I don't know if the question ever got answered on this thread, and I am not about to read through more than 20 pages to find out. Therefore, if my answer is redundant, so be it.
There were more than 200 who joined at the Tulsa meeting. They have had 1-2 more applications arriving every day.
It has been the M.O. of the officials of the UPC to downplay this at every turn. First, only 16 people got out. (I personally knew almost 30!) Now, only 72 have joined. Perhaps someone needs to take a refresher course in basic math.
Good to see you posting. Sounds like by your information tha they should be right at about 230+ members. Sounds to me like WWPF is trending toward a 300-500 membership which is about where it was predicted by many.
I could be wrong (as Elder Epley and my wife claim I have been many times before) but I think if there was going to be a mass exodus from the UPC to the WWPF it would have already happened enmasse.
Having said that there is no doubt that 300-500 members, if that is what it turns out to be, is a significant number and certainly enough for them to be successful.
What does that have to do with Acts 2:38 or ONE God? The lie purportrated by anti television movement is the message is compromised. Proof in pudding that isn't true. Women preachers is a separate issue from Acts 2:38
I agree Acts 2:38 and One God are what's important, I was just trying to point out that this was not the first time the G family left the UPCI. We were attending one of their churches, my father had a TV and I don't remember hearing it preached against. Although I wasn't even a teenager then.
I don't know if the question ever got answered on this thread, and I am not about to read through more than 20 pages to find out. Therefore, if my answer is redundant, so be it.
There were more than 200 who joined at the Tulsa meeting. They have had 1-2 more applications arriving every day.
It has been the M.O. of the officials of the UPC to downplay this at every turn. First, only 16 people got out. (I personally knew almost 30!) Now, only 72 have joined. Perhaps someone needs to take a refresher course in basic math.
Are you saying the UPC is purposefully misleading the public?
Speaking of "simple math", perhaps the difference in the numbers has to do with that the UPC is reporting the number that has withdrawn from the UPCI, NOT the number that has joined the WPF.
In case someone has forgotten, you do not have to withdraw from the UPC in order to join the WPF.
Ergo, the numbers may not match!
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Speaking of Y2K, we had a church in CA. where the pastor instructed all his members to buy guns to hunt and live off the land. He told them all to buy tents and survival gear. they were planning to flee to the woods and live up in the mountains.
his wife wrote a cook book on how to kill and cook wild game. one of her recipes was "Possumm stew". she even told how to marinate it to get the "wild taste out of it LOL
Hilarious! I remember I was back in the US in the run up to "Y2K" and was in a Kroger grocery store. THEY had a whole section of Y2K supplies. you know the dehydrated food and stuff at exorbitant prices. But I just about lost it when I saw the Y2K candles that were $5.00 each! And by that I mean for ONE single five inch long white wax stubby candle! Over in the candle aisle in the same store you could by a pack of TEN of the same stubby white five inchers for 99 cents! 'Course THEY probably wouldn't have worked because they weren't Y2K candles! I still crack up every time I think about it! thanks for reminding me about it!
(Sorry to keep posting these Emoticons, it must be the devil makin' me do it!)
THE Joe Conroy
Respectfully, I have a question for Kansas Preacher:
Today you say this: "(I personally knew almost 30!)" and this: "Now, only 72 have joined." (referring to words of the UPC.)
My question: Can you document where the UPC is saying that today?
I was simply referring to what has been stated on this thread. It was said that this is the number coming from the officials.
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
Speaking of "simple math", perhaps the difference in the numbers has to do with that the UPC is reporting the number that has withdrawn from the UPCI, NOT the number that has joined the WPF.
In case someone has forgotten, you do not have to withdraw from the UPC in order to join the WPF.
Ergo, the numbers may not match!
The "numbers" that are "not matching" have nothing to do with how many got out versus how many joined. The fact is, it WAS reported in numerous letters by officials that "only 16" had gotten out. I personally knew of around 30 at that time. This was BEFORE Tulsa, and BEFORE it was even POSSIBLE to join the WPF.
My point was simply that, if they can find a way to misconstrue the facts about how many got out, why should we accept at face value their assessment of how many joined?
Originally Posted by CC1
Good to see you posting. Sounds like by your information tha they should be right at about 230+ members. Sounds to me like WWPF is trending toward a 300-500 membership which is about where it was predicted by many.
I could be wrong (as Elder Epley and my wife claim I have been many times before) but I think if there was going to be a mass exodus from the UPC to the WWPF it would have already happened enmasse.
Having said that there is no doubt that 300-500 members, if that is what it turns out to be, is a significant number and certainly enough for them to be successful.
Thank you, CC1. I appreciate the fact that, although we disagree on much, I trust you to be honest in the way you deal with things. That means a LOT. Rather than being "agenda driven," you impress me as one who has no problem accepting facts that may not lead to the conclusions which you might prefer.
As for me posting, I honestly don't feel like I "fit" on AFF. That's not a slam, it's just an opinion. I keep my membership open because I feel the need to post from time to time in defense of my friends. Furthermore, on at least a couple of occasions, I myself have been the topic of discussion, and have had to post to "set the record straight." (Does anyone remember the thread that claimed that the "entire Kansas District was going to pull out?" I was District Superintendent at the time, and became quite the "party pooper" when I laid out the TRUTH.)
Thus, you probably won't be seeing a whole lot of me here. In fact, my OWN forum hasn't been seeing as much of me lately, and I DO feel like I fit there! I just haven't had the time to devote to forums and, when I do, I would prefer to discuss things rather than having to debate them OR feel like I or my friends are under attack. I think you understand.
"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and
any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."
Winston Churchill
Again, respectfully, Kansas Preacher, are you accusing UPC officials of misconstruing facts?
I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am simply stating the facts. The letters said only 16 had gotten out, when I knew for a fact that was not the case. Did they lie? I don't think so. I think they were counting the number of men who wrote a letter specifically stating why they were dropping out. However, they were well aware that a lot more than that had gotten out.
Again, I am just trying to say that we KNOW their numbers were not accurate when it came to how many got out. Based on that knowledge, I personally would not trust any number they might proffer with regards to how many joined. How could they possibly know? Any statement concerning the number of men who have joined, when coming from the UPC, would be a matter of either conjecture or hearsay. If they HEARD that "only 72" have joined, and they repeat that, they wouldn't technically be "misconstruing facts." However, one would have to question the motive behind spreading such a story. It could ONLY be to "downplay" what has happened as a result of the vote in Tampa.
I hope that clarifies my statement sufficiently. If not, I don't know what more to say.
"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and
any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."
Winston Churchill