I have a friend whose husband had been alcohol free for 20+ years. She had recently trimmed her hair (barely) and she blamed herself for her husband having alcohol. She was getting a perm and the stylist talked her into trimming the ends. She had not cut her hair since she had been saved which was 20+ years.
I remember being shocked thinking how could this lady blame herself for her husband having alcohol. Would God blame her for his sin because she trimmed her hair? It doesn't make sense to me.
Sounds like a new story for the next RR book!!!!!!!!
I think the important thing this thread should remind of us is to pray for rgcraig and that other jezebel heathern sherri who have cut hair.
Well, Ferd, for starters, I've not even addressed that comment, so if you can show me where I said I agreed with that belief, I'll discuss it.
NOW.......it is my belief, through study (scripture and others' writings) and sermons, that this is true. Is she and her family MORE protected? I don't know. You don't have to agree, but I think there is a blessing that comes with a woman not cutting her hair (a born-again child of God woman, that is). So, I really don't see me telling a half-truth. But, I'm listening.......
you have taken others to task when they were spicifically addressing that single aspect of the issue!
OGIA, you dont get to pick an choose.
and to the point. anyone who is obediant to their pastor or to scripture as they see it are clearly in greater proxemity to God and have a hedge of protection. but the point here is that her uncut hair, is in and of itself a veil of protection. quit dancing around the issue.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
See, this is exactly how the devil works. When confronted he (she) starts pointing fingers at others!
You nut! As much as I think this "veil of protection" thing is wrong, I do not want to give the impression that I think less of anyone that believes it's right to have uncut hair.
That is between them and God and I do not judge them.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
You nut! As much as I think this "veil of protection" thing is wrong, I do not want to give the impression that I think less of anyone that believes it's right to have uncut hair.
That is between them and God and I do not judge them.
Obviously some godly woman needs to wrap her long uncut hair around your head and pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!