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Old 02-12-2016, 09:04 PM
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
Also tweeted that Cruz was a terrible Christian. Thats rich coming from Trump, who has claimed to be a Christian (Presbyterian), of whom the pastor of his "home church" said The Donald is not an active member, and said something like its been 20 years since he last came. In addition to Trumps potty mouth, constant vulgarity, constant insults, never apologizing, saying he doesn't need forgiveness (even from God) to say nothing of owning casinos, its serms a bit far fetched to call Cruz a phony.

He's despicable.

That said, I read a story tonight that said Cruz gave 1% of his 2012 (?) Income of $5 million to charity, and no donations to his church. Thats a concern for someone touting their faith.
The reports that he turned in aren't clear as to whether his tithing practice was included, and I don't think a person's charitable giving is anyone's business. I also don't believe a single church body needs more than $44,000 a year from a single patron. He has worked pro bono, and has also donated time to charitable and educational endeavors.

Other than that, you are spot on with Donald Trump Corleone.
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Old 02-12-2016, 09:45 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post

The reports that he turned in aren't clear as to whether his tithing practice was included, and I don't think a person's charitable giving is anyone's business. I also don't believe a single church body needs more than $44,000 a year from a single patron. He has worked pro bono, and has also donated time to charitable and educational endeavors.

Other than that, you are spot on with Donald Trump Corleone.
Oh PO, i definetely agree with you that no one is under obligation to give $44,000 a year to their church (remember my views on tithing). But the article (on Newsmax about GOP Candidates taxes) included a quote from Cruz which sounded like an omission that he gave nothing to his church. Check it out.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

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Old 02-13-2016, 10:25 AM
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
Oh PO, i definetely agree with you that no one is under obligation to give $44,000 a year to their church (remember my views on tithing). But the article (on Newsmax about GOP Candidates taxes) included a quote from Cruz which sounded like an omission that he gave nothing to his church. Check it out.
Cruz was responding to Hucksterbee's criticism on not giving his 10% tithe. He admitted that he hasn't always given enough. He didn't make up excuses, he owned it. That's what I like about Ted Cruz.

Anyway, the issue is showing us that you aren't cursed by not giving 10%.

Huck Hucksterbee came out of the closet showing what a petty, jealous man he really is. He thinks he is entitled to the Christian vote but Iowa wanted Cruz.

Ted Cruz has fought so much for our American freedom, if that is all he had done, it would be enough.

On another note, as this is a Donald Trump thread, I have joked quite a bit calling him Donald Trump Corleone. I didn't realize how true that statement really is.

This is some of the information that the Democrats will produce if he is able to clinch the nomination. They will bury him in his own dirt. The other possibility is that, because he is not a consistent conservative, they will sit on it as he is actually helping the Democrats. Trump meeting with Bill Clinton before he announced is suspect.


Trump swam in mob-infested waters in early years as an NYC developer

But there is `another aspect to his success that he doesn’t often discuss. Throughout his early career, Trump routinely gave large campaign contributions to politicians who held sway over his projects, and he worked with mob-controlled companies and unions to build them.
How Close Was Donald Trump To The Mob?
If Donald Trump wants to be a serious candidate for president, we deserve to know more about his business with mass murderers whose plunder of public and private funds added up to billions.
Donald Trump's companies sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers
A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire.
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Old 02-13-2016, 08:45 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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I want Cruz. I'd settle for Rubio. Could live with Jeb over the others. Donald is just a total jerk, he's completely immature, petty, and arrogant. I think its a mistake to ever put much moral faith in a politician, but Donald doesn't even try to pretend to be decent or mature. I can't stand him, and the more i see the worse he becomes to me. I can't see how he can possibly win the nomination, how could a majority support that guy?
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 02-13-2016, 10:40 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump 2016

Trump was, yet again, awful. He used 9/11 as political football, trying to score a point against George W. Bush, who isn't even running! Then he kept RUDELY interrupting the other candidates when it wasn't his turn to speak.
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Old 02-13-2016, 10:43 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump 2016

Trump flat out lied about being vocal against the 2003 Iraq War. And he's also completely flip-flopped about the WMDs.

