Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
That's a sign of a good pastor and good teaching ... some folks are so scared that others will "influence" them negatively .... it just might be that they are not stable or mature.
I agree! Tattoo's on someone shouldnt influence someone else to go out and get them especially in an apostolic setting. I do know some who do feel threatened by them yet I know many many who have them and to them they are nothing now more than a sign of what they have come out of ... My husband for one.. has his entire leg and arm and a few on his back.. all very satanic tats.. He was told by one pastor that he was to NEVER let them be seen by anyone or even to never let them know he had them..
Now he is not a person who goes around and brags about them. And I know of only once that he has shown them to anyone on purpose. That was a circumstance where he just knew it was the right time and right place... with a kid who was real deep into witchcraft. That kid went to the altar 2 hrs later and was delivered and filled with the holy ghost.. His words were if God can bring you out of that he can me too!
Sometimes people focus on the outside tooo too much.
Anyone who has been to BOTT in the last 4 yrs will know who I am talking about. We had a very dear friend.. there at the church..havent actually talked to him in a while now but anyone remember the man with the huge flame tattoo across his face? Bro Lou? That man has a testimony!!