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Old 02-28-2017, 07:25 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
Bro. Don't go making excuses for him. He was wrong, and it was just his gut feeling, based on his view of things "endtime," that he confused with God. It was a gut thing, not a God thing.

Do you know, back when he made that prophecy, I, on this board, made a counter prophecy. I prophecied the election would occur and on time. I am serious. I really did.
I'm not saying his right. Jeesh. You guys are really hard to communicate with. Let me try to explain again...

I'm not saying that this guy was right. I'm only saying that before judging a prophecy and marking a man or woman as a false prophet (a serious accusation) take the time to see if the prophecy was fulfilled in a manner that even the prophet might not be aware of.

Remember, the prophet is a human being, and is therefore a human filter. Sometimes a prophet can fail to properly explain the impressions, words, or visions he or she is receiving. For example, when I saw a vision of a woman petting animals, I thought it was a petting zoo. Why? Well, I'm a city boy. I had also taken my kids to a petting zoo a couple months prior. So, it was the first thing that came to mind. As it turns out, it was a farm that belonged to her dad. Was the vision wrong? No. However, my limitations caused me to mislabel the vision.
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Old 02-28-2017, 07:44 AM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Not wanting to debate those issues. However, I'd like to add that on top of those concerns, Trump had the illegal aid of the Russian government. That isn't Constitutional. Therefore, it wasn't an election by Constitutional standards.
No he didn't. Even if you believe the DNC hack was done by the Russians (and I'm not convinced it was them), all it did was reveal the deception and lies by the DNC. There was no hacking of our election system. Trump beat Hillary because he won the majority of states' Electoral College votes.
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 02-28-2017, 07:52 AM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Not wanting to debate those issues. However, I'd like to add that on top of those concerns, Trump had the illegal aid of the Russian government. That isn't Constitutional. Therefore, it wasn't an election by Constitutional standards.
1.) Present your proof the Russians did anything to affect the outcome of the election, because the democrats are looking very hard to find something...anything to support their accusation. You could be the Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame for providing the proof.

2.) What was unconstitutional about it?

3.) None of which is relevant to the prophecy...oops, my bad, misunderstood prophecy.
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Old 02-28-2017, 08:02 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Interpretation: Sometimes we just don't see things the way Aquila sees them.

I would then tell you that your talking point has nothing to do with our discussion. Which concerns a jackleg jellybean tooting his own horn on how spiritual he thinks he is. How he has God personally telling him secrets concerning everyone else. How he knows things that we don't. Sad, but what is sadder is that you are now a Quaker, who is trying to defend Mandrake the Magician.
Brother, don't be so bitter and hateful. Why are you going personal?

First, I'm only saying take time to look at a prophecy from many angles before cynically condemning a man as a false prophet. I'm not saying that this man is a false prophet or that he isn't. Frankly, I don't know the guy from Adam and I never even heard the prophecy. I'm only reminding us to approach a prophecy slowly and with an open mind. Sometimes a prophecy is indeed fulfilled in a manner we'd never expect.

Second, I'm not a Quaker. Quakers don't believe in water baptism or the Lord's Supper. I'm Apostolic. That means that I'm Oneness and I believe in Acts 2:38 as being the Apostolic message. The only things that I gleaned from the Quakers was the realizing of how silent worship can calm the soul. That was important to me seeing that the "bang clang" of most Pentecostal churches often triggered my PTSD. I also gleaned a peaceful way to manage small groups. Lastly, I gleaned the importance of remembering that the government is quite separate from the kingdom. None of those things make me a Quaker.

Thirdly, the fact that you'd stoop so low as to personally attack me over a general point I made (that may not even apply to the individual who made these prophecies) only illustrates WHY men of balance have to caution us from rushing to judgment.

I'll pray for you.
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Old 02-28-2017, 08:25 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Jito463 View Post
No he didn't. Even if you believe the DNC hack was done by the Russians (and I'm not convinced it was them), all it did was reveal the deception and lies by the DNC. There was no hacking of our election system. Trump beat Hillary because he won the majority of states' Electoral College votes.
Jito, yes he did.