Here's what Trump wrote in his book, "Consider Iraq. After each pounding from U.S . warplanes, Iraq has dusted itself off and gone right back to work developing a nuclear arsenal. Six years of tough talk and U.S. fireworks in Baghdad have done little to slow Iraq’s crash program to become a nuclear power. They’ve got missiles capable of flying nine hundred kilometers—more than enough to reach Tel Aviv. They’ve got enriched uranium. All they need is the material for nuclear fission to complete the job, and, according to the Rumsfeld report, we don’t even know for sure if they’ve laid their hands on that yet. That’s what our last aerial assault on Iraq in 1999 was about. Saddam Hussein wouldn’t let UN weapons inspectors examine certain sites where that material might be stored. The result when our bombing was over? We still don’t know what Iraq is up to or whether it has the material to build nuclear weapons. I’m no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don’t, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us."

And Trump waited a year to say anything about the Iraq War: "“I do not believe that we made the right decision going into Iraq, but, you know, hopefully, we’ll be getting out,” Trump said on “Larry King Live” in November 2004."
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Old 02-13-2016, 10:45 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump 2016

And did anyone else notice how orangish-red he looked tonight? He looked worse than John Boehner! His face was the same color as the curtain behind him.
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Old 02-14-2016, 03:23 AM
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Trump flat out lied about being vocal against the 2003 Iraq War. And he's also completely flip-flopped about the WMDs.

Here's what Trump wrote in his book, "Consider Iraq. After each pounding from U.S . warplanes, Iraq has dusted itself off and gone right back to work developing a nuclear arsenal. Six years of tough talk and U.S. fireworks in Baghdad have done little to slow Iraq’s crash program to become a nuclear power. They’ve got missiles capable of flying nine hundred kilometers—more than enough to reach Tel Aviv. They’ve got enriched uranium. All they need is the material for nuclear fission to complete the job, and, according to the Rumsfeld report, we don’t even know for sure if they’ve laid their hands on that yet. That’s what our last aerial assault on Iraq in 1999 was about. Saddam Hussein wouldn’t let UN weapons inspectors examine certain sites where that material might be stored. The result when our bombing was over? We still don’t know what Iraq is up to or whether it has the material to build nuclear weapons. I’m no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don’t, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us."

And Trump waited a year to say anything about the Iraq War: "“I do not believe that we made the right decision going into Iraq, but, you know, hopefully, we’ll be getting out,” Trump said on “Larry King Live” in November 2004."
2003 is a long time. Late or early 2003?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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Old 02-15-2016, 08:50 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I want Cruz. I'd settle for Rubio. Could live with Jeb over the others. Donald is just a total jerk, he's completely immature, petty, and arrogant. I think its a mistake to ever put much moral faith in a politician, but Donald doesn't even try to pretend to be decent or mature. I can't stand him, and the more i see the worse he becomes to me. I can't see how he can possibly win the nomination, how could a majority support that guy?
Donald is the BHO of this election cycle.
It remains to see if Republicans are smarter than Dems.
With that said, if he is the nominee I will vote for him.
And I am still not sure that I prefer Rubio, or any establishment candidate, to him.
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Old 02-15-2016, 11:29 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post

Donald is the BHO of this election cycle.
It remains to see if Republicans are smarter than Dems.
With that said, if he is the nominee I will vote for him.
And I am still not sure that I prefer Rubio, or any establishment candidate, to him.
I would have voted for him at one time, now he can forget it. At least with Hillary you know what you get (and itd be bad).. I think Donald would be WORSE than Hillary. Can you imagine his ego and when he goes on a power trip if he becomes the leader of the free world? I know its unpopular, but it would be an unprecedented disaster. He would be the American Putin and Republican Jimmy Carter all at once. I cant imagine a worse candidate than him...Id rather have Obama for a third term. And i cant stand Obama or Hillary and certainly not Bernie Sanders (the ONLY person i think could be worse than Trump or Hillary).

In regard to the others, Id vote for Rubio, i still like him, but itd be a half hearted vote. His continual knowlingly false attacks on Cruz really put me off. But hes still my #2. And though some will moan, I like Jeb as #3. I hate common core, but Id vote for Jeb and be glad I did if he were the nonomin. After that, i dont like Kasich, and Carson is an afterthought at this point, though overall he may have the highest moral character of any candidate.

I just hope its not Trump.
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