Tim. 2:11-14, I Cor. 14:34, I Tim. 3, etc. ad nauseum. Put your eraser away, it will still be there when you're finished!
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:43 PM
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Love to stay & play.....

....but gotta' run. Try to check back in a few days.
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:46 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Not hardly.............

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
You're the one who needs to read Acts 8 again, CLOSELY. For it qualifies they that went out "preaching everywhere" as the same ones who "were scattered abroad" in vs. 1....not the ones who were "in prison". Plumb silly.

And I like the way you evaded my question, so let's try it again, & a straight answer would be nice. How could those women "went everywhere preaching" from a prison cell? And, still waiting on that verse where just one woman "preached" to a church congregation:______________?

God will judge Sis. Alvear on Judgement day, but what honestly concerns me is that we'll ALL be judged according to the Word, which could not be plainer about women preachers.

Now, I've [U]SPECULATED[U] that it's possible that God would send a woman where a man refused to go, but this is pure speculation....not Bible! As for me & my house, we'll stick to the Book...you can have all of these appeals outside of the Scriptural text, which really have nothing to do w/ what the Bible literally says.

Regarding Sunday school, this was not even a practice during the early church days, so the point starts outside of the textual record. Regardless, there's a difference in "children" & "Men" as Paul states. Moreover, prophecy is NOT a sermon from the Scriptures & I challenge anyone to show that it is FROM THE BIBLE. I can show otherwise.............
You need to show where:

1. Sharing scripture is preaching.

2. Speaking from scripture is a sermon.

3. Where women are excluded from obeying Matt 28:19 when 1 Timothy 3:16 says that ALL scripture is for EVERYONE, not for men and women to pick and choose which applies to them.

However, there are several examples where women prophesying became scripture. Several. Has anything you ever spoke became scripture???
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Old 09-22-2009, 03:26 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: For "Ladyrev".................

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Ever heard of the logical fallacy "Argumentum ad Populum"? It's an appeal to the populace for ones doctrinal positions. If this be the case, then do you believe in the trinity doctrine?? No, well, what makes YOU so "smart"????????? LOL!

Ever heard of the Bible? Then see the plain grammar of I Tim. 2:11-14, I Cor. 14:34, I Tim. 3, etc. ad nauseum. Put your eraser away, it will still be there when you're finished!
Why don't you contact some of the men in the UPCI department that has scripture they use? I'd be interested in knowing what verses they show to justify women preachers.

While you're at it, invite some of them over here for a debate. I'd love to watch.
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Old 09-22-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?


I could put a lot of scriptures for women in ministry...a lot of history...church councils, mention drawings in the catacombs and early writings concerning women but it would just be going and coming with scripture...I have always said a godly woman KNOWS her place...

I am glad that he that called me over 50 years ago will be my judge...I have never made it a point to debate the subject and NEVER claimed to be anything but a missionary...whatever that may be...

I am thankful for a wonderful husband and a great leader in the work of the Lord. I grew up around ladies such as Mother Holmes, Sister Mary Williams and Sister Dawson...their sickles may be silent today but they have gleaned many souls in the kingdom of God...I have never claimed to be among such great women however my life has been blessed by them and yes they were and Sister Holmes still is a woman preacher.

This is a subject that has caused people to become enemies...along with other things...

I told Brother Alvear the other day I hope the Lord calls me home before he calls him home...He said, why is that? I said, for the love of the work of the Lord...YOU can get in more churches than a woman can...
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Old 09-22-2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

With all the sons in ministry I have no one even has to worry about me...
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