His NAME is JEsus!
Originally Posted by JoeBandy
I believe that EB and SEAN are the same person, with a
personality disorder!!
EB and SEAN are the same person
Hm-mmm. Makes perfect sense from an psychoanalytical perspective.
a) There's no evidence that the [(personality(ies)] is at "his" keyboard at
the same time, even if he used two computers...!
b) Has anyone seen them together, or in the same time/place...?
Whenever a schizoid arrives in a mental institution with a, let's call it, the
Napoleonic personality, he is matched with another schizoid with a similar
condition. The theory is that eventually the stronger personality will "win
out", and will overpower the weaker personality. Thus, the stronger person
will remain the Napoleon, and the weaker will be cured.
Of course this is still a theory, albeit with positive results. There is just not
enough evidentiary evidence ("Napoleons") to actually prove or disprove this
theory. The good news is that there are more than enough inflated egos
within the "apostolic" community on which to concentrate our resources.
Brother Villa