••Yeah, you've already said that a couple of times.
I don't think there would be any fruit talking to a childish man like yourself. On top of it, having it taped while you curse me out.
••Thanks for the assumption.
You are unstable and your posts show that. You get more upset with every reply I make to you.
••I'm rather enjoying this. I haven't had this much fun since......let's see......the last time you were posting!
You are the product of emergent churches, and your leader "Erwin McManus'" teaching produces people like you? Erwin McManus mind sciences and touchy feely, group hug nonsense,
••I'm not "Emergent", neither is Erwin, and it sounds like you could use a hug.
produces individuals who don't believe doctrine is important, and since others tag you on that, you cannot havee a spirited dialog, but attack grammer, spelling, insinuate that the offending poster is looking to kick your tonsil out?
••Reminder to all....EB is the one who said I wouldn't say any of this to his face!
So, you want to call me? For what?
••Because you said I wouldn't say any of this to you. I will. I'll prove it. Give me your number and I'll call you, otherwise stop making these moronic statements that no one's tough enough to say any of this to you. So THE CHALLENGE is here.....Give me your number and I'll call you, and I'll say plenty!
Listen if you are ever in Fort Lauderdale or I'm ever in California,
••It's 3,000+ miles. My phone is right here next to me. Come on, Benny, man up. Back up your big talk. You called me a coward (hey, I should report that) and I'm calling you on it. Give me your number or I'm gonna have to assume that the coward is in Florida.
we will sit down in a public place and you can tape away. I still believe you would have a melt down and decide to flip the table over and try to claw my eyes out and hit me with your high heel.
••Beautiful, Benny.
With all that said, you need to seek help, your meds are no longer working for you.
Again, I'm pretty much finished with you here Hoss.
••Pretty much? How many times have you said that? I'm running out of fingers.
TBN is a mess.
••And on that, we agree. Remember....THE CHALLENGE
••Because you said I wouldn't say any of this to you. I will. I'll prove it. Give me your number and I'll call you, otherwise stop making these moronic statements that no one's tough enough to say any of this to you. So THE CHALLENGE is here.....Give me your number and I'll call you, and I'll say plenty!
••It's 3,000+ miles. My phone is right here next to me. Come on, Benny, man up. Back up your big talk. You called me a coward (hey, I should report that) and I'm calling you on it. Give me your number or I'm gonna have to assume that the coward is in Florida.
No, the coward lives in you, and last time I checked speaking to anyone via the telephone is not face to face.
You are becoming hysterical, and you must of broken way more than one nail, for all your whining. Remember, TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS are NOT face to face meetings and discussions. You're a nutcase, and talking to you on the phone would be nothing more than you trying to outspeak me.
Remember I gave the offer first for you to call me. Now I see you are as lost and useless as any cook I have met in the past. So, move on. Telephone is a face to face meeting?
Yet, I must forgive this mistake on your part due to your already glowing ignorance.
Also, Erwin is emergent.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
No, the coward lives in you, and last time I checked speaking to anyone via the telephone is not face to face.
You are becoming hysterical, and you must of broken way more than one nail, for all your whining. Remember, TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS are NOT face to face meetings and discussions. You're a nutcase, and talking to you on the phone would be nothing more than you trying to outspeak me.
Remember I gave the offer first for you to call me. Now I see you are as lost and useless as any cook I have met in the past. So, move on. Telephone is a face to face meeting?
Yet, I must forgive this mistake on your part due to your already glowing ignorance.
Also, Erwin is emergent.
You done again yet?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
No, the coward lives in you, and last time I checked speaking to anyone via the telephone is not face to face.
You are becoming hysterical, and you must of broken way more than one nail, for all your whining. Remember, TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS are NOT face to face meetings and discussions. You're a nutcase, and talking to you on the phone would be nothing more than you trying to outspeak me.
Remember I gave the offer first for you to call me. Now I see you are as lost and useless as any cook I have met in the past. So, move on. Telephone is a face to face meeting?
Yet, I must forgive this mistake on your part due to your already glowing ignorance.
Also, Erwin is emergent.
You suggested the phone first????? When? If it was your idea first, how come you won't give me your number?
The phone is as good as we can do. There's not a chance in this world I'm ever gonna be in Fort BennyDale and I don't think California is on your speaking schedule. So the phone is as close as we can come.
So here's the deal.....you said I wouldn't say this stuff to you (I don't know why....I haven't really said anything that's aggressive at all), and I'm saying I will. So remember, everyone, THE CHALLENGE....So far, Benny won't give me his number. Evidently, it was just all hot air.
Erwin is not "Emergent." Do you even know what emergent is?
Hey, bro, you just got back, how long were you banned for, what did you do. Long time, no see, or rather read!
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)