Within the next four years, you're going to discover that the Russians contributed money to Trump. You're going to discover that they illegally hacked both the DNC and the RNC. You're going to discover that they made deals with the Trump campaign long before the election to secure their interests. Your going to discover that the Russians monitored communication within the Hillary campaign regarding their political strategy and with this information they helped the Trump campaign chart a course to victory by allowing them focus upon on where to focus their message to establish electoral victory (the Trump campaign knew they wouldn't get the popular vote). You're going to discover that Congressional Republicans were made aware of Russian involvement well before hand, and that they did nothing. You're going to discover that there has even been a rather robust effort within the Republican Party to cover this up. You're going to discover that Britain's MI6 was also privy to Russia's clandestine involvement with the US election. You're going to discover that a number of people have been killed in Russia by the Kremlin to eliminate leaks concerning Russia's involvement in our election. You'll discover that the Russian hackers released information on what emails and information they could gain via their proxy in a manner that was timed to bring Hillary down in the polls and attack her when her popularity was rising. You'll discover that the release of this information triggered a response within the FBI that caused the FBI to do the Kremlin's dirty work by giving Hillary damaging press just before the election. And... you'll discover that with the damaging discovery that the FBI was now investigating various emails.... nothing was actually found that could indict Hillary for a crime.

What's sad is that Russia's involvement is in essence an act of cyber war. But nobody wants to stand up to them. In our system, illegally gained evidence or information isn't even admissible in court and has traditionally be dismissed. Even if the Russians hacked her server and discovered something serious enough to warrant locking Hillary up immediately, it wouldn't stand in a court of law.

Let's say that the Russians hacked Trump's campaign and revealed that he was a pervert. Would that effect people's vote? Sure it would. However, the information was gained illegally. And if the acquisition and release of said information was done in collusion with political opposition to bring down Trump the long arm of justice needs to prevail, even if we benefitted from not electing the pervert.

Last edited by Aquila; 02-28-2017 at 08:28 AM.
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Old 02-28-2017, 09:54 AM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Jito, yes he did.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Within the next four years, you're going to discover that the Russians contributed money to Trump.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You're going to discover that they illegally hacked both the DNC and the RNC.
Evidence? And even if that's true, neither the DNC or the RNC are governmental bodies. They are political parties, yes, but they are not the government.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You're going to discover that they made deals with the Trump campaign long before the election to secure their interests.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Your going to discover that the Russians monitored communication within the Hillary campaign regarding their political strategy and with this information they helped the Trump campaign chart a course to victory by allowing them focus upon on where to focus their message to establish electoral victory (the Trump campaign knew they wouldn't get the popular vote).

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You're going to discover that Congressional Republicans were made aware of Russian involvement well before hand, and that they did nothing.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You're going to discover that there has even been a rather robust effort within the Republican Party to cover this up.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You're going to discover that Britain's MI6 was also privy to Russia's clandestine involvement with the US election.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You're going to discover that a number of people have been killed in Russia by the Kremlin to eliminate leaks concerning Russia's involvement in our election.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You'll discover that the Russian hackers released information on what emails and information they could gain via their proxy in a manner that was timed to bring Hillary down in the polls and attack her when her popularity was rising.
Evidence? And besides, Hillary never had any "popularity". Her speeches could barely draw a group to mingle, much less an actual crowd. It's no wonder she lost.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You'll discover that the release of this information triggered a response within the FBI that caused the FBI to do the Kremlin's dirty work by giving Hillary damaging press just before the election.
Evidence? And isn't it funny how Comey was such a hero to the left initially for declaring he wasn't going to recommend prosecution (after laying out every illegal thing she did), now he's a pariah.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
And... you'll discover that with the damaging discovery that the FBI was now investigating various emails.... nothing was actually found that could indict Hillary for a crime.
That's flat out wrong. Comey laid out every single thing that Hillary did wrong, and even said that if it were anyone else they would be prosecuted. He never said that they didn't find anything wrong, he said that he wasn't recommending prosecution. Point of fact, it's not up to the FBI whether someone gets prosecuted or not, it's up to the AG. Comey's recommendation (or lack thereof) has no bearing on whether the AG chooses to go forward.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What's sad is that Russia's involvement is in essence an act of cyber war. But nobody wants to stand up to them. In our system, illegally gained evidence or information isn't even admissible in court and has traditionally be dismissed. Even if the Russians hacked her server and discovered something serious enough to warrant locking Hillary up immediately, it wouldn't stand in a court of law.
And even if they did (which there is no evidence of), all that would prove is that Hillary did something illegal, by possessing a server with classified information on it, that she wasn't permitted to have.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Let's say that the Russians hacked Trump's campaign and revealed that he was a pervert. Would that effect people's vote? Sure it would. However, the information was gained illegally. And if the acquisition and release of said information was done in collusion with political opposition to bring down Trump the long arm of justice needs to prevail, even if we benefitted from not electing the pervert.
And yet again, you have no evidence of it. I'm sensing a recurring trend here. I don't even like the guy, and I can still see how partisan this all is. I switched my affiliation from Republican (for 21 years) to independent after Trump got the nomination, and I can still see how partisan and ridiculous this all is.

