Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Of course the one that stumbles is responsible for himself. Yes, I agree! We are all accountable individually for our choices and actions.
What I have been getting, from the conversation here, is that the one that helped his brother to sin is absolved by the brother that actually performed the sinned. Or that it is NOT possible to help or cause your weak partner or brother/sister to fail and fall. That, IMO, contradicts the scriptures that I have put forth.
What I have been saying all along is that BOTH have sinned. If we all agree on that, then we have no argument.
That is where the disagreement is. One may have human flaws but human flaws are not sin. No, just because one spouse commits adultery does NOT mean the other also must have sinned to "make him do it".
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati
Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace*
Yes, that's what he's saying. Most ultra-cons don't believe in remarriage under any circumstances.
Thought so. Haven't read all the posts here, and I'm sure this has been mentioned, but: wouldn't Jesus's allowance for divorce due to unfaithfulness strongly imply releasing of former spouse B's commitment? The marriage is over! (Not saying this is your position, but, hey, you answered for SE, so there ya go. )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati
Originally Posted by Timmy
Thought so. Haven't read all the posts here, and I'm sure this has been mentioned, but: wouldn't Jesus's allowance for divorce due to unfaithfulness strongly imply releasing of former spouse B's commitment? The marriage is over! (Not saying this is your position, but, hey, you answered for SE, so there ya go. )
I don't think they believe Jesus allows for divorce. I always heard that 'save for the case of fornication' applied to the betrothal period.
Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Are you saying "NOPE" because you don't think either party is allowed to remarry? Or, "NOPE" because you don't think anyone is innocent when a marriage breaks up? Or both?
I'm not keen on the idea of remarriage. I think it was allowed in the OT, but it seems to be discouraged in the NT. However, I don't think divorce itself is a sin, and I don't believe the idea that those who do remarry are living in perpetual adultery.
When there are serious marital problems, separation with reconciliation in mind seems to be most in line with Christian values.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati
Originally Posted by ILG
That is where the disagreement is. One may have human flaws but human flaws are not sin. No, just because one spouse commits adultery does NOT mean the other also must have sinned to "make him do it".
Who in the world brought in the idea of human flaws? I don't believe characteristic flaws are sin. They could possibly lead to sin if they are contrary to the Word of God and hinder your growth as a Christian.
If you have willingly and purposely defrauded your spouse opening him/her up to temptation, than you could and I believe would be sinning by that. If I knew that I was willingly and purposely pushing my husband away and opening his life to a fulfillment outside of what I could give him - I think I would have to say - No, I know I would say, I had a hand in his committing adultery. I know that I would have to repent over that.
He alone is accountable for his actions, BUT that does not mean that I am not accountable for my part. Both have done wrong to each other!
The Bibles speaks of not putting a stumblingblock or an occasion to sin in your brother's way.
I Cor 7 and the instructions to married and unmarried give basic instructions. Each couple will have to judge, in themselves and as a couple, what things in their lives and in their actions are contrary to these instructions.
There is no way, except in a general way, for me or anyone else to define what "defrauding" would entail. Each couple has their set of issues to work out. We leave that in their hands and their judgment. We know, generically, that withholding sex, on purpose, is defrauding. Anything else is up for speculation and best left to the privacy of each marriage.
Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Who in the world brought in the idea of human flaws? I don't believe characteristic flaws are sin. They could possibly lead to sin if they are contrary to the Word of God and hinder your growth as a Christian.
If you have willingly and purposely defrauded your spouse opening him/her up to temptation, than you could and I believe would be sinning by that. If I knew that I was willingly and purposely pushing my husband away and opening his life to a fulfillment outside of what I could give him - I think I would have to say - No, I know I would say, I had a hand in his committing adultery. I know that I would have to repent over that.
He alone is accountable for his actions, BUT that does not mean that I am not accountable for my part. Both have done wrong to each other!
The Bibles speaks of not putting a stumblingblock or an occasion to sin in your brother's way.
I Cor 7 and the instructions to married and unmarried give basic instructions. Each couple will have to judge, in themselves and as a couple, what things in their lives and in their actions are contrary to these instructions.
There is no way, except in a general way, for me or anyone else to define what "defrauding" would entail. Each couple has their set of issues to work out. We leave that in their hands and their judgment. We know, generically, that withholding sex, on purpose, is defrauding. Anything else is up for speculation and best left to the privacy of each marriage.
PO, I haven't been a part of the discussion but you say something of great importance right here!
Plus, there is a lot we don't know about every situation, take for example a woman who came to the Lord in our Church quite a few years ago, she had 5 husbands in 5 different cities!!!