Originally Posted by tstew
Everyone recognizes the the White House was greviously off in their estimate of the time, money, lives, and resources that it was going to take to "win" this war. My point is that people who understand the world and that part of the world were saying what I'm saying from the beginning.
Without a doubt we had enough troops to conquor but not enough to pacify. There were mistakes made no doubt.
But that is a far cry from the revisionist history Democrats are trying to bamboozle the American people with.
Every Western Intelligence bureau had come to the same conclusions our Government did. Not to mention that the Dems looking at the same intelligence estimates the President did supported going to war.
It was only when it became a difficult struggle and no WMD were found that all of a sudden the Dems started fingers at the Prez and acting like he knew the intelligence was wrong all along. Bull Hockey.
Do you really think he would have risked his Presidency on going to war on a lie that would immediately be found out? That is so illogical it is laughable but right donw the liberal Dems alley.
Liberals, Dems, believe that no matter how outragous something is you say that if you say it enough times people will begin to believe it. Sadly sometimes that is true.