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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 02-20-2008, 05:07 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Kansas Preacher View Post
I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am simply stating the facts. The letters said only 16 had gotten out, when I knew for a fact that was not the case. Did they lie? I don't think so. I think they were counting the number of men who wrote a letter specifically stating why they were dropping out. However, they were well aware that a lot more than that had gotten out.

Again, I am just trying to say that we KNOW their numbers were not accurate when it came to how many got out. Based on that knowledge, I personally would not trust any number they might proffer with regards to how many joined. How could they possibly know? Any statement concerning the number of men who have joined, when coming from the UPC, would be a matter of either conjecture or hearsay. If they HEARD that "only 72" have joined, and they repeat that, they wouldn't technically be "misconstruing facts." However, one would have to question the motive behind spreading such a story. It could ONLY be to "downplay" what has happened as a result of the vote in Tampa.

I hope that clarifies my statement sufficiently. If not, I don't know what more to say.
"Bitter, party of one, your table is ready!"
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G View Post
"Bitter, party of one, your table is ready!"
This is exactly why I (and others) don't post on AFF much anymore. The statement of facts does NOT indicate bitterness. God knows my heart. If bitterness is there, I pray God takes it out. I certainly don't think it's the case.

Of course, this is an age-old method of ignoring the facts. Rather than dealing with the message, just attack the messenger. Whether I'm bitter or not does not change the facts that I have presented.

I have nothing about which to be bitter. I chose to get out of the UPC. I have not joined the WPF. However, I have close personal friends who are involved in it (including some of the founders). If standing up for your friends is a sign of bitterness, then I guess I am guilty as charged.
"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and
any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."
Winston Churchill
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:28 PM
embonpoint embonpoint is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post

Good to see you posting. Sounds like by your information tha they should be right at about 230+ members. Sounds to me like WWPF is trending toward a 300-500 membership which is about where it was predicted by many.

I could be wrong (as Elder Epley and my wife claim I have been many times before) but I think if there was going to be a mass exodus from the UPC to the WWPF it would have already happened enmasse.

Having said that there is no doubt that 300-500 members, if that is what it turns out to be, is a significant number and certainly enough for them to be successful.

Hey CC1 are you gonna go to AMC this year to hear KP preach?
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:30 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Kansas Preacher View Post
This is exactly why I (and others) don't post on AFF much anymore. The statement of facts does NOT indicate bitterness. God knows my heart. If bitterness is there, I pray God takes it out. I certainly don't think it's the case.

Of course, this is an age-old method of ignoring the facts. Rather than dealing with the message, just attack the messenger. Whether I'm bitter or not does not change the facts that I have presented.

I have nothing about which to be bitter. I chose to get out of the UPC. I have not joined the WPF. However, I have close personal friends who are involved in it (including some of the founders). If standing up for your friends is a sign of bitterness, then I guess I am guilty as charged.
Well I was trying to lighten this stuff up a little, but since you didn't take it that way, I will say this... I don't post much on here anymore either, and though I haven't read a whole lot of your post, but the ones I have read were all about you disputing the UPC's statements that were given... Saying you were on the board and know how it all works so you know what you are talking about... But you are not on the board anymore and some of us know a little about that... Now no longer UPC... Personally it doesn't matter to me, but I have a few friends on that board that you seem to question as a whole. Just seems like you get into "attack mode" when the UPC comes out with statements because of what you used to know... If I am wrong, then I am sorry... But I take up for my friends too...
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:34 PM
NW Pastor NW Pastor is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G View Post
Well I was trying to lighten this stuff up a little, but since you didn't take it that way, I will say this... I don't post much on here anymore either, and though I haven't read a whole lot of your post, but the ones I have read were all about you disputing the UPC's statements that were given... Saying you were on the board and know how it all works so you know what you are talking about... But you are not on the board anymore and some of us know a little about that... Now no longer UPC... Personally it doesn't matter to me, but I have a few friends on that board that you seem to question as a whole. Just seems like you get into "attack mode" when the UPC comes out with statements because of what you used to know... If I am wrong, then I am sorry... But I take up for my friends too...
I could be wrong, but a charge of bitterness seldom "lightens things up." At least not in my world.
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:39 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor View Post
I could be wrong, but a charge of bitterness seldom "lightens things up." At least not in my world.
You must just be bitter.

It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that.
G. H. Hardy

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Old 02-20-2008, 05:39 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor View Post
I could be wrong, but a charge of bitterness seldom "lightens things up." At least not in my world.
That is an old saying that I have heard for years used when people tend to get a little passionate against something... to kind of lighten stuff up... If it didn't in your world, then I apologize, I guess I should have kept it in my world...
Always put off 'till tomorrow what you should not do at all.
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:41 PM
NW Pastor NW Pastor is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor G View Post
That is an old saying that I have heard for years used when people tend to get a little passionate against something... to kind of lighten stuff up... If it didn't in your world, then I apologize, I guess I should have kept it in my world...
Wow! What a world!
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:55 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by NW Pastor View Post
Wow! What a world!
My world is wonderful... Thanks for noticing...
Always put off 'till tomorrow what you should not do at all.
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Old 02-20-2008, 08:03 PM
Jehoram Jehoram is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Kansas Preacher View Post
I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am simply stating the facts. The letters said only 16 had gotten out, when I knew for a fact that was not the case. Did they lie? I don't think so. I think they were counting the number of men who wrote a letter specifically stating why they were dropping out. However, they were well aware that a lot more than that had gotten out.

Again, I am just trying to say that we KNOW their numbers were not accurate when it came to how many got out. Based on that knowledge, I personally would not trust any number they might proffer with regards to how many joined. How could they possibly know? Any statement concerning the number of men who have joined, when coming from the UPC, would be a matter of either conjecture or hearsay. If they HEARD that "only 72" have joined, and they repeat that, they wouldn't technically be "misconstruing facts." However, one would have to question the motive behind spreading such a story. It could ONLY be to "downplay" what has happened as a result of the vote in Tampa.

I hope that clarifies my statement sufficiently. If not, I don't know what more to say.
I believe you are a gentlemen and, as such, entirely too kind regarding this situation.

I am much more liberal than your average bear, but I can guarantee you that the boys at good ole HQ knew how many had left.

They just chose to spin information in their favor.

Is that lying?
I am not who I was.

I will not be what I am.
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