So I ask you again, evidence?
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 02-28-2017, 02:52 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Brother, don't be so bitter and hateful. Why are you going personal?
Jesus called the religious Talmudic false prophets of his day serpents, vipers, and hypocrites. The Apostle Paul called them messengers of Satan, and thorns in the side. Myself, I believe I was being way more mild with you than the jackleg Arcovio.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
First, I'm only saying take time to look at a prophecy from many angles before cynically condemning a man as a false prophet.
Actually, what you are saying is that you are trying your best to cram a square peg into a round hole. Everyone who are honest with themselves are viewing it for just what it is, a blunder. We are all fine with that, and would be even more pleased if said ofender made things right by straightening it all out and apologizing. Not banning people from his face book page and erasing their comments as he did to one poster who posted here. Jesus and Paul would of taken the man to task. With far more glowing words.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'm not saying that this man is a false prophet or that he isn't.
You are being vanilla, you are being what this country has finally become. A group of wishy washy nicer than Jesus males. Who instead of nailing it down and protecting the walls of the city. They try to find common ground, and call it a noble thing. Trying to find the bright side of debauchery like Homosexuality doesn't win any prizes with God. Being a buddy to your homosexual friends may make you feel good, but that's where it ends. No message of the Truth of God's word in any relationship is just a secular relationship.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Frankly, I don't know the guy from Adam and I never even heard the prophecy.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'm only reminding us to approach a prophecy slowly and with an open mind. Sometimes a prophecy is indeed fulfilled in a manner we'd never expect.
Do you have any scriptures for this approach? Did you approach Harold Camping slowly? I didn't approach my loose lip brother slowly, because with his prophesy concerning Florida sinking came with commitments for people to leave jobs, leave homes, properties, loved ones behind. Seriously, you really need to think this all through. Every wind that blows? Ministers should sit idly by, while parking lot prophets spew mess all over the people of the church family? Seriously?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Second, I'm not a Quaker.
No funny hat or powdered wig? Hooray!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Quakers don't believe in water baptism or the Lord's Supper.
They don't believe in speaking in tongues either.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'm Apostolic. That means that I'm Oneness and I believe in Acts 2:38 as being the Apostolic message. The only things that I gleaned from the Quakers was the realizing of how silent worship can calm the soul.
That my friend is called bed time.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
That was important to me seeing that the "bang clang" of most Pentecostal churches often triggered my PTSD.
I have a woman in the church who was shot in the chest in a strong arm robbery. In our neck of the woods people who have survived shootings develop PTSD. Now with that being said this sister stood up in a service and told the congregation that she is fine. She testified of the power of Jesus Christ. So, my question to you is when are you going to be delivered?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I also gleaned a peaceful way to manage small groups.
Neem Karoli Baba?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Lastly, I gleaned the importance of remembering that the government is quite separate from the kingdom. None of those things make me a Quaker.
I know more Apostolics that believe that then Quakers. I guess Richard Nixon missed that part of Sunday school.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Thirdly, the fact that you'd stoop so low as to personally attack me over a general point I made (that may not even apply to the individual who made these prophecies) only illustrates WHY men of balance have to caution us from rushing to judgment.
Personally attacked? No, just pointing something out which went against the old "can't we all get along" mantra. But be of good cheer you have torrents of individuals who believe just like you. They make sure they justify all the false prophets who lead them. Why? Because they are swimming in sticky sweet messages of love, and silent lay me down to sleep prayers. Their Jesus has long blonde flowing hair, and a long white wispy robe. They work harder not to offend anyone. If anyone was sleeping while they house was on fire, they would yell a warning or sound a clear note to wake anyone. They would just wait until the person finally woke up. Sadly, that would be too little too late.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'll pray for you.
Does that make you feel better? Now that you ended your post with those four words? Does that prove you are good and I'm bad?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 02-28-2017, 03:02 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Good grief.
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Old 02-28-2017, 04:26 PM
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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jesus called the religious Talmudic false prophets of his day serpents, vipers, and hypocrites. The Apostle Paul called them messengers of Satan, and thorns in the side. Myself, I believe I was being way more mild with you than the jackleg Arcovio.

