Okay, Dora may shoot me for this one, BUT:
Scripture does
not clearly condemn polygamy. However, I don't agree scripture
supports it or, worse, recommends it. I simply think that it was allowed, in the same manner slavery was allowed, and laws were put into place to regulate the practice and keep it humane.
Polygamy is out of line with scriptural ideals in the same way that slavery is out of line with scriptural ideals. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if a slave-owner from another country and culture were converted to Christianity, even if he were a kind and fair owner, he should be encouraged to set his slaves free, in order to be in line with Christian principles.
Polygamy is confusing, it is chaos, it is not in the best interest of the children in the household, and God is not the author of confusion.
By the way, the ten virgins are not support for polygamy. They were bridesmaids who were supposed to light the way with their lamps for the groom and his groomsmen as he made his way to his bride's house. The virgins were not brides. They were unmarried women, and as such, they were virgins. I know. Novel idea.