Actually, what you are saying is that you are trying your best to cram a square peg into a round hole. Everyone who are honest with themselves are viewing it for just what it is, a blunder. We are all fine with that, and would be even more pleased if said ofender made things right by straightening it all out and apologizing. Not banning people from his face book page and erasing their comments as he did to one poster who posted here. Jesus and Paul would of taken the man to task. With far more glowing words.

You are being vanilla, you are being what this country has finally become. A group of wishy washy nicer than Jesus males. Who instead of nailing it down and protecting the walls of the city. They try to find common ground, and call it a noble thing. Trying to find the bright side of debauchery like Homosexuality doesn't win any prizes with God. Being a buddy to your homosexual friends may make you feel good, but that's where it ends. No message of the Truth of God's word in any relationship is just a secular relationship.


Do you have any scriptures for this approach? Did you approach Harold Camping slowly? I didn't approach my loose lip brother slowly, because with his prophesy concerning Florida sinking came with commitments for people to leave jobs, leave homes, properties, loved ones behind. Seriously, you really need to think this all through. Every wind that blows? Ministers should sit idly by, while parking lot prophets spew mess all over the people of the church family? Seriously?

No funny hat or powdered wig? Hooray!

They don't believe in speaking in tongues either.

That my friend is called bed time.

I have a woman in the church who was shot in the chest in a strong arm robbery. In our neck of the woods people who have survived shootings develop PTSD. Now with that being said this sister stood up in a service and told the congregation that she is fine. She testified of the power of Jesus Christ. So, my question to you is when are you going to be delivered?

Neem Karoli Baba?

I know more Apostolics that believe that then Quakers. I guess Richard Nixon missed that part of Sunday school.

Personally attacked? No, just pointing something out which went against the old "can't we all get along" mantra. But be of good cheer you have torrents of individuals who believe just like you. They make sure they justify all the false prophets who lead them. Why? Because they are swimming in sticky sweet messages of love, and silent lay me down to sleep prayers. Their Jesus has long blonde flowing hair, and a long white wispy robe. They work harder not to offend anyone. If anyone was sleeping while they house was on fire, they would yell a warning or sound a clear note to wake anyone. They would just wait until the person finally woke up. Sadly, that would be too little too late.

Does that make you feel better? Now that you ended your post with those four words? Does that prove you are good and I'm bad?
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Old 02-28-2017, 04:37 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Prophetic word by Bro Arcovio "no election"

Note to the reader:

I'd like to say that I don't know the guy this thread is about. Nor have I even heard the prophecy that was allegedly given. I was only making a general comment about how a prophesy might indeed be fulfilled in a manner that we might not realize. The statement was not intended to defend or condemn any specific person or so called prophet. It was simply an admonishment to slow down and consider things, think them through. Don't heap condemnation on a prophecy as a "knee jerk" reaction. God has chosen to speak through a donkey. God has also chosen to speak through the false prophet Balaam. So be careful and look at things from many different angles before getting a bad spirit. Judaism proves that many of the prophecies of the OT were misinterpreted by their religious authorities. They were so misguided, they completely missed the fulfillment of those prophecies though they were being fulfilled right before their eyes. It was only a word of caution.

However, Evang Benincasa took opportunity not to ask what I meant, nor to ask me to clarify. But rather Evang Benincasa purposefully took me to task on my premise. Which isn't so bad in and of itself. A hearty and lively debate can be beneficial. However, peppered throughout his response were a number of personal jabs, misrepresentations, and personal insults. One insult was with regards to my PTSD. Something that has taken me years to understand and manage. Something that has led to a lot of regrets and painful memories. Something that even contributed to a failed marriage. As a vet, and as just a general decent human being, I find that repugnant and beyond the pale. Especially for a man who places, "Evang.", before his name. He represents why I don't trust conservatives and why I don't have any interest in attending a traditional church. Such brazen insensitivity and disrespect is something I've not encountered in the house churches I'm affiliated with. I thank God have found gatherings wherein I can often find a peace that doesn't have the triggers that I'm vulnerable to (loud banging, clanging, shouting).

Now, I am not going to place Benincasa on ignore just yet. Instead, I want to use this as an opportunity to share what having PTSD is like....
It has taken me years to understand my PTSD. Those of us who served and suffer from PTSD and understand it will be the first to tell you that... You THINK you know what this is all about, but you have no clue.

Do you know what it is like? Let me describe it...

You're hanging out with some friends from work with your family. You hear a firecracker and you startle. It's ever so slight. But... at that moment... the dominos begin to fall. Suddenly you feel "flushed" in the face. You're still hanging out with your friends and family, smiling and talking. But your face feels flushed. You take a deep breath and focus on the conversation. Suddenly you can feel your heart start to beat faster... you still nod along and carry on your conversation. Thoughts feel hurried, racing. You don't realize it, but your smile as left your face and you clearly don't look so good because your wife or your coworker asks, "Are you okay?" You smile and say, "Yes, I'm doing good!" You begin to feel very hurried, anxious, irritable. You feel like it's hard to focus on the conversation. It's like someone has grabbed the "marry-go-round" of your mind and has started spinning it at 100mph without your permission. You CAN'T control this. It's as uncontrollable as the clouds that darken the mid-day sun. You begin breaking into a cold sweat. You feel stuffy and like you can't breathe. You excuse yourself because you need quiet. No talking. No interaction. No noise. No light. No stimuli. You walk into the bathroom and turn off the lights. You look down, your hands are shaking. You stare at them like they belong to someone else. Why are they shaking? It was just a stupid firecracker. A STUPID FIRE CRACKER!!!! You begin to feel anxiety and rage. You want to SMASH THE MIRROR OVER THE SINK AND SCREAM. You begin to get intrusive thoughts. The electric bill is due... and you're short on cash. You want to grab your wife by the throat and shake her because she overspent at the mall. If she walked in on you right now, it would take every ounce of your will not to. And what about Sgt. Richards? How's his wife doing? You shake yourself, Sgt. Richards? Why am I thinking about Sgt. Richards??? HE'S GONE! And that dead beat pastor who played you for a fool... took years of your devotion and then trashed your chances at ministry. You'd like to get your hands on him too! What? Why are you even thinking about that guy??? You haven't been in his church for over 8 years. Are you crazy? You feel like you're crazy. You feel like you're loosing your mind. That mirror... you want to BREAK IT. Why? You don't even know why you want to do this. You breathe. Breathe in... breathe out. Breathe in... breathe out. If you don't control your breathing, it too will continue to race. It's like your body has a mind of it's own and is on a roller coaster. You remember your rapid eye movement therapy that helps to stimulate the brain in a manner that eases the nervous system. You sit down on the toilet. You close your eyes and breathe. You rhythmically move your eyes back and forth, from side to side. Intrusive thoughts come and you just let them go. You can't stop them. That day grandpa died and you performed CPR for 40 minutes, you lost him anyway. The day your mom died. Her funeral. Sgt. Richards. That pencil-necked pastor who said all of this is in your head and you just need to "decide to be whole". You sit there, thoughts racing in and out. 10 minutes... 15 minutes... 20 minutes. You realize that your thoughts have slowed down. Your breathing is less hurried. You don't feel so flushed. Blood pressure is stabilizing. Then out of the blue... you feel like crying. You just want to curl up and cry. You're fighting back the tears. Your wife knocks on the bathroom door. "Honey, it's been a half-hour, are you okay?" You reach out and hold her close. You quietly cry. She says, "Honey, what's wrong?" You answer, "I don't know. I think it was the firecracker." She holds you like a child as you quietly let it go on her shoulder. All those heightened emotions and intrusive thoughts... they are slowing down and melting into weeping. You're exhausted. She tells you that you should go lay down and get some rest. She states she'll tell your company that you just started feeling ill. You lay down and you pass out within seconds of hitting the pillow. You wake up five hours later, soaked with sweat and feeling like you didn't sleep a wink.

This might happen once or twice a week. Sometimes once or twice a day. Triggers can be firecrackers, raised voices and/or loud laughter, loud motorcycles, preachers shouting through booming speakers, the slam of a car door, someone's McDonald's cup standing in a parking spot, an unexpected telephone call. Sometimes it settles upon you after discussing bills or the little lady nagging you. Stress. Normal people process stress normally. Your brain sends your entire body, emotions, and memory into alarm. Like the anti-theft alarm on a car. You're flashing and honking... flashing and honking... like some machine gone crazy... and you can't stop. Flashing and honking... flashing and honking... like some crazy machine that won't stop.
Here is a rather informative video:

PTSD isn't something you can just deal with or "get over". It is very real trauma to the brain. And the pressure to just "be delivered" can reduce you to contemplating suicide.

If you know anyone who struggles with PTSD, take the time to understand it.

Last edited by Aquila; 02-28-2017 at 04:41 PM.


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